Tag Archives: devnation

DevNation and Red Hat Summit 2015 Wrapup

RedHat Summit Logo DevNation Logo

Red Hat Summit and DevNation is a wrap!

It took two full night sleep and a long afternoon nap to fully recover from the excitement, stimulation, and exhaustion that sets in after meeting awesome developers, customers, partners, colleagues, and geeks from around the world. The fact that I gave four talks, one hands-on lab, participated in two panels, ran Devoxx4Kids event, talked to a lots of analysts, book signing, breakfasts/lunches/dinners/receptions, ran every morning by Charles river – all within 6 days added to the exhaustion as well 😉

In the end, it was very rewarding and inspiring to see the work others are doing!

Complete set of slides are available at redhat.com/summit/2015/presentations. Here are links to the slides from my sessions:

  • Docker Recipes for Java developers – 11381
  • DevOps with Java EE – 11525
  • Docker for Java developers – 11536 (lab)
  • Use OpenShift & PaaS to accelerate DevOps & continuous delivery – 12218
  • How DevOps and microservices impact your application architecture and development – 13639

Watch the middleware keynote by Craig Muzilla:

Watch Burr Sutter geek show starting at ~19:00.

Learn/understand more about our middleware offerings using Accelerate, Integrate, and Automate.

Some pictures from the event …


Complete album …

Here are some other photo albums:

  • Official DevNation photo album
  • Red Hatters at Summit
  • Pictures from one of the Red Hat Summit official photographer



Devoxx4Kids workshops at Red Hat Summit and DevNation – Register Now!

RedHat Summit LogoDevNation Logo Devoxx4Kids

Red Hat Summit and DevNation are asking to Bring Your Kids to Conference, aka BYKC!

Are you speaking or attending Red Hat Summit or DevNation? Do you live in and around Boston area? Interested in having your kids attend a workshop?

Register here!


What? Two rooms, six workshops
When? Sunday, Jun 21
Where? Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
How do I register? eventbrite.com/e/devoxx4kids-tickets-16296685826


Time  Room 1 Room 2
10am – 12pm App Inventor (8 yrs+) Greenfoot (12 yrs+)
12pm – 1pm Lunch Lunch
1pm – 3pm Minecraft Modding (8 yrs+) Dr Racket (10 yrs+)
3pm – 5pm Scratch (8 yrs+) Flappy Bird (12 ys+)

The age limits are only suggested and you better know the capabilities of your kid! Parents would stay with their kids for the duration of the workshop.


Greenfoot: Lets make some games!

Hey you – yes you – do you like playing video or computer games? Well then how about learning to make your own? Come join us as we hang out for two hours and make some computer games with Greenfoot. Along the way you will learn about computer programming – make your computer do things you want. We will wrap up by showing you some places to go to talk with other people making games and more places to become a more powerful wizard! Be sure to bring a laptop – this will definitely be hands on.

App Inventor

The traditional way to create an application is write code. You type commands, one after another, telling the computer or the smartphone what to do next. When you type commands on a keyboard, it’s easy to make mistakes. What’s more, at a glance, the commands look nothing like the things that you’re getting the computer or smartphone to do. Taken together, the commands are just a bunch of text.

But there’s another way to create an application. With App Inventor, you build instructions by fitting building blocks together with one another on the computer screen. The blocks fit together like jigsaw puzzle pieces. When it’s finished, the whole jigsaw puzzle describes all the commands in your application.

In this workshop, you learn to use App Inventor. You can run your applications on the computers in the lab. You can also install your applications on real Android phones.

Dr. Racket: Don’t dictate, evaluate!

This workshop introduces the basics of functional programming using the Dr. Racket programming environment.

In the first part of the workshop you will learn how to evaluate expressions in the Dr. Racket interpreter, including expressions like <if html were available to display the abstract I’ld show here a racket expression that included an actual devox4 kids image>.

In the second part of the workshop we will work on developing a very simple animation. If time permits we will show how we can make our animations interactive, i.e., have them respond to key presses and mouse clicks.

The workshop is constructed to allow roughly equal amounts of time for experimentation and instruction.

Build your own Flappy Bird

In this workshop you will learn about HTML5, CSS and Javascript by create a game. Together we’re going to build our very own Flappy Bird. We’ll do it step by step and it will be a lot of fun!

Minecraft Modding

Minecraft is a multi-player game about building and placing blocks in a three-dimensional environment. The game allows modifications (known as “mods”) that can change the game from what it was originally written. These mods can add content to the game to alter gameplay. For example, new blocks, mobs, and abilities of player can be added.

