Getting Started with Kubernetes 1.4 using Spring Boot and Couchbase

Kubernetes 1.4 was released earlier this week. Read the blog announcement and CHANGELOG. There are quite a few new features in this release but the key ones that I’m excited about are:

  • Install Kubernetes using kubeadm command. This is in addition to the usual mechanism of downloading from The kubeadm init and kubeadm join commands looks very similar to docker swarm init and docker swarm join for Docker Swarm Mode.
  • Federated Replica Sets
  • ScheduledJob allows to run batch jobs at regular intervals.
  • Constraining pods to a node and affinity and anti-affinity of pods
  • Priority scheduling of pods
  • Nice looking Kubernetes Dashboard (more on this later)

This blog will show:

  • Create a Kubernetes cluster using Amazon Web Services
  • Create a Couchbase service
  • Run a Spring Boot application that stores a JSON document in Couchbase

All the resource description files in this blog are at

Start Kubernetes Cluster

Download binary and extract

Include kubernetes/cluster in PATH

Start a 2-node Kubernetes cluster:

The log will be shown as:

This shows that the Kubernetes cluster has started successfully.

Deploy Couchbase Service

Create Couchbase service and replication controller:

The configuration file is at

This creates a Couchbase service and the backing replication controller. Name of the service is couchbase-service. This will be used later by the Spring Boot application to communicate with the database.

Check the status of pods:

Note, how the pod status changes from ContainerCreating to Running. The image is downloaded and started in the meanwhile.

Run Spring Boot Application

Run the application:

The configuration file is at In this service, COUCHBASE_URI environment variable value is set to couchbase-service. This is the service name created earlier.

Docker image used for this service is arungupta/bootiful-couchbase and is created using fabric8-maven-plugin as shown at Specifically, the command for the Docker image is:

This ensures that COUCHBASE_URI environment variable is overriding spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts property as defined in of the Spring Boot application.

Get the logs:

The main output statement to look in this is

This indicates that the JSON document is upserted (either inserted or updated) in the Couchbase database.

Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard is look more comprehensive and claimed to have 90% parity with the CLI. Use config view command to view the configuration information about the cluster. It looks like:

The clusters.cluster.server property value shows the location of Kubernetes master. The users property show two users that can be used to access the dashboard. Second one uses basic authentication and so copy the username and password property value. In our case, Dashboard UI is accessible at


All the Kubernetes resources can be easily seen in this fancy dashboard.

Shutdown Kubernetes Cluster

Finally, shutdown the Kubernetes cluster: provide more details about running Couchbase using different orchestration frameworks.

Further references:

  • Couchbase Forums or StackOverflow
  • Follow us at @couchbasedev or @couchbase
  • Read more about Couchbase Server


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One thought on “Getting Started with Kubernetes 1.4 using Spring Boot and Couchbase

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