Setup Local Nexus Repository and Deploying WAR File from Maven (Tech Tip #74)

Maven Central serves as the central repository manager where binary artifacts are uploaded by different teams/companies/individuals and shared with rest of the world. Much like github, and other source code repositories, which are very effective for source code control, these repository managers also act as a deployment destination for your own generated binary artifacts.

Setting up a local repository manager has several advantages. The primary ones are that they act as a highly configurable proxy between Maven central so that everybody does not have to download all the dependencies from the central repo. Another primary reason is to control your interim generated artifacts within your team. Reasons to Use a Repository Manager provide detailed explanation of a complete set of benefits.

This Tech Tip will show how to setup a local Nexus repository manager, and push artifacts to it – both snapshots and releases.

Lets get started!

Install and Configure Local Nexus Repository

  1. Download and unzip latest Nexus OSS. Default administrator’s login/password is admin/admin123. Default deployment login/password is deployment/deployment123.
  2. Start up Nexus as:
    The logs can then be seen as:
    Or you can start where the logs are displayed in the console itself:
  3. Configure Maven Settings file (~.m2/settings.xml) to include the default deployment username and password as:

Deploy Snapshot to Local Nexus Repository

  1. Check out a simple Java EE sample from
  2. Create and deploy the WAR file to the local Nexus repository as:
    The snapshot repository, after pushing couple of builds, can be seen at localhost:8081/nexus/#view-repositories;snapshots~browsestorage and looks like as shown:

    Nexus Snapshot Repository

    The actual repository storage is in ../sonatype-work/nexus directory. This is created in parallel to where ever Nexus OSS bundle was unzipped.

Deploy Release to Local Nexus Repository

  1. Clean any previously performed release:

  2. Prepare for the next release:

  3. Perform the release:

    Notice, how this command is ending with an error. This is similar to as reported here but the strange thing is that the files are still uploaded on Nexus. Here is the snapshot from localhost:8081/nexus/#view-repositories;releases~browsestorage while trying to test multiple releases and wondering about these “spurious” error messages:

    Nexus Release Repository

    This error will require more debugging but at least snapshot and release builds can now be stored on local Nexus repository.

    UPDATE: Manfred Moser helped debug this error by sending pull requests. This error is now gone and instead should show something like:


You learned how to setup a local Nexus Repository and push snapshot and release builds to it. Subsequent blogs will show how this repository can be used for CI/CD.


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4 thoughts on “Setup Local Nexus Repository and Deploying WAR File from Maven (Tech Tip #74)

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