Tag Archives: jug

Ceylon JUG Tour – US 2014

Ceylon is a statically and strong-typed programming language, created by Red Hat. Version 1.0.0 was released late last year and 1.1 is coming soon.

Gavin King (creator of Hibernate and CDI) and Stéphane Épardaud will be touring the USA East coast JUGs in October. At each venue, they will explain what Ceylon is, and why you will want to use it for your next production applications. The talks will be aimed at people who have never heard of Ceylon, or who have heard about it but want to know more. At the end of the evening you will be up to date with all that Ceylon is and has to offer.

Their complete itinerary is explained at https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-52715.

Don’t miss this opportunity. Make sure to show up at JUGs in your neighborhood and ask all your questions to the language creators!

WildFly 8 Launch Presentations in 40+ JUGs in 6 continents

40+ Java User Groups from 6 continents have participated in WildFly 8 Launch so far, and a few more are still lined up. This has truly been a global participation so far, and truly reflects the spirit of Java community.

Several of these were delivered virtually primarily using G+ hangout, and then some in person during the travel by WildFly team. Lots of interesting conversations and feedback from developers all around the world, many thanks for that!

Enjoy a collage of the pictures captured so far …


And a complete album available on facebook.com/wildfly

Post by WildFly.

Is your JUG interested in learning all the cool features of WildFly ? Just drop a comment on this blog or ping at @WildFlyAs.


Java EE 7 at Transylvania JUG

Transylvania JUG is now Java EE 7 ready!

(picture by Constantin Pârțac, more pics in his album)

I connected with Gabriel Pop (JUG leader) at QCon London earlier this year and we have been working on dates since then. I’m so glad it finally worked out. The session was scheduled for about 2 hrs but ~130 attendees were having fun and went for an hour beyond that. This was all the more impressive given that it was a weekday.

Their logo is indeed one of the best ones

I walked through lots of Java EE 7 samples and enjoyed the interaction with the attendees. I used a mix of WildFly 8 beta 2 snapshot (get started now) and GlassFish 4 to run different samples. The walkthrough included the following samples:

  • websocket/whiteboard
  • batch/chunk-csv-database
  • batch/chunk-partition
  • batch/listeners
  • jms/send-receive
  • cdi/bean-discovery-all
  • cdi/vetoed
  • concurrency/managedexecutor
  • jaxrs/jaxrs-client
  • jaxrs/async-client
  • jaxrs/async-server
  • json/streaming-parser
  • json/object-parser
  • jta/transaction-scope
  • validation/methods
  • javamail/definition

Slides are, well slides, code is king! :-) IMHO, this is the best way to understand Java EE 7.

Is your JUG interested in getting a similar session for Java EE 7 ? Drop me a note or leave a comment on this blog.

In this country of Nadia Comăneci, it was pretty impressive to see that 30-40% of the attendees were women. And somebody in the audience even made a comment “Women in Romania are smarter than men” 😉 This was very inspiring for me as typically the female attendees are far lower in number.

About 90% of the attendees use some open source technology in their daily life. But only ~6 contribute back. I’m not surprised by that because that is a very typical ratio. David Blevins has written an excellent post on why All Open Source communities need your support. I highly encourage you to read it. Open Source is very much the DNA of Red Hat. jboss.org has plenty of projects that provide you an opportunity to get involved. I highly encourage you to pick a project and start contributing – bugs, patch, docs, feature, anything goes a long way!

Romania is a very running friendly country. Constantin introduced me to a local night 10k  and so I signed up for that. I met some members of local Road Runners club and we instantly connected. Java community is the best and allows me to meet from developers all around the world. We instantly start talking same language, same issues, get into our religious battles. Running community very much mimics that 😉

I enjoyed the course so much that I went back for another 10 miler this morning.

Check out some pictures from the trip:


And the complete album:

I also spent some time clean up github.com/arun-gupta/javaee7-samples in order to prepare for Devoxx Hackergarten. I’d love to see you there!

Luxembourg JUG and JAX London Report

My first speaking engagement at Red Hat started with the visit to a new country – Luxembourg, one of the richest in the world and my 37th!

About 85+ JUG members got introduced to Java EE 7 in a typical slide-free code-driven session. The power of Java EE 7 was quite evident as there was about 20% more than usual attendance. WildFly Beta 1 and GlassFish 4 were used to showcase different samples. This also shows the Write Once Deploy Anywhere (WODA) capabilities of the platform. All samples used in the talk are available at github.com/arun-gupta/javaee7-samples.