Have you always wondered what it takes to write these mods ? This workshop is for you!

In this workshop we’ll teach the kids on how to build Minecraft mods. In the process, they also learn some basic Java concepts as well. No programming experience is required.


Scratch (scratch.mit.edu) makes it easy to create interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art, and share these creations on the web. You will create several fun and interesting Scratch programs. No programming experience or typing skill is required.


Are you living in/around Boston area? Interested in becoming a volunteer?

No programming experience is required, some familiarity with computers would be useful. You’ll be required to listen to the instructor and help the attendees follow along.

Sign up using the form below.

Once again, don’t forget to register if you or your kid would like to attend the workshop!

Devoxx4Kids CFP at Red Hat Summit and DevNation

RedHat Summit LogoDevNation Logo Devoxx4Kids

Red Hat is hosting a Devoxx4Kids event that will invite technology educators and kids together on Sunday, Jun 21 in Boston, MA.

Are you speaking or attending Red Hat Summit or DevNation? Do you live in and around Boston area?

Are you interested in delivering a 2-hour hands-on workshop for kids on the Sunday before the main conference?

This is an opportunity for developers and educators who would like to give a 2-hour hands-on workshop to kids from 6-16 years old. Presenters will need to arrange all the software and hardware required for the lab, except laptops which will be provided.


What? Two tracks, six workshops
Kids 6-10 and 10-16 years old
When? Sunday, Jun 21
Where? Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA

Suggested Topics

What are some of the suggested topics that can be submitted for the workshops?

  • Are you involved with CoderDojo or a Devoxx4Kids instructor who would like to give a workshop in Boston?
  • Do you like to tinker with Tynker, Scratch, Blockly, Greenfoot or any other such technology?
  • Have you been giving workshops on LEGO, Arduino, RaspberryPi, Intel Galileo, or any other fancy boards?
  • Would you like to show a real practical use case of Internet of Things to kids using simple software and hardware?
  • How about some Java, JavaScript, Scala, HTML5, CSS, Python, Ruby?
  • Teach kids workshops on basic principles of Open Source?
  • Build a simple mobile applications using Android or iOS?

And these are only suggested topics. We know that you are much more creative and can submit all sorts of fun sessions.

Submit Talks

Submit your talks by filling in the form below:

We have a limited capacity and looking forward to your submissions. You’ve until May 7th to submit your workshops.

Good luck!

If you’ve submitted talks for the main conference, then this would be a great opportunity to bring your kids. They can either attend the workshop, or even deliver a workshop. Young presenters are always very inspiring!

You can learn more about Red Hat’s involvement with Devoxx4Kids at jboss.org/devoxx4kids.

Registration for this event will be announce at a later date.

Meet DevNation speakers at JBoss Developer Lounge


DevNation is going full force with lots of sessions, hands-on labs, BoFs, hallway conversations, and lots of fun. There are plenty of opportunities to meet the speakers but if you are looking for a particular speaker then you can meet some of them at JBoss Developer Lounge. This is the area to the far right after you enter the Partner Pavilion.

Here is your schedule:

  • Monday
    • 05:30pm – 06:00pm: Kenneth Peeples (@ossmentor)
    • 06:00pm – 06:30pm: Jeremy Edberg (@jedberg)
  • Tuesday
    • 10:00am – 10:30am: Rich Sharples (@richsharples)
    • 10:30am – 11:00am: Matt Hicks (@matthicksj)
    • 11:00am – 11:30am: Gavin King
    • 11:30am – 12:00pm: Aslak Knutsen (@aslakknutsen)
    • 05:30pm – 06:00pm: Mike Milinkovich (@mmilinkov)
    • 06:00pm – 06:30pm: Grant Shipley (@gshipley)
    • 06:30pm – 07:00pm: Markus Eisele (@myfear)
  • Wednesday
    • 10:00am – 10:30am: Paul Bakker (@pbakker)
    • 10:30am – 11:00am: Anton Arhipov (@antonarhipov)

Go ask all your tough questions with the speakers!

Gavin King: Ceylon at DevNation 2014

Gaving King (+GavingKing), creator of Hibernate and Ceylon will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

“Eleven Ceylon Idioms”, a talk that aims to quickly introduce some
distinctive features of Ceylon’s type system via examples.

What are three takeaways from your sessions ?

