Category Archives: personal

Bye Bye Couchbase, Hello Amazon Web Services!

After spending a little over 18 months at Couchbase, the future is cloudy, very cloudy!

Friday, April 7th, 2017, was my last day at Couchbase. This Monday, April 10th, 2017, is my first day at Amazon.


What will I be doing?

I’ll be part of the newly formed Open Source team at Amazon Web Services. I’m super excited to be working with Adrian Cockroft (@adrianco) and Zaheda Bhorat (@zahedab).

As a Principal Open Source Technologist, my initial focus will be to make sure AWS continues to be the best platform for running your containerized solutions. Yes, we’d like you to use EC2 Container Service. But if you want to use Docker, Kubernetes, DC/OS or any other open source orchestration framework, so be it! We will continue to work with our partners and the open source community, including contributing to these projects, to make sure AWS remains the best place to run your containerized workloads.

In addition, there are numerous other opportunities around open source and AWS like mxnet, Blox and likely many more to be created.

Why change?

I had a lot of fun working at a Silicon Valley startup. The amount of learning in terms of implementing the pipeline from adoption -> engagement -> monetization was immense. Working with different teams very closely, learning their machinery and helping them understand the relevance of community was quite a thrilling experience. Having significant part of the company colocated in a single location allowed a different level of interaction altogether. Working with Developer Advocacy team to meet, and quite often exceed, the metrics every month was a lot of fun.

However, for those who’ve followed me speaking at conferences and read my content over the past couple of years know that I’m passionate about containers. As Oprah Winfrey said:

Passion is energy!

Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you

This opportunity at AWS allows me to follow my heart and passion.

Some other quotes that truly symbolize my state of mind at this time …

passion1 passion3

This personal change is by no means any indication on the quality of Couchbase products. Both Couchbase Server and Couchbase Mobile are very well positioned for enterprise adoption. N1QL allows database developers to leverage their SQL skills and apply them to a NoSQL document database. Couchbase Mobile is a unique offering that provides offline capability for mobile applications and synchronization with a backend database when online. It will continue to blaze new trails and bring new types of customers. I wish all of them good luck!

A popular saying is “change is the only constant”. And so here I go again making another change in my career. Looking forward to see you at conferences and meetups around the world.

This also means, the blog title will change to Miles to go 4.0 now (2.0, 3.0)!

Where will you see me?

Some upcoming speaking engagements are DockerCon (Austin), GIDS (Bangalore), OSCON (Austin). Amazon Web Services is a gold sponsor at DockerCon and OSCON and so you can find me at the booth as well.

You’ll also see me at some AWS Summits and re:Invent.

And of course, you can follow me on twitter @arungupta to find out what’s keeping me busy!

In the meanwhile, here are some links for you to learn more about AWS:

  • AWS on Twitch
  • This is My Architecture that shows innovative architectural solutions on the AWS Cloud
  • AWS Blog
  • Follow @awscloud

Looking forward to AWSome and exciting weeks/months/years ahead!


New Gig at Couchbase

Seems like my departure from Red Hat surprised a lot of people, at least that seems to be the primary reaction on twitter:

So what is my new gig?

I run the Developer Advocacy team at Couchbase.couchbase-logo

Couchbase is an open-source, NoSQL, document-oriented database that can be used both as a document database that stores JSON documents or a pure key-value database.

Read Why NoSQL to learn more about how Digital Transformation is necessitating the need of NoSQL in this economy.

Read Couchbase Customer Case Studies to learn more about who is using our product.

Some of the feedback on me joining Couchbase is very encouraging:




Developer Advocacy Team at Couchbase

Here are the team members:

  Laura Czajkowski (@Czajkowski, blog)
 Laurent Doguin (@ldoguin, blog)
 James Nocentini (@jamiltz, blog)
 Martin Esmann (@martinesmann, blog)
 Matthew Revell (@matthewrevell, blog)
 Nic Raboy (@nraboy, blog)
 William Hoang (@sweetiewill, blog)

Feel free to ping any of them, including myself, to learn any aspect of Couchbase!

