Help shape the future of EAP 7: Feedback on Admin Console

The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) Admin Console is a browser-based management tool for the applications and resources deployed on EAP. The latest JBoss EAP (6.2 final and 6.3 alpha as of this release) can be downloaded from Admin Console is accessible at localhost:9090 after the app server is started.

JBoss EAP 7 will be based on a future version of WildFly. So if you want to see how Admin Console is improving then you can download the latest WildFly (8.0 final and 8.1 CR2) and take a look there. Here is a quick snapshot:


Would you like to help shape the future of EAP 7 ? If you are interested, and have a few minutes to share your experience, this is your opportunity!

If you are an existing user of JBoss EAP and/or AS/WildFly, we are interested in learning your top 7-10 tasks that are performed regularly using the Admin Console. Based upon the results, we’ll decide on featuring the most common set of tasks using an easily accessible page in Admin Console.

More details on format, logistics, and how to share are explained at

Help us help you be more productive!

Adding Java EE 7 Batch Addon to JBoss Forge ? – Part 2 (Tech Tip #24)

This is the second part (part 1) of a multi-part video series where Lincoln Baxter (@lincolnthree) and I are interactively building a Forge addon to adding Java EE 7 Batch functionality.

Part 1 showed how to get started with creating an addon, add relevant POM dependencies, build and install the addon using Forge shell, and add parameters to the addon. This part shows how to add some meaningful semantics to those parameters.

Java EE 7 Batch define item-oriented processing where an item is read, optionally processed, and then written. Items could be read from an input source, CSV file, JMS destination, REST endpoint, database, or any other source. Similarly items can be written to an output stream, database, or some where else. This logic of reading, processing, and writing is captured in beans that are packaged in your WAR file. These beans need to either extend from a specific interface or extend an abstract class. For example item reader needs to either implement ItemReader interface or extends AbstractItemReader abstract class. Similarly item writer needs to either implement ItemWriter interface or extend <code<AbstractItemWriter abstract class. Item processor need to implement ItemProcessor interface.

Part 1 showed how to add --reader, --processor, --writer parameters to the newly added batch-new-jobxml command. This part will show how to identify classes for each CLI parameter that already honor the contract required by the Batch specification.


As earlier, the evolving source code is available at

The timing for the next recording is unknown at this time because of my travel schedule, but sometime next week.

PicketLink: Simplified Security and Identity Management for Java


PicketLink is an umbrella project for security and identity management for Java Applications. It provides:

  • Java EE Application Security
    • Authentication API
    • Authorization and Permission API
    • Session Based Identity
    • Fully Integrated With CDI
  • Identity Management
    • Built-in Identity Stores for Databases and LDAP
    • Supports Java EE and Java SE Platform
    • Rich and Extensible API
    • Multi-Tenancy
    • Ideal for Cloud and SaaS applications
  • Federation
    • SAML (v2.0 and v1.1)
    • OAuth2
    • XACML v2
    • OpenID
    • WS-Trust based Security Token Server (STS)
  • Social Login
    • Facebook Connect
    • Twitter Login
    • Google+ Login
  • Mobile Applications Security
  • REST Applications Security

Want to learn all about PicketLink ? Look at deep dive sessions part 1 and part 2.

Peter Skopek (@pskopek) works on the PicketLink team at Red Hat and gave a presentation at London JBUG a few days ago. The slides and the video recording are now available:

Lot more information at

WebSocket in JBoss EAP 6.3 (Tech Tip #23)

JBoss EAP (Enterprise Application Platform) is the commercially supported version of community supported JBoss AS 7.x. JBoss EAP 7 is scheduled to be released next year and will provide full compliance with Java EE 7. In the meanwhile, JBoss EAP 6.3 is getting ready to be released later this year.

Download JBoss EAP 6.3 Alpha, or this is also linked from the main downloads page.

A quick summary of JBoss EAP 6.3 is:

Features an updated administrative console that includes a new homepage and exposes the new JBoss EAP 6.2 patching features.  Also includes domain discovery and recovery improvements and support for WebSockets.

WebSocket ?

Yes, JBoss EAP 6.3 provides support for WebSocket using JSR 356 API. However this feature needs to be explicitly enabled by adding the following WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml to your .war file:

A wide variety of WebSocket samples are available here. Try these samples on EAP 6.3 Alpha, and we are looking forward to your feedback.

I tried the canonical chat sample and the output from Chrome and Firefox looked like:


Bug #1083038 provide more details on this feature.

Which WebSocket sample are you going to try ?


Adding Java EE 7 Batch Addon to JBoss Forge – Part 1 (Tech Tip #22)

JBoss Forge is the fastest way to build your Java EE applications, and not even tied to a particular IDE or an Application Server. Tech Tip #17 explained how to build a simple Java EE application rapidly, and deploy it on WildFly. JBoss Developer Studio provide a very neat integration with Forge as well. The instructions from the video are also explained in a text-based script here.