  • How to think about the common statement that languages with static typing are less “expressive”, and what we can do about that.
  • That union and intersection types make static typing much more expressive.
  • How and why Ceylon captures null-ness and emptiness within the statically type system.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

This is the very first time we’re presenting Ceylon to a large conference audience in the United States.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Bringing transactional guarantees to MongoDB – Paul Robinson
  • Building an enterprise app from scratch – Pete Muir
  • Hadoop and beyond: architectural considerations for scalable big data storage – Scott McClellan

Do you want to learn more about Ceylon ?

Register for DevNation today, save $150 by using 150OFF discount code.

Mauricio Leal: CDI Training and Mobile Experience with WebSocket at DevNation 2014

Mauricio Leal (@maltron), Community Manager, Developer Advocate, and Outreach Program Manager at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

I will present one training:
Application Development with CDI, Sunday, 4/13, 9am

and one talk on Wednesday:
Enhancing Mobile Experience with WebSocket, Wednesday, 4/16, 4:50pm

What are three takeaways from your sessions ?

From my training:

  • The basics of CDI
  • Leveraging CDI in Java EE Applications
  • Decoupling and turning your application more maintainable

From my talk: Enhancing Mobile Experience with WebSocket

  • WebSocket 101: What kind of problems it’s good to approach.
  • Understand when to leverage WebSocket for better Mobile Experience
  • When WebSocket is good for (and when it’s not)

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

Meet several legendary speakers such as Gavin King and Tim Fox. Be close to the people who is providing the latest technologies, making the lives of Developers much easier and catch up with the newest innovations from Red Hat.

…and let’s not forget: The Beer :)

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Integrating the Internet of Things – Sameer Parulkar & Jack Britton
  • Java Puzzlers: Something old, something Gnu, Something bogus, something blew – Josh Bloch and Bob Lee
  • Cooking with Apache Camel: Tips and Tricks – Scott Cranton

Do you want to learn more about CDI, WebSocket, and meet a fun guy from Brazil ?

Register for DevNation today, save $150 by using 150OFF discount code.

Grant Shipley: OpenShift at DevNation 2014

Grant Shipley (@gshipley), Senior Manager and OpenShift PaaS Evangelist at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

Sunday – 9:00am – 5:00PM OpenShift Development Training
Tuesday 10:40AM – 11:40AM Cloud bursting with OpenShift Enterprise
Tuesday 3:40PM – 4:40PM Full stack JavaScript — from mobile to cloud
Wednesday 10:40AM – 11:40AM Introduction to OpenShift for Developers

What are three takeaways from your sessions ?

Sunday – 9:00am – 5:00PM OpenShift Development Training

  1. Understanding the fundamentals of the OpenShift Developer workflow
  2. How to create and deploy Java EE applications
  3. How to manage your application lifecycle including continuous integration, databases, log view, and debugging

Tuesday 10:40AM – 11:40AM Cloud bursting with OpenShift Enterprise

  1. Why deploying an application to multiple data centers makes sense
  2. How to setup and configure a multi datacenter OpenShift deployment
  3. How scaling works internally to the platform

Tuesday 3:40PM – 4:40PM Full stack JavaScript — from mobile to cloud

  1. JavaScript is no longer a toy language
  2. Developer native mobile, web UI, REST services, and databases (for JSON documents) using only JavaScript
  3. When it makes sense to use a cross platform development tool for mobile

Wednesday 10:40AM – 11:40AM Introduction to OpenShift for Developers

  1. What is OpenShift and how can it help you as a developer
  2. How to install the client tools
  3. How to deploy application from the command line using git

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

The speaker line up is second to none. This is a conference that is focused at developers and includes many in depth sessions on the latest technologies available.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Hacknight Wed, April 16th at 6:00PM
  • 50 new features of Java EE 7 by Arun Gupta on Monday at 10:15
  • High performance application with Vert.X by Time fox, the creator of the project

Do you want to learn more about OpenShift and its ecosystem ?

Register for DevNation today, save $150 by using 150OFF discount code.

Lincoln Baxter: JBoss Forge at DevNation 2014

Lincoln Baxter (@lincolnthree), Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

Tools worth sharing: Take back your IDE with Forge
Tuesday, 4/15, 4:50pm

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. How Forge can help you be more productive.
  2. How Forge can help you share your technology and ideas.
  3. How Forge is changing how we interact with development tools.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

The fact that so many different communities and technologies will be coming together to present in one place. This is the best time to share ideas, cross-pollinate, and prototype cool new features! I love the collaborative atmosphere and chance to get to meet new people, see what people think about the work we are doing, and figure out how to make their lives a little easier.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Beer & BoF – Tools for JBoss migrations – Robb Greathouse (Room 220)
  • Hacknight (Room 224)
  • Wake me up: The tale of a startup – Langdon White (Room 208)

Do you want to learn more about how to get started with JBoss Forge ?

