Tag Archives: maven

Docker Networking with Couchbase and WildFly

Docker Multi-Host networking allows you to create virtual networks and attach containers to them so you can create the network topology that is right for your application. This blog will show how to use it with Docker Compose.

CRUD Java Application with Couchbase, Java EE, and WildFly explained how to use a Java EE application to provide a CRUD/REST interface on a data bucket in Couchbase. It required to manually download and run WildFly. The blog also used Couchbase server using Docker and required manual configuration to load travel-sample bucket.

Configure Couchbase Docker Container using REST API explained how to use Couchbase REST API to configure Couchbase Server.

Docker Multi-Host Networking

This blog will remove the explicit download of WildFly and manual configuration of Couchbase server:

  • Use Docker Compose to start WildFly and Couchbase (no download required)
  • Use a Maven profile to configure Couchbase server (no manual configuration required)
  • Uses Docker multi-host networking so that WildFly and Couchbase server can talk to each other

Lets get started!

Start Couchbase and WildFly using Docker Multi-Host Networking and Compose

  1. Start WildFly and Couchbase server using docker-compose.yml file from github.com/arun-gupta/docker-images/blob/master/wildfly-couchbase-javaee7/docker-compose.yml:
    arungupta/wildfly-admin image is used as it binds WildFly’s management to all network interfaces, and in addition also exposes port 9990. This enables WildFly Maven Plugin to be used to deploy the application.

    container_name is specified for Couchbase service and referred in WildFly service using COUCHBASE_URI. This is then used to connect to Couchbase from the Java EE application.

    The application environment is started as:

    --x-networking is an experimental switch added to Docker Compose 1.9 that allows to create a bridge or an overlay network. By default, it creates a bridge network that works on a single host. The network created can be seen as:

    Issue 2221 provide more explanation about the default networks created. wildflycouchbasejavaee7 is the new bridge network created for our application.  Issue #2345 provide some details about incorrect driver name in the output message.

Configure Couchbase Server

  1. Clone couchbase-javaee repo:

  2. Configure Couchbase server:

    exec-maven-plugin is used to invoke REST API and configure Couchbase server and is configured in a Maven profile. Make sure to setup docker.host property in pom.xml.

  3. Deploy the application to WildFly:

    Make sure to specify the correct host on CLI. In this case, this is the IP address obtained using docker-machine ip default.

Invoke the Application

  1. Invoke the REST endpoint using cURL:

    Complete set of REST endpoints are documented at CRUD Java Application with Couchbase, Java EE and WildFly. They are listed here for convenience:

    1. GET a single airline:
    2. Create a new airline using POST:

    3. Update an existing airline using PUT:
    4. Delete an existing airline using DELETE:


Java EE, Docker and Maven (Tech Tip #89)

Java EE applications are typically built and packaged using Maven. For example, github.com/javaee-samples/javaee7-docker-maven is a trivial Java EE 7 application and shows the Java EE 7 dependency:

And the two Maven plugins that compiles the source and builds the WAR file:

This application can then be deployed to a Java EE 7 container, such as WildFly, using the wildfly-maven-plugin:

Tests can be invoked using Arquillian, again using Maven. So if you were to package this application as a Docker image and run it inside a Docker container, there should be a mechanism to seamlessly integrate in the Maven workflow.

Docker Maven Plugin

Meet docker-maven-plugin!

This plugin allows you to manage Docker images and containers from your pom.xml. It comes with predefined goals:

Goal Description
docker:start Create and start containers
docker:stop Stop and destroy containers
docker:build Build images
docker:push Push images to a registry
docker:remove Remove images from local docker host
docker:logs Show container logs

Introduction provides a high level introduction to the plugin including building images, running containers and configuration.

Run Java EE 7 Application as Docker Container using Maven


  1. Create and Configure a Docker Machine as explained in Docker Machine to Setup Docker Host
  2. Clone the workspace as: git clone https://github.com/javaee-samples/javaee7-docker-maven.git
  3. Build the Docker image as: mvn package -Pdocker
  4. Run the Docker container as: mvn install -Pdocker
  5. Find out IP address of the Docker Machine as: docker-machine ip mydocker
  6. Access your application

Docker Maven Plugin Configuration

Lets look little deeper in our sample application.

pom.xml is updated to include docker-maven-plugin as:

Each image configuration has three parts:

  • Image name and alias
  • <build> that defines how the image is created. Base image, build artifacts and their dependencies, ports to be exposed, etc to be included in the image are specified here.Assembly descriptor format is used to specify the artifacts to be included and is defined in src/main/docker directory. assembly.xml in our case looks like:
  • <run> that defines how the container is run. Ports that need to be exposed are specified here.

In addition, package phase is tied to docker:build goal and install phase is tied to docker:start goal.

There are four docker-maven-plugin and you can read more details in the shootout on what serves your purpose the best.

How are you creating your Docker images from existing applications?



WildFly 9 on NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, OpenShift, and Maven (Tech Tip #86)


WildFly 9 CR1 was recently released. Lots of cool features are included:

  • Intelligent load balancing
  • HTTP/2 and SPDY support
  • A new offline CLI mode
  • Graceful single node shutdown
  • A new Servlet-only distribution

And this is above the usual Java EE 7 compliance!

This blog is a quick check to verify that it works in all three major IDEs and OpenShift.

WildFly 9 and NetBeans

Lets start with NetBeans 8.0.x first. The screenshot shows WildFly 9 CR1 configured in NetBeans and started. The log is shown in the console.

WildFly 9 CR1 on NetBeans

Complete instructions to setup WildFly in NetBeans are in NetBeans 8 and WildFly 8.