Forge is built with an extensible architecture where third-party addons can be easily installed to enable new functionality that does not exist in the Forge itself. A large variety of addons (nee plugins) are already available such as Arquillian, RichFaces, JRebel, OpenShift, Spring, TomEE, AngularJS, Netty, and a lot more.

Now, you’ve used Forge, found some functionality missing, fortunately somebody already created a addon and so could use that. But now you need some functionality and there is no addon available for that. So you’ll need to create an addon. How do you start ?

Lincoln Baxter (@lincolnthree) and I are starting a multi-part video series where we are going to interactively build a addon for adding Java EE 7 Batch functionality to Forge. The first video is available and shows:

  • Get started with creating a plugin basic structure
  • Add relevant dependencies
  • Build and install the addon
  • Add parameters to the addon

We plan to record the next session next Friday-ish. Let us know if you’d like to join us on G+ hangout and will share the coordinates.

The evolving source code is available at



JBoss Events Calendar

Did you know that events where JBoss technologies are presented are listed in a calendar ?

Are you talking at an event about JBoss technology and its not listed here ? Do you know of any event where JBoss technologies are talked about and not listed in this calendar ? Send us a request by filling this form.

Subscribe to this calendar using any of the following links:

calendar-xml calendar-ical calendar-html

Here is a sampling of some of the JBoss projects:

What is your favorite project ? Where do you contribute ? Where project have you presented about ? Which conference ?

Let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

Getting Started with WildFly in OpenShift and JBoss Developer Studio (Tech Tip #21)

[Republishing from]

OpenShift provides an open source hybrid cloud application platform by Red Hat. It enables polyglot applications to be deployed on a public, private, and a hybrid cloud very easily. It provides an extensible cartridge-based architecture that allows a wide range of functionality such as frameworks, databases, monitoring services, or connectors to external backends to be easily added. WildFly cartridge allows you to start a WildFly instance in OpenShift Online.

JBoss Developer Studio provide comprehensive tooling around Java EE, HTML5, Mobile, and many other technologies needed for modern web application development. The latest 7.1.1 release provide support for Eclipse Kepler SR2, the latest Eclipse release.

This blog contains a video tutorial that explains how to get started with WildFly in OpenShift and JBoss Developer Studio. Specifically, it shows:

  • Create an OpenShift application using WildFly cartridge
  • Access the WildFly administration console using port forwarding
  • Import the created application in JBoss Developer Studio
  • Make changes to the application and view them in the deployed application
  • Add a simple Java EE 7 component to the application


WildFly 8 Launch Presentations in 40+ JUGs in 6 continents

40+ Java User Groups from 6 continents have participated in WildFly 8 Launch so far, and a few more are still lined up. This has truly been a global participation so far, and truly reflects the spirit of Java community.

Several of these were delivered virtually primarily using G+ hangout, and then some in person during the travel by WildFly team. Lots of interesting conversations and feedback from developers all around the world, many thanks for that!

Enjoy a collage of the pictures captured so far …


And a complete album available on

Post by WildFly.

Is your JUG interested in learning all the cool features of WildFly ? Just drop a comment on this blog or ping at @WildFlyAs.


FREE JBoss Workshops in Boston and Washington DC – May 22

Interested in learning about JBoss Middleware technologies in Boston and Washington DC ?

Attend our FREE hands-on workshop to hear how the innovation and technical capabilities of Apache projects can help you reduce the time and complexity of integrating all facets of your business including devices, outlets, and partners, on premise or in the cloud.

Learn all about reliable messaging, A-MQ, JBoss Fuse, service orchestration using hands-on labs. Register here!


Attend this FREE hands-on technical workshop to learn how to reduce the time required to update applications, service-oriented architecture (SOA) deployments, and business processes with the latest business rules and policies.

Learn about Business Rules Management System and Complex Event Processing using hands-on lab. Register here!


WildFly 8, Java EE 7, and Eclipse/JBoss Developer Studio Screencast (Tech Tip #20)

JBoss Developer Studio provide comprehensive tooling around Java EE, HTML5, Mobile, and many other technologies needed for modern web application development.

This short screencast shows you how to configure WildFly 8 in JBoss Developer Studio 7.1.1 and build/deploy a simple Java EE 7 application to it. Please note, that this would work if you installed Eclipse + JBoss Tools separately as well.


WildFly 8 and IntelliJ IDEA Screencast (Tech Tip #19)

Viktor Gamov (@gAmUssA) published a screencast that shows how to do Java EE 7 development with WildFly and IntelliJ IDEA. The video shows how to:

  • Download and install (basically unzip 😉 WildFly
  • Configure JBoss plugin in IDEA (this enables support for WildFly)
  • Configure WildFly in IDEA
  • Run a Java EE 7 sample on WildFly

Nicely done, enjoy!

