Miles to go …

February 9, 2010

TOTD #121: JDBC resource for MySQL and Oracle sample database in GlassFish v3

Filed under: glassfish, javaee — arungupta @ 5:49 am

This blog clearly explains how to configure the MySQL sample database (sakila) with GlassFish. Even though the instructions use a specific database but should work for other databases (such as Oracle, JavaDB, PostgreSQL, and others) as well. The second half of the blog provide specific syntax for the Oracle sample database.

  1. Download sakila sample database and unzip the archive.
  2. Install the database as described here – basically load and run "sakila-schema.sql" and "sakila-data.sql" extracted from the archive.
  3. Create a new MySQL user account using MySQL CLI Admin and assign the privileges

    1. Using "root" user (sudo mysql –user root)

      CREATE USER glassfish IDENTIFIED BY 'glassfish';
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'glassfish'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'glassfish';
    2. Using "glassfish" user (sudo mysql –user glassfish)

      source sakila-schema.sql;
      source sakila-data.sql;
  4. Download Connector/J, unzip and copy "mysql-connector-java-5.x.x-bin.jar" to "glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext" directory.
  5. Start GlassFish server as:

    asadmin start-domain
  6. Create a JDBC resource

    1. Create JDBC connection pool as:

      asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource --restype javax.sql.DataSource --property "User=glassfish:Password=glassfish:URL=jdbc\:mysql\://localhost/sakila" jdbc/sakilaPool
    2. Test the JDBC connection pool as:

      asadmin ping-connection-pool jdbc/sakilaPool
    3. Create the JDBC resource as:

      asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid jdbc/sakilaPool jdbc/sakila

That’s it!

Creating a JDBC resource for any other database requires the following updates to the steps mentioned above. Lets consider modifying these steps for the Oracle sample database.

  1. Use the client interface SQL*PLus and connect as:

    sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

    create user and grant the privileges as:

    CREATE USER glassfish IDENTIFIED BY glassfish DEFAULT tablespace users TEMPORARY tablespace temp;
    GRANT CONNECT TO glassfish IDENTIFIED BY glassfish;
    GRANT CREATE TABLE TO glassfish;
  2. Copy the appropriate JDBC driver (ojdbc6.jar).
  3. Create the JDBC resource as:

    asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource --restype javax.sql.DataSource --property "User=hr:Password=hr:URL=jdbc\:oracle\:thin\:@localhost\:1521\:orcl" jdbc/hr
    asadmin ping-connection-pool jdbc/hr
    asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid jdbc/hr jdbc/hr

    as explained in TOTD #108.

Here are a few other related entries:

  • RESTful representation of sakila using NetBeans and GlassFish

  • JPA + Servlet 3.0 Application using Sakila in Eclipse

  • JSF + JPA + EJB Application using Oracle, NetBeans, and GlassFish

Technorati: totd javaee glassfish v3 jpa mysql sakila oracle

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Related posts:
  1. TOTD #9: Using JDBC connection pool/JNDI name from GlassFish in Rails Application
  2. TOTD #44: JDBC Connection Pooling for Rails on GlassFish v3
  3. TOTD #112: Exposing Oracle database tables as RESTful entities using JAX-RS, GlassFish, and NetBeans
  4. TOTD #107: Connect to Oracle database using NetBeans
  5. TOTD #108: Java EE 6 web application (JSF 2.0 + JPA 2.0 + EJB 3.1) using Oracle, NetBeans, and GlassFish

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