WildFly 9 on NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, OpenShift, and Maven (Tech Tip #86)


WildFly 9 CR1 was recently released. Lots of cool features are included:

  • Intelligent load balancing
  • HTTP/2 and SPDY support
  • A new offline CLI mode
  • Graceful single node shutdown
  • A new Servlet-only distribution

And this is above the usual Java EE 7 compliance!

This blog is a quick check to verify that it works in all three major IDEs and OpenShift.

WildFly 9 and NetBeans

Lets start with NetBeans 8.0.x first. The screenshot shows WildFly 9 CR1 configured in NetBeans and started. The log is shown in the console.

WildFly 9 CR1 on NetBeans

Complete instructions to setup WildFly in NetBeans are in NetBeans 8 and WildFly 8.

WildFly 9 and Eclipse

Getting Started with JBoss Tools and WildFly 8 shows how to configure WildFly with JBoss Tools. Here are the series of snapshots that shows configuring WildFly 9 in JBoss Tools with Eclipse Mars M6.

A new experimental runtime …

WildFly 9 CR1 Experimental

Specify the directory …

WildFly 9 CR1 Eclipse New Runtime

Now WildFly 9 is configured as a Server in Eclipse …

WildFly 9 CR1 Eclipse Servers

And finally the server is up and running …

WildFly 9 CR1 Eclipse Console

Complete details, including download and update center coordinates, are explained at JBoss Tools Alpha 2 for Eclipse Mars.

WildFly 9 and IntelliJ

WildFly 8 and IntelliJ IDEA Screencast provide complete details on how to setup IntelliJ with WildFly. The snapshot below shows WildFly 9 configured in IntelliJ 14.1.2.

WildFly 9 CR1 with IntelliJ 14

WildFly 9 and OpenShift

Creating an OpenShift application is pretty straightforward as well:

This creates a new application and uses WildFly 9 as the underlying application server. Complete details about the OpenShift cartridge are at github.com/openshift-cartridges/openshift-wildfly-cartridge/tree/wildfly-9. You can find about how to create an OpenShift application with an existing application, how to connect to this WildFly instance using JBoss CLI.

WildFly 8 CR1 on OpenShift also provide more details.

WildFly 9 and Maven

WildFly Maven Plugin  provide the latest information about how to get started with WildFly Maven plugin.

But you just need to fire up a WildFly server as:

And then deploy the Java EE 7 Movieplex application as:

And the plugin definition is very simple:


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14 thoughts on “WildFly 9 on NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, OpenShift, and Maven (Tech Tip #86)

  1. Pingback: WildFly 9 on NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, OpenShift, and Maven | Dinesh Ram Kali.
  2. For which version of eclipse Jboss tools provide server adapter for Wildfly 9. Also, how is the support for eclipse link compare to Wildfly8.

  3. Hi,

    I can’t select the WildFly 9 RC 1 as the run target in my Netbeans 8.0.2 JEE project. Did I overlooked something

  4. Your versions are mixed up – Complete instructions to “setup WildFly in NetBeans are in NetBeans 8 and WildFly 8.”
    Wildfly 8 is not Wildfly 9 title “wildfly9-netbeans-eclipse-intellij-openshift-maven”

    I have issues with NB8 and WF9 MB8 keeps loosing the fact that WF9 is running?

  5. Same here. WF9 is not detected as started in Netbeans after the Start command. So no hot deployment is working.
    Is there any solution on that?

  6. Here using Netbeans 8.0.2 with WildFly 9 final I can create only JEE6 apps and the project cannot be deployed on run…

  7. Pingback: Java Annotated – July 2015 | JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Blog
  8. Pingback: Java Annotated Monthly – July 2015 | JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Blog
  9. Re: Netbeans and Wildfly 9, please take a look at the screenshot above. You can actually see the error in that the green arrow is green and not grayed out, as it would normally be when Wildfly (say 8) is running. The red stop square should be red and not gray.

    Netbeans seems to be able to start Wildfly 9, but does not seem to be able to identify it as actually having started. I did get an exception which I sent through the Netbeans bug reporter; not sure if that was strictly related.

  10. This (and the duplicate) seem related: https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=252728

  11. Well, I’ve started to work with Wildfly since three weeks ago, migrating a Java 1.7 application with REST services and EJBs from Tomcat.
    Since the very first moment I’ve had problems with remote connections to Wildfly, I don’t know what is the problem, but, I can’t connect from another machine; I’m trying to automate the deploy with Maven, and I always receive the following error:
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin:1.1.0.Alpha4:deploy (default-cli) on project XXXXCoreAPP: Could not execute goal deploy on C:\home\XXXX\workspace\git-core\xx_core_app\target\XXXXCoreAPP-0.2.maven-project. Reason: I/O Error could not execute operation ‘{
    [ERROR] “operation” => “read-attribute”,
    [ERROR] “address” => [],
    [ERROR] “name” => “launch-type”
    [ERROR] }’: java.net.ConnectException: WFLYPRT0053: Could not connect to http-remoting://xxxx.local:9990. The connection failed: Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed:
    [ERROR] DIGEST-MD5: Server rejected authentication
    I can’t even consume the EJBs from another JVM, not even running into the same machine, always gives an error connecting to Wildfly.
    I’m using an user with ManagementRealm privileges, I’ve tested different ways, with user admin and an application user, etc..
    There’s almost NO information on the internet about this problems, I’m sincerely tired and frustrated since I started to use Wildfly 9.0.1 Final… :-/

  12. Alvaro,

    There are a ton of Java EE samples at https://github.com/javaee-samples/javaee7-samples/. They also show how to use WildFly Maven plugin and that should help.


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