Don’t forget a ton of Java EE 7 samples are available at

NetBeans 8 and WildFly 8 Screencasts (Tech Tip #18)

Wildfly_logo netbeans8-logo

Enjoy the short screencast on how to get started with WildFly 8 in NetBeans 8:

Emmanuel Hugonet (@ehsavoie) created the NetBeans plugin and maintains it. He also created a quick video that shows how to:

  • Configure and start WildFly 8 server
  • Run a Java EE 7 WebSocket sample on WildFly
  • Choose Maven profile to run tests
  • Type of resources shown by the plugin


File the bugs here (use “WildFly” component).

Don’t forget a ton of Java EE 7 samples are available at

Blog Statistics: April 2014

This blog was started a little over 6 months ago and so time to report some stats:

Top 5 pages

Top 5 countries/territories

  • United States (18.86%)
  • Germany (8.72%)
  • India (6.95%)
  • Brazil (5.19%)
  • France (4.62%)

Top 5 Cities

  • Bangalore: 2.57%
  • London: 1.60%
  • Krasnoperekops’k: 1.19% (been getting lot of spam recently 😉
  • Sao Paulo: 0.99%
  • Paris: 0.93%

Top 5 browsers

  • Chrome: 51.79%
  • Firefox: 24.80%
  • Safari: 8.64%
  • Safari (in-app): 5.26%
  • Internet Explorer: 4.87%

Top 5 Operating Systems

  • Windows: 50.55%
  • Macintosh: 16.94%
  • Linux: 15.23%
  • iOS: 8.86%
  • Android: 7.82%

Mobile Screen Resolution

  • 768 x 1024: 23.68%
  • 320 x 568: 18.07%
  • 320 x 480: 10.01%
  • 360 x 640: 8.65%
  • 360 x 492: 5.37%

Device Category

  • Desktop: 82.90%
  • Mobile: 11.55%
  • Tablet: 5.55%

Type of visitors

  • New: 65.49%
  • Returning: 35.41%

This blog is also aggregated at multiple places, including Hope you’ll find these statistics useful for targeting your audience.

Thanks for all the continued readership and see ya in 6 months with these stats again!


JBoss xPaaS: aPaaS, iPaaS, bpmPaaS, dvPaaS, mPaaS on OpenShift

JBoss xPaaS is a set of services that provide the powerful capabilities of JBoss Middleware as cloud based services on OpenShift.

Generally PaaS refers to aPaaS or Application Platform as a Service or ePaaS or Enterprise Platform as a Service. This means making an application server, such as Red Hat JBoss EAP, available in the cloud. This has the usual advantages:

  • No need to install the application server on your local machine. You need a running insance of JBoss EAP, spin it in the cloud. You need multiple instances, spin all of them in the cloud.
  • No provisioning, procurement, installation, configuring, etc of the app server.
  • No tech support required to maintain your hardware, operating system, application server, etc.
  • Capital expenditure is significantly reduced although operational expenditure may increase slightly but this more than outweighs the benefits that come along with it.
  • Integration with popular IDEs is prevalent.

OpenShift has offered aPaaS for Java EE 6 with Red Hat JBoss EAP/JBoss AS and Java EE 7 with WildFly for 2+ years now.

In addition to JBoss EAP, JBoss provides a rich set of middleware services for building highly complex and sophisticated applications, all working seamlessly together. Some of these are:

  • JBoss Fuse is an open source ESB with capabilities based on Apache Camel, Apache CXF, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Karaf and Fabric8 in a single integrated distribution.
  • JBoss BPM  is an open-source workflow engine that can execute business processes described in BPMN 2.0. It enables enterprise business and IT users to document, simulate, manage, automate and monitor business processes and policies.
  • JBoss Data Virtualization is complete data provisioning, federation, integration and management solution. It connect access data from multiple, heterogeneous data sources (connect), easily create reusable, business-friendly logical data models and views by combining and transforming data (compose), and make unified data easily consumable through open standard interfaces (consume).
  • AeroGear provides flexible and extensible libraries to simplify mobile development across platforms and cut common repetitive infrastructure tasks.

JBoss xPaaS provides a developer preview of all of these services on OpenShift.


Interested in aPaaS using JBoss EAP ? Get started here!
Interested in iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) using JBoss Fuse ? Get started here!
Interested in dvPaaS (Data Virtualization Platform as a Service) using JBoss Data Virtualization ? Get started here!
Interested in bpmPaaS (Business Process Management Platform as a Service) using JBoss BPM ? Get started here!
Interested in mPaaS (Mobile Platform as a Service) using JBoss AeroGear ? GET started here!

Complete details at