The visit got arranged after I hooked up with Nick Mpallas on twitter. He showed very warm hospitality during the short visit and I enjoyed learning about JBoss ecosystem from him. I’m pretty impressed by his prompt pull request to add Arquillian support to Java EE 7 samples.

Enjoy some pictures from this visit:

This was followed by a speaking engagement at JAX London. This is my third visit to this annual conference by S&S Media. (2011 Fall, 2011 Spring). I spoke on two different topics and their slide decks are available:

Java EE 7: Boosting Productivity and Embracing HTML5
from Arun Gupta


Getting Started with WebSockets and Server-Sent Events
from Arun Gupta

There were ~50 attendees for the platform talk and about ~35 for the WebSocket talk.

In addition, I also spoke at my very first GlassFish Users Group, London meetup as part of JAX London Community Night. Interactive audience and slide-free code-driven introduction to Java EE 7 kept the session entertaining. This was organized by C2B2 Consulting Group who are independent middleware experts based in London. This entire session was recorded and is available:

I had an opportunity to spend some time with Richard Warburton from jClarity – JVM performance analysis and tooling company. They are using Vert.x across different VMs to gather data. Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that’s designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications. More details on vert.x would be available in a subsequent blog but in the meanwhile learn all about jClarity’s usage of Vert.x in this brief interview with Richard:

I also talked briefly with jaxenter.com on my move to Red Hat, wild popularity of the Java EE 7 platform, on what attracts me to JAX London year over year. That interview is also available:

Enjoy some pictures from this visit:


O’Reilly had a booth and was able to sell most of the best-selling Java EE 7 Essentials copies. But you can always order your own from amazon.com or shop.oreilly.com. I’ve seen O’Reilly.com offering discounts on a regular basis so keep checking. Alternatively attend one of my Java EE 7 hands-on lab at any conference and the first one to complete all the exercises gets a copy from me 😉

And the complete album:

Now on my way to JFall, Transylvania JUG, and Devoxx!

JFall, Transylvania JUG, and Devoxx

Barely back from an exciting trip to Luxembourg JUG and JAX London, and now heading back to Europe again!

This time to JFall, Transylvania JUG, and Devoxx!


JFall is an annual conference organized by Netherlands JUG (NLJUG). The conference is free for the JUG members after they’ve paid annual subscription. At about 1000+ attendees  (limited by the venue) the conference is a big hit for the local attendees.

I’ll be giving two sessions at JFall 2013 (Nov 6):

  • Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab
  • Code-driven introduction to Java EE 7

I seem to have an odd year cadence with JFall. My first two trips in 2009 and 2011 were with Oracle, and now this year as Red Hat.

This is then followed by a visit to Transylvania JUG in Romania (Nov 7).


Looking forward to meet Romanian developers and hopefully sneak a visit to Dracula Castle 😉

And concluding this trip with one of the finest Java conferences:


  • Java EE 7: What’s New in the Java EE Platform (11/11)
  • Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab (11/13)
  • Java EE 7’s Java API for WebSocket (11/14)

Read more about why Devoxx is pretty unique. Even though other conferences have taken cues from here over the years but there are still quite a few items that make Devoxx what it is!

Looking forward to meet friends and make new friends!

Feel free to ask me any thing about WildFly or suggest a Tech Tip that needs to be written.

Where will I see you ?

Java EE 7 at Luxembourg JUG and JAX London

After new hire orientation at Red Hat earlier this week, my first public speaking engagement  is going to be at Luxemboug JUG (Oct 28).


You’ll get to hear all about Java EE 7 in full glory!

I plan to use a mix of JBoss Tools and NetBeans from tooling perspective. And GlassFish and WildFly Beta 1 and GlassFish for runtime. Here are couple of pointers:

This is my first trip to Luxembourg and so looking forward to it!


The next country on this trip will be London. It starts with a couple of sessions at JAX London on (Oct 29):

  • Getting Started with WebSocket and Server-Sent Events using Java
  • Java EE 7 Platform: Boosting Productivity and Embracing HTML5

Here are other Red Hat talks at JAX London:

  • OpenShift Primer: Get Your JBoss Into the Cloud
  • Introducing Vert.x 2.0 – Taking Polyglot Application Development to the Next Level

Finally it concludes with a code-driven introduction to Java EE 7 at JAX London Community Night (Oct 29). This talk is at the GlassFish User Group and organized by C2B2 Consulting.

Make sure to register for this free event.

Here is one of my favorite pics from JAX London 2011:

Where will I see you ?