WildFly 9 and Eclipse

Getting Started with JBoss Tools and WildFly 8 shows how to configure WildFly with JBoss Tools. Here are the series of snapshots that shows configuring WildFly 9 in JBoss Tools with Eclipse Mars M6.

A new experimental runtime …

WildFly 9 CR1 Experimental

Specify the directory …

WildFly 9 CR1 Eclipse New Runtime

Now WildFly 9 is configured as a Server in Eclipse …

WildFly 9 CR1 Eclipse Servers

And finally the server is up and running …

WildFly 9 CR1 Eclipse Console

Complete details, including download and update center coordinates, are explained at JBoss Tools Alpha 2 for Eclipse Mars.

WildFly 9 and IntelliJ

WildFly 8 and IntelliJ IDEA Screencast provide complete details on how to setup IntelliJ with WildFly. The snapshot below shows WildFly 9 configured in IntelliJ 14.1.2.

WildFly 9 CR1 with IntelliJ 14

WildFly 9 and OpenShift

Creating an OpenShift application is pretty straightforward as well:

This creates a new application and uses WildFly 9 as the underlying application server. Complete details about the OpenShift cartridge are at github.com/openshift-cartridges/openshift-wildfly-cartridge/tree/wildfly-9. You can find about how to create an OpenShift application with an existing application, how to connect to this WildFly instance using JBoss CLI.

WildFly 8 CR1 on OpenShift also provide more details.

WildFly 9 and Maven

WildFly Maven Plugin  provide the latest information about how to get started with WildFly Maven plugin.

But you just need to fire up a WildFly server as:

And then deploy the Java EE 7 Movieplex application as:

And the plugin definition is very simple:


Setup Local Nexus Repository and Deploying WAR File from Maven (Tech Tip #74)

Maven Central serves as the central repository manager where binary artifacts are uploaded by different teams/companies/individuals and shared with rest of the world. Much like github, and other source code repositories, which are very effective for source code control, these repository managers also act as a deployment destination for your own generated binary artifacts.

Setting up a local repository manager has several advantages. The primary ones are that they act as a highly configurable proxy between Maven central so that everybody does not have to download all the dependencies from the central repo. Another primary reason is to control your interim generated artifacts within your team. Reasons to Use a Repository Manager provide detailed explanation of a complete set of benefits.

This Tech Tip will show how to setup a local Nexus repository manager, and push artifacts to it – both snapshots and releases.

Lets get started!

Install and Configure Local Nexus Repository

  1. Download and unzip latest Nexus OSS. Default administrator’s login/password is admin/admin123. Default deployment login/password is deployment/deployment123.
  2. Start up Nexus as:
    The logs can then be seen as:
    Or you can start where the logs are displayed in the console itself:
  3. Configure Maven Settings file (~.m2/settings.xml) to include the default deployment username and password as:

Deploy Snapshot to Local Nexus Repository

  1. Check out a simple Java EE sample from github.com/javaee-samples/javaee7-simple-sample.
  2. Create and deploy the WAR file to the local Nexus repository as:
    The snapshot repository, after pushing couple of builds, can be seen at localhost:8081/nexus/#view-repositories;snapshots~browsestorage and looks like as shown:

    Nexus Snapshot Repository

    The actual repository storage is in ../sonatype-work/nexus directory. This is created in parallel to where ever Nexus OSS bundle was unzipped.

Deploy Release to Local Nexus Repository

  1. Clean any previously performed release:

  2. Prepare for the next release:

  3. Perform the release:

    Notice, how this command is ending with an error. This is similar to as reported here but the strange thing is that the files are still uploaded on Nexus. Here is the snapshot from localhost:8081/nexus/#view-repositories;releases~browsestorage while trying to test multiple releases and wondering about these “spurious” error messages:

    Nexus Release Repository

    This error will require more debugging but at least snapshot and release builds can now be stored on local Nexus repository.

    UPDATE: Manfred Moser helped debug this error by sending pull requests. This error is now gone and instead should show something like:


You learned how to setup a local Nexus Repository and push snapshot and release builds to it. Subsequent blogs will show how this repository can be used for CI/CD.


WildFly Maven Plugin to Deploy Applications and Artifacts (Tech Tip #9)

Applications can be deployed to WildFly in many different ways. One of the typical ways it to use the wildfly-maven-plugin. This tech tip will provide details on that.

Actually, you just need to add wildfly-maven-plugin to your pom.xml as:

And that’s it!

Fire up a WildFly instance as explained in Tech Tip #1. Deploy your application to this WildFly instance using:

Simple, isn’t it ?

You can even start a WildFly instance defined by -Djboss-as.home property and deploy the application using the following command:

The property -Djboss-as.home may not be specified in which case WildFly is downloaded and started and the application is deployed to it.

The version of WildFly to be downloaded can be optionally specified as:

Now this application can be redeployed as:

Or undeployed as:

This plugin provide lots of other targets:

Goals Description
wildfly:deploy-only Only deploy, without packaging
wildfly:redeploy-only Redeploy, without packaging
wildfly:add-resource Adds a resource to the server (only in domain mode)
wildfly:add-artifact Adds an arbitrary artifact
wildfly:execute-command Execute commands to the running instance, batch mode supported as well

Refer to the plugin usage page and documentation for complete details.

Other deployment mechanisms such as jboss-cli, web-based admin console, REST API, and filesystem based will be covered in future blogs.

What is your typical way to deploy an application to WildFly ?

What is your deployment preference during development ? Does it differ from testing deployment phase ?