Monthly Archives: March 2014

Paul Bakker: OSGi at DevNation 2014

Paul Bakker (@pbakker), Software Engineer at Luminis Technologies will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

OSGi by Example (Room 220)
Tuesday 4/15 @ 4:50pm

Modularity is becoming more relevant each day. It’s key to maintainable code, and it’s the ultimate agile tool. OSGi is the only mature modularity solution available. In this talk you’ll see OSGi development in action.

OSGi is known for being complex and hard to use. This is far from true with today’s tools and frameworks. In this session you’ll see an OSGi application being built from scratch and learn about package imports and exports, dynamic services, dependency injection, and integration with JAX-RS and MongoDB. It’s a session for both new and experienced OSGi developers.

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. Modularity is key to maintainable code. A modular code base is easier to maintain and adapt to new situations. This makes modularity the ultimate agile tool.
  2. Modularity doesn’t have to be difficult, all the tools are here!
  3. Modularity is all about Micro Services, it’s not just fancy class loading.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

I’m excited about speaking at DevNation because It’s a brand new conference with a very impressive speaker line up. Topics are diverse and cover subjects that go beyond the usual. I’m expecting this will be a conference where there’s not just a lot to learn, but also a conference that will inspire new ideas.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

How Facebook does open source at scale: At Luminis Technologies we are actively participating in several open source projects (e.g. Amdatu, Apache Felix, Apache ACE, Bndtools…) and it’s a significant part of the work we do. We strongly believe that working in a larger community has many benefits, but of course it also comes with challenges. I’m very interested to see how a huge company like Facebook manages to do this at a large scale.

Continuous delivery through continuous questioning – Joel Tosi (Room 212): Continuous delivery is something I’m pushing for at my own team. There are many advantages to gain, but it’s far from trivial to get to a point where this is actually possible. Not so much on the technical side, but more so on how to actually communicate this with users and make sure that you’re actually improving their experience. I’m interested to see how other team are dealing with this, and I’m certainly hoping for some discussion during or after this session.

Besides these specific talks I’m hoping to see more from Docker (there are several sessions on this), which seems to be an interesting way to deal with deployments.

Finally I’m looking forward to see Lincoln Baxter showing Forge 2. I used to be an active contributor to the project in the past, and I’m excited to see what has happened in the past year.

Do you want to learn more about OSGi from a real practitioner ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends on Mar 14.

iPaaS Developer Preview: JBoss Fuse in OpenShift

An earlier blog explained Red Hat JBoss xPaaS as set of services for OpenShift that deliver Red Hat JBoss Middleware products in the cloud as services running on OpenShift. These services include mobile PaaS (mPaaS), integration PaaS (iPaaS), and BPM PaaS (bpmPaaS).

The first JBoss xPaaS service was mobile push notifications and was made available as a developer preview at More on this in a later blog.

Recently we announced developer preview of another key component – iPaaS.

iPaaS enables integration of multiple applications, components, services, and data sources using messaging technologies including service buses and message brokers. This is powered by Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.1 which combines core Enterprise Service Bus capabilities (based on Apache Camel, Apache CXF, Apache ActiveMQ), Apache Karaf and Fuse Fabric in a single integrated distribution.

All details are available at JBoss Fuse cartridge page.

With iPaaS, getting the JBoss Fuse messaging and integration capabilities deployed onto OpenShift is as easy as clicking here. It only a couple of minutes for the service to be provisioned in OpenShift. Here are some screenshots from the console:





Now I need to build a more meaningful app with this :)

Here are some other relevant links:

  • Getting Started guide
  • FAQ
  • Integration with JBoss Tools

Applications may be running on a common cloud platform, running on different cloud platforms (cloud-to-cloud), running in traditional on-premise configurations, or distributed across both cloud and on-premise platforms. In either case, they get the benefits of integration in the cloud—elastic scaling, self service, availability, ease of use, and cost effectiveness.

Feedback, requests, or contributions on JBoss Fuse cartridge at

Documentation on JBoss Fuse is at

Meet Mike Milinkovich: Speaker at DevNation 2014

Mike Milinkovich (@mmilinkov), Executive Director of Eclipse Foundation will be speaking at DevNation.

Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

Browser-Based Development and the Internet of Things (Room 212)
Tuesday 4/15 @ 3:40pm

The Internet of Things is coming, and open source developer tools and frameworks are starting to take shape to support it. At Eclipse there is a vibrant community working on the protocols, runtimes, frameworks and tools for building IoT applications in languages such as Lua, JavaScript and Java. In this talk, I will be discussing some of these projects such as Paho (MQTT client), Mosquitto (MQTT broker), Kura (Java+OSGi device gateway framework), Mihini (Lua device gateway framework), and others. In addition, I will be using the Orion web-based development tool to demonstrate how you can use your browser to develop IoT applications right on your favorite open hardware device, whether it be a Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, or Arduino.

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. Open wins, and open technologies are going to win in the Internet of Things. The Eclipse Foundation is working hard to help make that happen.
  2. There is a very active community at the Eclipse Foundation building IoT technologies. And I do not mean Eclipse tools in the traditional sense. There are projects building IoT protocols, runtimes and frameworks in Lua, JavaScript and Java at the Eclipse community.
  3. These technologies are an enormous amount of fun. I am doing this talk largely because playing with these Eclipse IoT technologies on open hardware platforms has turned into a hobby and personal passion of mine.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

Looks like an excellent line up of speakers, and it is great to see Red Hat get behind a pure developer conference for its community.

Do you want to learn more about Eclipse foundation is shaping up Internet of Things ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends on Mar 14.

xPaaS: Making PaaS Enterprise Ready

Red Hat announced xPaaS last year as a rich set of middleware services for building highly complex and sophisticated applications, all working seamlessly together. This is beyond the current state of PaaS where mostly an application container is provided as a service, aka aPaaS (Application Platform as a Service) or ePaas (Enterprise Platform as a a Service). Red Hat envisions xPaaS incorporating integration software to create iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service), process management and rules management software as bpmPaaS (Business Process Modeling Platform as a Service), mobile capabilities as mPaaS (Mobile Platform as a Service) and MBaas (Mobile Backend as a Service) – all in one unified environment.


Red Hat is very well positioned to deliver xPaaS as it can easily leverage the rich portfolio of Red Hat JBoss Middleware and offer these capabilities as services within our public PaaS offering, OpenShift Online, and our private PaaS offering, OpenShift Enterprise. All of these xPaaS services, including aPaaS with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, iPaaS with JBoss Fuse, bpmPaaS with JBoss BPM technologies and JBoss BRMS, and mobile services with AeroGear, will be provided under a single PaaS environment. Enterprises will not be forced to go to many different PaaS environments in order to obtain what is necessary to build a true, n-tiered enterprise application.

Listen to an overview of xPaaS in this brief video:

xPaaS – making PaaS enterprise ready! Learn all about xPaaS at

If you are interested in learning more details, DevNation has some great sessions that provide all the details. Here are particular ones that would be interesting:

  • Integration PaaS: Continuous Integration with Fabric8 and OpenShift by Rob Davies and James Strachan (Sunday, 4/13, 1pm)
  • Intro to Fabric8 by Ioannis Canellos and James Strachan (Sunday, 4/13, 1:50pm)

Sign up for today!


FREE Minecraft Server Hosting on OpenShift (Tech Tip #15)


Are you looking for free Minecraft server hosting and invite your friends to join the party ?

If yes, then read on!

First some context …


Bukkit is a free, open source project that provides the API and runtime to extend Minecraft. It is one of the most popular ways to write Minecraft mods. Bukkit uses a more general terminology of “plugin” but essentially they are mods in Minecraft context. Developers write plugins using Bukkit API.

CraftBukkit is a mod for the Minecraft server that implements Bukkit API. Developers can download CraftBukkit JAR for a particular version of Minecraft and use it to run a Minecraft server. This allows plugins, or mods in Minecraft parlance, written using Bukkit API to be installed in the CraftBukkit server.

Tech Tip #7 introduced OpenShift – Red Hat’s PaaS platform.


This tip will show how to host a CraftBukkit server on public PaaS (sign up for free) version of OpenShift.

  1. Install OpenShift client tools. For simplicity, Mac commands are given below:

    Note, you need to use MRI Ruby, not JRuby. Install RVM to manage different versions of Ruby on your machine. For example, install Ruby 2.1.0 as:

    And set the default Ruby version using:
  2. Create OpenShift DIY application as:

    This command uses an OpenShift QuickStart, created by John Yeary, to create an OpenShift application. CraftBukkit JAR is downloaded and Minecraft server is started using it by the time application is ready.

