July 16, 2009

Are you using GlassFish ? – Let us know!

Categories: glassfish

Are you using GlassFish for development, deployment/production, testing, teaching or in other interesting ways ?

Help us fill out this short survey so we understand you better. The survey will not take more than 5-10 minutes of your time.

blogs.sun.com/stories has a partial list of production deployments of GlassFish. Send us an email at if you are using GlassFish in production.

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  2. Ruby-on-Rails and Ramaze production deployments on GlassFish
  3. LOTD #4: Rails running on GlassFish @ LinkedIn
  4. JRuby and GlassFish v2 – Another successful deployment @ WorldxChange Communication NZ
  5. Spotlight – GlassFish Resources for Education Community


  1. Hello Sir, Dr. Arun Gupta
    I stumbled on one of your screen cast and if I must confess, it was really helpful.
    Sir, I am a baby java-programmer that just started using NetBeans recently on prescription by a fellow programmer. I built a web-service host and client using the NetBean 6.5.1 IDE, which was quite helpful in taking care of so many documentation and interface implementations in java-programming.
    Sir, the web-service is a “HugeInteger” web-service that collects (from the client GUI) two integer numbers that normally are larger than the tradition java integer input capacityin an array from the user in a GUI Dialog and carry-out add or subtraction or equality operations on the two inputs, after which, it returns the result to the client-application GUI .
    I am designing this work as my final year project to track the time between- which the client sends a request to the host (server) and when the result is been displayed on the client’s GUI-dialog for some research analysis.
    I have tested the host in the tester page and all its invocations are alright. I have also designed the client which the NetBean IDE editor certifies to be alright and I previewed it and all seems to be well.
    Sir the main problem I am having with this project is that, once I run the client program to get the service used, it displays a JSP page with the an “Hello World” in it. This work was done in JFrame interface sir.
    Sir, can you help me view the code and tell me where the likely problem is hidden, if in the IDE or in my code. I attached the host and client code, and also the displayed JSP page with this message.
    Thanks for your anticipated support sir.
    Your Java Son,
    Oluwadare Babatunde .

    Comment by Oluwadare Babatunde — August 1, 2009 @ 6:20 am

  2. sir i search for an attachment point on your blog but could not find so I sent the full message to your email

    Comment by oluwadare Babatunde — August 1, 2009 @ 7:59 am

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