Register for DevNation today!

Keeny Peeples: Red Hat JBoss Fuse and OpenShift at DevNation 2014

Kenny Peeples (@ossmentor), Architect, Developer, and Project Manager at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

Wed 4/16 1:20 p.m.-2:20 p.m.
Using Red Hat JBoss Fuse on OpenShift (Room 208)

OpenShift Online automates the provisioning, management, and scaling of applications so that you can focus on development and creativity. The newly created Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.1 cartridge allows you to use Fuse and Fuse Fabric in the OpenShift Online public cloud. JBoss Fuse provides a full-featured, easy-to-use and intuitive framework for integration with extensive connectivity options to external applications. Join us to see how to use Fuse and Fuse Fabric in OpenShift online. In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to install the Fuse cartridge.
  • How to access and use the Fuse Management Console.
  • How to deploy and test a Fuse bundle.

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. The Ease of Use with OpenShift and the Fuse Cartridge
  2. The Flexibility and Features of the Fuse Management Console
  3. The Knowledge to get started with your first Application right when you get home

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

  • The breadth and detail of the sessions since we have CamelOne, JUDCon, Red Hat Connect Developer Exchange Events at DevNation.
  • The Co-location of Red Hat Summit with DevNation during the same week gives a great opportunity to learn about the community and the products

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Integration PaaS: Continuous Integration with Fabric8 and OpenShift – Rob Davies & James Strachan
  • Writing basic OpenShift cartridges – Paul Morie (Room 212)
  • Big data processing with Hadoop on OpenStack – Matthew Farrellee (Room 212))

Do you want to learn more about how to get started with Red Hat JBoss Fuse on OpenShift ?

Register for DevNation today!

Aslak Knutsen: Enterprise Testing at DevNation 2014

Aslak Knutsen (@aslakknutsen), a Senior Software Engineer and Arquillian Project Lead at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

The ABCs of testing the enterprise layers (Room 212)
Wednesday 4/16 @ 4:50pm

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. Everything that can fail will, so test.
  2. The scope of ‘too hard to test’ has been drastically reduced.
  3. Meet the aliens. :)

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

Nice mix of DevOps, Cloud and Development.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Writing basic OpenShift cartridges
  • Containers all the way down: Q&A with the Docker team
  • HackNight

Do you want to learn more about transactional guarantees in MongoDB ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends tomorrow.

Anton Arhipov: JRebel Story at DevNation 2014d

Anton Arhipov (@antonarhipov), JRebel product manager at Zero Turnaround will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

1000 years of productivity: The JRebel story (Room 224)
Wednesday 4/16 @ 1:20 p.m.

Developer productivity has always been in focus, and Java, as a platform, has made us very productive to support the needs of businesses. Millions of enterprises run web applications powered by the Java EE platform, but developing them is no small feat. Every UI change in development incurs a wait time of up to 15 minutes and sometimes even longer! JRebel is a tool that tackles the challenge of live application update for the Java EE platform.

What are key takeaways from your session ?

  1. First and foremost, you will learn about the tool itself – how can you apply JRebel for simplifying development process.
  2. Learn a bit more about Java platform than you usually would – what are the technical and conceptual challenges for the problem that JRebel is trying to solve.
  3. Get a though provoking view on the Java ecosystem and how Java tooling works.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

I see it as an opportunity to learn more about the new tools and techniques for Java developers. Looking at the talks, I can certainly tell that I could learn a trick or two at this conference :)

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

These days I’m quite interested in data analytics, therefore I’m looking forward to attend the “Fast and easy data analytics with Apache Spark” by Pat McDonough but also the talk on “How Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana provide real-time” data enlightenment.

I’m also curious about the prospects of OpenShift and PaaS in general, thus I’ll to sneak into OpenShift roadmap session presented by Matt Hicks and Ashesh Badani.

Of course, no conference should miss a talk on performance issues! There will be the talk called “Receipts to analyze common performance issues” by Will Cohen. It doesn’t seem to be quite Java centric, so I’m really curious what will it be about.

Do you want to learn more about how to tackle the challenges of live application update for the Java EE platform ?

Register for DevNation today!