    Note, a free account gives 3 small gears where each gear is 512 MB RAM and 1GB of disk space. Minecraft wiki recommends 512 MB of RAM and 2GB of disk space for 6-10 players.

  3. As mentioned in Steven Citron-Pousty’s blog:At this time, OpenShift is primarily a HTTP server platform – we proxy HTTP calls but no other protocols. In addition, we only expose ports 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), and 22 (SSH) to the outside world from your gear. While we can start up Minecraft Server on any port we want (and tell the client to listen on that port), the Minecraft server and client do not talk HTTP so we can not proxy the calls. To get this to work we are going to have to SSH port-forward either from your laptop to the server or vice versa (both configurations are supported on OpenShift).So lets forward a port from our local machine to the Minecraft server port on OpenShift using the following command:

    This should show an output something similar to as shown:

    And now you are ready to connect your Minecraft client.

  4. Login to OpenShift using the command:

    Change the directory to view Miencraft logs as:

    Read through server.log file in that directory to check the Minecraft server version. Its 1.7.2 as of this writing and shows a message like:

    Now run Minecraft launcher and select the matching version as explained in this video. Click on Play to start the game.

    Now click on Multiplayer:


    Click on Add Server and specify the server details as:


    Click on Done. Select the recently added server and click on Join Server:


    And now you are playing a CraftBukkit server hosted on OpenShift.

  5. Set up the administrative player (or operator in Minecraft parlance) by following the instructions here.

Minecraft is a lot more fun when played with other friends. The instructions above allow you to host a server and be the operator. The following instructions are needed on each player who wants to join the same server:

  1. Install and setup RHC
  2. The following steps need to be done by the player hosting the server.
    • Each player’s public key (typically in .ssh directory and file named needs to be added to the domain hosting the server. This can be done at
    • Each player’s OpenShift account (email id) needs to be added to the domain hosting the server (for example:
  3. For Windows machines only: Download Putty (used for ssh shell verification) and PuttyGen (used for importing the id_rsa key so that it can be recognized by Putty). Import the id_rsa key using PuttyGen as explained here.
  4. Port forward using the following command:

And now the players can connect to the same server using the multiplayer setup instructions explained above!

Note that even though server requirements for Minecraft state that 6-10 players can join in 512 MB of RAM but practically speaking only 2 players could play in this much memory. More memory can always be added to your existing account by signing up for Silver Plan.


Happy minecrafting!

DevNation Banners and Blog Badges

Are you using and contributing to open source ?

Are you a polyglot developer and using any of the following languages ?

java-logo javascript-logo groovy-logoscala-logopython-logoceylon-logo

Or any other language ?

Are you using any of the following technologies ?

iot-logo hadoop-logo camel-logovertx-logo jquery-logoovirt-logo osgi-logomongodb-logo javaee-logo


or something else ?

Would you like to learn from speakers from the following companies ?

eclipse-logo twitter-logo facebook-logo square-logogoogle-logonetflix-logo redhat-logo

and many more …

Then you need to sign up for DevNation – an open source polyglot conference.

Dates: April 13-17, 2014
Venue: Moscone Center, San Francisco
Twitter: @DevNationConf
Hashtag: #DevNation
Register now!

There are also hands-on labs, hackathons, Internet-of-Things themed contests, and a lot more. You’ll also have the opportunity to interact with key speakers at Developer Lounge.

And if you are looking for a banner to advertise the conference on your blog and website then a complete set is available here. And some are included here:






Don’t miss out the opportunity and register now! Early bird ends on Mar 14.

Oracle Coherence Grid Edition 12.1.2 vs Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2

An earlier blog compared WebSphere Liberty Core 8.5.5 with Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2. Here is another excellent video comparing Oracle Coherence Grid Edition 12.1.2 with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2:

As earlier, the video is short and the summary is shown in a snapshot captured from the video:


Oracle Coherence Grid Edition is 16.7x the cost of JBoss Data Grid. Is there really any additional feature in Oracle Coherence Grid Edition that justifies that cost ?

JBoss Data Grid Cost Calculator allows you to compare the ongoing subscription cost of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid with upfront license and ongoing support and maintenance cost of Oracle WebLogic Coherence and IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

Download Red Hat JBoss Data Grid today!

Take the red pill!