What is Developer Advocacy at Couchbase?

This team is responsible for making sure developers know all the cool features of Couchbase and can use them effectively. These could be developers who have never heard of Couchbase or may be power users and have a very specific need – we cater to all of them. The team is equipped to handle all your needs!

How do we do that?

  • Try the latest releases and create demos, samples and presentations explaining different features in simple terms
  • Prepare hands-on lab / workshops and deliver them
  • Speak at different events around the world
  • Write blogs and engage on social media (Twitter, Forums, etc)
  • We are all geeks at heart and like playing with technology

All our latest content is at

Couchbase and You

When is Couchbase relevant for you?

  • Are you building applications that use Cloud, Mobile, Social Media, Big Data, and/or IoT? Couchbase is for you!
  • Do you want the ability to query JSON documents stored in your database using declarative query language?
  • Do you want multi-dimensional scaling?
  • Do you want to scale from a single node to hundreds of NoSQL nodes, very easily?
  • Cross data center replication?
  • Secure, reliable, powerful, available NoSQL datastore
  • Java EE, Spring, Spring, Hadoop, ForestDB, Docker, Kubernetes, Vagrant, PhoneGap, ElasticSearch, RxJava, and several other frameworks.

If you are using or interested in any of the areas mentioned above, then Couchbase is for you!

Does your Java, Node.js, .NET, Python, PHP, Ruby, C, Go, Mobile, Big Data, NoSQL, or any other User Group would like to learn how to use Couchbase for solving your NoSQL needs?

We are here to serve, and look forward to talk to you!

Latest releases are available at Couchbase Download Page.

Subsequent blogs will provide details on how to get started with Couchbase and much more to simplify your journey in the NoSQL land!

The new gig also changes the version of this blog to 3.0. Looking forward to hearing what would you like to know about Couchbase.

Au Revoir Red Hat

This Friday (Sep 18, 2015) is my last day at Red Hat!

I’ve throughly enjoyed my time here and always thought of myself working at Red Hat for a very long term. This change is not a reflection on Red Hat in any sense, but as a German philosopher said:

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, and immortal

Arthur Schopenhauer

I was fortunate to be involved with several projects at Red Hat. Some of them are WildFly, WildFly Swarm, Arquillian, JBoss Forge, Docker, Kubernetes, xPaaS, Eclipse, JBoss Developer Studio, NetBeans, Hibernate OGM, Camel, APIMan, Fabric8, Infinispan, Keycloak, Windup, Ceylon, Vert.x, Cordova, AeroGear, OpenShift, CI/CD, Microservices, and a whole lot more.

Make sure to subscribe to JBoss Weekly and @jbossdeveloper for latest updates about JBoss or to @rhdevelopers to learn all about Red Hat Developers.

A complete list of all the JBoss Middleware projects can be found at

Over all …

  • Authored ~250 blog posts covering different topics
  • Met and worked with some top notch developers in open source
  • Learned how business is built around open source
  • Spoke at multiple events around the world
  • Happily lived the collaborative Red Hat culture
  • Had lots of fun

I still feel surprised that my stay at Red Hat lasted only < 2 years. But seems like they knew about this move and already printed an expiry date on the badge 😉

Red Hat Badge

Newer badges don’t seem to have an expiry date so that leaves recently joined employees a better chance of sticking around 😉

Red Hat is very well positioned to lead the Java EE Application Server market with their innovative WildFly and JBoss EAP. They have built the a great PaaS platform with Docker and Kubernetes as the basis. They’ve the right mindset and developers love them, and they are executing well. $RHT has gone from ~$43 to $70 since I joined.

The market is all theirs to capture and I wish them good luck.

A very heartfelt thanks to Red Hat for giving the opportunity to work at the best open source company in the world. You should seriously check out!

I’m an athlete and truly believe that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So here, once again, I’m shocking myself and venturing into a new world.

So, what’s going to be my next adventure?

Without giving away too much, I can say that I’ll be sitting comfortably on a … stay tuned!

May the Open Source be with you!

