Tag Archives: community

Announcing JBoss Champions

JBoss Champion

JBoss Champions is a selected group of community members who are passionate advocate of JBoss technologies under a program sponsored by Red Hat. It fosters the growth of individuals that promote adoption of JBoss Projects and/or JBoss Products and actively share their deep technical expertise about it in the community, within their company and their customers or partners. This could be done in forums, blogs, screencasts, tweets, conferences, social media, whitepapers, articles, books, and other means.

Founding JBoss Champions

Proud and excited to announce the first set of JBoss Champions:

  1. Adam Bien (@AdamBien)
  2. Alexis Hassler (@alexishassler)
  3. Antonin Stefanutti (@astefanut)
  4. Antonio Goncalves (@agoncal)
  5. Bartosz Majsak (@majson)
  6. Francesco Marchioni (@mastertheboss)
  7. Geert Schuring (@geertshuring)
  8. Guillaume Scheibel (@g_scheibel)
  9. Jaikiran Pai
  10. John Ament (@JohnAment)
  11. Mariano Nicolas De Maio (@marianbuenosayr)
  12. Paris Apostolopoulos (@javapapo)

Many congratulations to the first set of JBoss Champions! Make sure to wish them using email, tweet, blog, or any other means that is available on their jboss.org profile. Give them a hug when you meet them at a conference. Ask them a tough JBoss question, challenge them! Invite them to your local Java User Group to give a talk about JBoss

Want to nominate a JBoss Champion?

Do you have it in you, and feel worthy of being a JBoss Champion?

Want to nominate yourself, or somebody else?

Send an email to champions@jboss.org.

Here are some likely candidates:

  • Senior developers, architects, consultants, academia who are using and promoting JBoss technologies using different means
    • Blogs and webinars
    • Publish articles on jboss.org, InfoQ, DZone, etc.
    • Social media
    • Talks at conferences and local JUGs/JBUGs
  • Implemented real-world projects using JBoss technologies
  • Actively answering questions in JBoss forums/StackOverflow
  • Authored a book on JBoss topic
  • Lead a JBoss User Group
  • Mentoring other community members and grooming champions

Make sure the nominee has a current jboss.org profile and has all the relevant details. Include any references that will highlight your value to the JBoss community. The complete list of criteria is clearly defined at jboss.org/champions.

Subscribe to the twitter feed of existing JBoss Champions.

Once again, many congratulations to the first set of JBoss Champions, and looking forward to many others. Submit your nomination today!

JBoss Tools Community Acceptance Testing (JBoss Tools CAT)

JBoss Tools is a set of plugins for Eclipse that complements, enhances and goes beyond the support that exists for JBoss and related technologies in the default Eclipse distribution.

Until now, early builds of JBoss Tools were released at a regular cadence leading up to the release of a particular version. Anybody could download, integrate the plugins in Eclipse, test, and provide feedback. JBoss Tools Community Acceptance Testing (CAT) seeks to obtain feedback from the community on early builds of JBoss Tools.

So what’s different ?

  • Allows JBoss Tools team to engage with individuals who can look at the release schedule and features coming in a particular release, test them, and provide feedback
  • JBoss Tools team will be paying close attention to the bugs filed by CAT members and ensuring they are responded/reacted to
  • Your name will be included in the JBoss Tools release notes
  • Help us decide if JBoss Tools is ready for release

Any feedback is relevant ? Stability, performance, usability, regression, RFE, anything literally.

Ready to get started ?

The simple process and other details are available at tools.jboss.org/cat/.

Learn more about the motivation behind all of this in a short interview with Max Andersen:

You might also wonder the name looks very familiar! Having actively participated in NetCAT and driven FishCAT, this was a very natural choice. All the more relevant because Red Hat truly believes in community powered innovation.

Max also blogged about it here.

And in case you are wondering, JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) is a fully bundled Eclipse distribution which not only includes the majority of JBoss Tools but also all its needed dependencies and 3rd party plugins allowing for an easy one-click and no-fuss installation. JBDS is released along with the GA version of JBoss Tools. So if you are participating in JBoss Tools CAT, you are helping us test JBoss Developer Studio as well.

Tech Tip #5 shows how to get started with JBoss Tools and WildFly!

JBoss User Group Worldwide: Learn JBoss Technologies using G+ Hangout


A JBoss User Group (JBUG) is a group of people who share a common interest in JBoss technologies. They are organized and supported by the community and meet on a regular basis to discuss new technologies, development methodologies, interesting use cases, and other technical topics. The common goal is to provide education, help, and social events for the community and to promote open source. There are several JBUGs around the world and you can always start a new one in your local community.

JBUG Worldwide is like any other JBUG but the events will mostly take place virtually, using a Google Hangout. This allows us to reach to a broader set of audience, the presentations are recorded, and available for replay on the youtube channel. To our audience, it provides access to world-class speakers from Red Hat and rest of the JBoss community, which otherwise may not be easily accessible. This effort is initiated by JBUG Newcastle and so sometimes the meeting may coincide with a physical meeting at that JBUG.

You may find stark similarity with vJUG, and that is indeed true! However vJUG will continue to focus on broader Java topics and may feature some widely used JBoss technologies. But JBUG Worldwide will cover a wider range of JBoss technologies, and some of the niche ones as well.