Stan Lewis: hawtio at DevNation 2014

Stan Lewis (@gashcrumb), Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

I’m giving two sessions, on Monday in the Fuse track it’ll be “Inspecting JVMs with hawtio” even though it’s currently showing up in the schedule as “Extending hawtio”, that’s just some placeholder text. And then on Wednesday I’m doing “hawtio: the extensible console for managing your Java stuff”. I’ve basically been thinking the Monday session is kind of an intro to hawtio and the Wednesday session would be a deeper dive.

What are key takeaways from your session ?

  1. “Inspecting JVMs with hawtio” is meant to be an intro to the hawtio project and how it relates to the Fuse Management Console. We’ll go over how hawtio can be used to inspect a JVM and how to connect to different JVMs. We’ll also take a look at managing an instance of fabric8.
  2. “hawtio: the extensible console for managing your Java stuff” is a deeper dive into how hawtio works. We’ll do a brief overview of hawtio and what’s available out of the box. Then we’ll take a look at various ways that hawtio can be extended, either by overriding some extension javascript files we ship in our war file or developing a standalone hawtio plugin.
  3. For both sessions we’ll basically be taking a tour of the hawtio UI, I’m not planning to write any slides, most likely I’ll just use hawtio to host any slide-y stuff

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

It looks huge! Actually pretty overwhelming as compared to our previous Camel One events :)

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Getting Social with Apache Camel – Charles Moullard (Room 236) – to check out what I believe are some fairly new social components for Camel, hopefully I can make it, it’s right after my session
  • Integrating the Internet of Things – Sameer Parulkar & Jack Britton (Room 208)

Do you want to learn more about how to use hawtio to manage your server and stay cool ?

Register for DevNation today!

Ioannis Canellos: Fabric8 at DevNation 2014

Ioannis Canellos (@iocanel), Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

  • Introduction to Fabric8, Sunday, 4/13, 2pm, Room 224
  • A Deep Dive to Fabric8, Sunday, 4/13, 3pm, Room 224

What are key takeaways from your session ?

  1. The first talk is going to be an introduction to Fabric8, that will help people to understand what this is all about.
  2. The second talk is going to be a dive into the more technical stuff, that will help people to understand how to get the most out of Fabric8.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

People. I always find it awesome to talk with people from the “community” and also with people from other “communities” that are close to Fabric8.

Do you want to learn more about Fabric8 and how it makes to easily provision, configure and manage open source integration technologies on a number of containers (or JVMs). ?

Register for DevNation today!

Paul Robinson: Transactional Guarantees to MongoDB at DevNation 2014

Paul Robinson (@pfrobinson), Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

Bringing Transactional Guarantees to MongoDB (Room 224)
Tuesday 4/15 @ 10:40am

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. If ACID transactions are not appropriate, you don’t need to throw out transactions altogether.
  2. Compensating-transactions can bring additional transactional guarantees to MongoDB, without harming scalability.
  3. WildFly 8 comes with a developer-friendly, annotation based API for using compensating-transactions that you can use today.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

The people.

In previous years, JUDCon has always been the highlight of my professional calendar, giving me the opportunity to mix with many of the key people in the JBoss community. Looking at the speaker lineup for DevNation suggests that this conference will be no different.

TIP: I recommend making a list of all the people you want to meet and what you want to chat with them about. This has helped me to make sure I made the most of the opportunity and didn’t miss anyone in the excitement of the event.

Do you want to learn more about transactional guarantees in MongoDB ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends tomorrow.

Markus Eisele: JavaScript and Java EE together at DevNation 2014

Markus Eisele (@myfear, blog.eisele.net), Principal Technology Consultant at MSG-Systems AG will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What session are you giving at DevNation ?

JavaScript on Java EE (Room 212)
Tuesday 4/15 @ 4:50pm

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1.  JavaScript is a valid option to integrate with traditional Java EE applications
  2. There are many different ways of taking advantage from different approaches. Not every single one is the right one.
  3. It is still very early to judge on full stack JavaScript development for enterprise level applications

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

I’ve been to Boston for RedHat’s JUDCon in 2012 and got my JBCRA for my contributions to the Arquillian project. And I was always wondering about the more or less one day event, and the extremely high quality sessions that were held without much recognition in the overall developer scene. Everything was kind of overlayed by RedHat Summit.
DevNation hopefully delivers when it comes to a complete developer conference. The lineup is incredibly exciting and I am very happy to be among the early announced speakers. I am so much looking forward being back in SF and Moscone. This is the
place where I want a conference in my space to be :)

Do you want to learn about Nashorn, Avatar, Scripting JSR and other possible options of also using JavaScript on the back-end and outlining a possible direction for Enterprise Java in general ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends on Mar 14.