Minecon 2015 – Minecraft Modding Workshop and Education Panel

Devoxx4Kidsminecon 2015
Devoxx4Kids Minecraft Modding workshop has been used all around the world by kids as their first introduction to Java programming, even programming in several cases. This workshop has been delivered at our meetups, corporate events such as OSCON, Silicon Valley Code Camp, JavaOne and Red Hat Summit, schools, libraries, workplaces, homes, and many other venues. And now its going to the most coveted and sought after place for all minecrafters around the world – Minecon 2015!

Many thanks to Microsoft (now the parent company of Mojang) for extending the invitation!

Minecon is the biggest gathering of all minecrafters on this planet. About 10,000 attendees are expected to gather on Jul 4th and 5th in London this year. This will be our first time there. We are super excited and can’t wait to experience the phenomenon.

In addition, Microsoft has also asked us to lead a panel on “Using Mods for Teaching”. This panel will discuss the relevance of modding in education. We’ll try to answer some of the questions as:

  • Can modding be the right medium for first introduction to programming?
  • What is an appropriate age to start modding?
  • What would you like from Mojang to improve the modding experience?
  • What can be done to fundamentally change STEM education in schools?

Participate in Minecon 2015 Virtually

You can participate in Minecon virtually as well!

Are there any questions that you’d like to ask the panelists? Leave a comment in the blog and I’ll try to accommodate as many of them as possible.

As always, follow me @arungupta to watch out for comments/pictures from the event!

Devoxx4Kids Ancillary Event at Corporate

Running a Devoxx4Kids event as an ancillary to the main event is a great way to engage local community. Such an event can consist of not just minecraft modding, but several other topics such as Scratch, Greenfoot, and HTML5/CSS. Let us know if your corporate event is interested in running a Devoxx4Kids workshop the weekend before/after the main event!

Minecraft Modding with Forge – Print and Ebook Now Available

Would you like to learn Minecraft Modding in a family-friendly way?
Don’t have any previous programming experience?
Never programmed in Java?

This new O’Reilly book on Minecraft Modding with Forge is targeted at parents and kids who would like to learn how to create new Minecraft mods. It can be read by parents or kids independently, and is more fun when they read it together. No prior programming experience is required however some familiarity with software installation would be very helpful.

Minecraft Modding with Forge Book Cover

Release Date: April 2015
Language: English
Pages: 194
Print ISBN:978-1-4919-1889-0| ISBN 10:1-4919-1889-6
Ebook ISBN:978-1-4919-1883-8| ISBN 10:1-4919-1883-7

Minecraft is commonly associated with “addiction”. This book hopes to leverage the passionate kids and teach them how to do Minecraft Modding, and in the process teach some fundamental Java concepts. They also pick up basic Eclipse skills as well.

It uses Minecraft Forge and shows how to create over two dozen mods. Here is the complete Table of Content:

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Block Break Message
Chapter 3 Fun with Explosions
Chapter 4 Entities
Chapter 5 Movement
Chapter 6 New Commands
Chapter 7 New Block
Chapter 8 New Item
Chapter 9 Recipes and Textures
Chapter 10 Sharing Mods
Appendix A What is Minecraft?
Appendix B Eclipse Shortcuts and Correct Imports
Appendix C Downloading the Source Code from GitHub
Appendix D Devoxx4Kids

Each chapter also provide several additional ideas on what readers can try based upon what they learned.

It has been an extremely joyful and rewarding experience to co-author the book with my 12-year old son. Many thanks to O’Reilly for providing this opportunity of a lifetime experience to us.

Here is the effort distribution by different collaborators on the book:

The book is available in print and ebook and can be purchased from

Three reviews so far are all five star and so that is encouraging:

Minecraft Modding with Forge Book Feedback - April 2015

Its also marked as #1 hot new release at Amazon in Game Programming:

Minecraft Modding with Forge - #1 Hot Release on Amazon

Scan the QR code to get the URL on your favorite device and give the first Java programming lesson to your kid – the Minecraft Way. They are going to thank you for that!


Happy modding and looking forward to your reviews.