The first session was on LiveOak: Is that a mobile backend as a service in your pocket ? and the recording is available:

Several other sessions are already lined up for this year, and more are in the pipeline:

  • Code-driven introduction to Java EE 7 (Jun 17)
  • What’s new in WildFly 8 ? (Jul 8)
  • Testing the Enterprise layers, with Arquillian (Oct 21)
  • Cast studies in Testable Java EE Development (Nov 18)

We would love hear to your feedback about speaker/topics, streamlining the process, or any thing else. We need you to make this successful!

Ping @Pfrobinson or myself (@arungupta) for any questions/comments.

Help shape the future of EAP 7: Feedback on Admin Console

The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) Admin Console is a browser-based management tool for the applications and resources deployed on EAP. The latest JBoss EAP (6.2 final and 6.3 alpha as of this release) can be downloaded from www.jboss.org/products/eap. Admin Console is accessible at localhost:9090 after the app server is started.

JBoss EAP 7 will be based on a future version of WildFly. So if you want to see how Admin Console is improving then you can download the latest WildFly (8.0 final and 8.1 CR2) and take a look there. Here is a quick snapshot:


Would you like to help shape the future of EAP 7 ? If you are interested, and have a few minutes to share your experience, this is your opportunity!

If you are an existing user of JBoss EAP and/or AS/WildFly, we are interested in learning your top 7-10 tasks that are performed regularly using the Admin Console. Based upon the results, we’ll decide on featuring the most common set of tasks using an easily accessible page in Admin Console.

More details on format, logistics, and how to share are explained at community.jboss.org/wiki/AdminConsoleCommonTasks.

Help us help you be more productive!

JBoss Events Calendar

Did you know that events where JBoss technologies are presented are listed in a calendar ?

Are you talking at an event about JBoss technology and its not listed here ? Do you know of any event where JBoss technologies are talked about and not listed in this calendar ? Send us a request by filling this form.

Subscribe to this calendar using any of the following links:

calendar-xml calendar-ical calendar-html

Here is a sampling of some of the JBoss projects:

What is your favorite project ? Where do you contribute ? Where project have you presented about ? Which conference ?

Let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

WildFly 8 Launch Presentations in 40+ JUGs in 6 continents

40+ Java User Groups from 6 continents have participated in WildFly 8 Launch so far, and a few more are still lined up. This has truly been a global participation so far, and truly reflects the spirit of Java community.

Several of these were delivered virtually primarily using G+ hangout, and then some in person during the travel by WildFly team. Lots of interesting conversations and feedback from developers all around the world, many thanks for that!

Enjoy a collage of the pictures captured so far …


And a complete album available on facebook.com/wildfly

Post by WildFly.

Is your JUG interested in learning all the cool features of WildFly ? Just drop a comment on this blog or ping at @WildFlyAs.


Blog Statistics: April 2014

This blog was started a little over 6 months ago and so time to report some stats:

Top 5 pages

Top 5 countries/territories

  • United States (18.86%)
  • Germany (8.72%)
  • India (6.95%)
  • Brazil (5.19%)
  • France (4.62%)

Top 5 Cities

  • Bangalore: 2.57%
  • London: 1.60%
  • Krasnoperekops’k: 1.19% (been getting lot of spam recently 😉
  • Sao Paulo: 0.99%
  • Paris: 0.93%

Top 5 browsers

  • Chrome: 51.79%
  • Firefox: 24.80%
  • Safari: 8.64%
  • Safari (in-app): 5.26%
  • Internet Explorer: 4.87%

Top 5 Operating Systems

  • Windows: 50.55%
  • Macintosh: 16.94%
  • Linux: 15.23%
  • iOS: 8.86%
  • Android: 7.82%

Mobile Screen Resolution

  • 768 x 1024: 23.68%
  • 320 x 568: 18.07%
  • 320 x 480: 10.01%
  • 360 x 640: 8.65%
  • 360 x 492: 5.37%

Device Category

  • Desktop: 82.90%
  • Mobile: 11.55%
  • Tablet: 5.55%

Type of visitors

  • New: 65.49%
  • Returning: 35.41%

This blog is also aggregated at multiple places, including planet.jboss.org. Hope you’ll find these statistics useful for targeting your audience.

Thanks for all the continued readership and see ya in 6 months with these stats again!


Java EE 7 and WildFly in France, Germany, and Switzerland

Andrew Rubinger (@ALRubinger) and I are starting this Spring with a tour of France, Germany, and Switzerland.

Paris JUG: 3/19
Marseille JUG: 3/20
Riviera JUG: 3/21
AeroGear hackathon: 3/22
JavaLand: 3/25 & 3/26
Zurich JUG: 3/27

There will be lots of discussions on Java EE 7, WildFly, Arquillian, AeroGear, Cordova, JBoss Tools, Open Source, Red Hat or anything else that comes to your fancy. Personally, I’m always interested in sharing fitness workout routines and talking about how we can inspire kids/teenagers through Devoxx4Kids.

I’m always up for running in any of these cities. JavaLand already has a community run scheduled for Mar 26th. Lets see which city has the runners to take me out city seeing 😉

Where will we see you ?