Minecraft Modding with Forge: Pre-release of a New O’Reilly Book

Would you like to learn Minecraft Modding in a simple and easy-to-understand language?
Don’t have any technical background or previous programming experience?
Never programmed in Java?

This new O’Reilly book on Minecraft Modding with Forge is targeted at parents and kids who would like to learn how to mod the game of Minecraft. It can be read by parents or kids independently, and is more fun when they read it together. No prior programming experience is required however some familiarity with software installation would be very helpful.


Release Date: May 2015 (hopefully sooner)
Language: English
Pages: 200
Print ISBN: 978-1-4919-1889-0| ISBN 10:1-4919-1889-6
Early Release Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4919-1882-1| ISBN 10:1-4919-1882-9

It uses Minecraft Forge and shows how to build 26 mods. Here is the complete Table of Content:

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Block Break Message
Chapter 3 Fun with Explosions
Chapter 4 Entities
Chapter 5 Movement
Chapter 6 New Commands
Chapter 7 New Block
Chapter 8 New Item
Chapter 9 Recipes and Textures
Chapter 10 Sharing Mods
Appendix A What is Minecraft?
Appendix B List of Forge Classes and Methods
Appendix C Eclipse Shortcuts and Correct Imports
Appendix D Downloading the Source Code from GitHub
Appendix E Devoxx4Kids

Each chapter also share several ideas on what readers can try.

Game of Minecraft is commonly associated with “addiction”. This book hopes to leverage the passionate kids and teach them how to do Minecraft Modding, and in the process teach them some fundamental Java concepts. They also pick up basic Eclipse skills as well.

It has been an extremely joyful and rewarding experience to co-author the book with my 12-year old son. Many thanks to O’Reilly for providing this opportunity of a lifetime experience to us.

The book is available in pre-released and can be purchased from Any pre-release buyers will get a final copy of the book as well.

Scan the QR code to get the URL on your favorite device.


Happy modding and looking forward to your feedback!

Advise to Microsoft on Mojang and Minecraft

Microsoft bought Mojang for $2.5 billion, wow! Here is official press release by Microsoft.


The game is extremely popular within 8-14 years of age range, but also within other ages, including adults, as well. The education community has been extremely excited because of all the opportunities it provides to engage kids at an early age and teach them Java programming, object-oriented, and mathematical concepts by “modding” the game. The community is highly engaged, passionate and diverse. This “global phenomenon” indeed binds the community very well and gives them a common language to talk with each other. My son has been attending Minecraft-themed birthday parties for last 3 years. There are halloween costumes, 3d printed Minecraft worlds, tshirts, hoodies,  hats, slippers, swimming trunks, plates, spoons, and you name it, its all there!

On a personal level, My son and I’ve personally delivered multiple Minecraft Modding workshops around the San Francisco Bay Area. This workshop has also been delivered around the world by Devoxx4Kids volunteers, and even translated in German, Dutch, and French.

My first reaction to this purchase was a grandpa company that is desperate to be innovative just used their cash power to buy a company behind one of the most innovative game. I felt really miserable, especially knowing that the game is written in Java. Microsoft has no significant history of delivering or maintaining Java programs particularly. I may be wrong, but Microsoft J Sharp is dated 2006. And Visual J# was removed from Visual Studio a few years ago as well. Heck, you even need to install JDK on a Microsoft Windows machine.

Microsoft is known to provide tight integration within their portfolio. So another thought that came was that Microsoft will start integrating Silverlight, .NET, Office 365, Exchange integration, and their complete slew of Windows-specific technologies in the game. May be all backed Microsoft Access, Sharepoint, and Azure, oh no!

Another thought came to mind was that the newer features of the game will be released on XBox first, and then probably limp along on PC and other platforms later. May be make the game exclusive on Windows-based mobile phones, I hope not!

In general, the younger generation seems to not be very excited with Microsoft ecosystem. Anything ranging from virus-infected Windows, legacy Internet Explorer, to mobile phones. At least, that’s the reaction I’ve seen and heard from my family, friends, and hackathons around around the world. Players play Minecraft if they have XBox, they don’t buy XBox because they want to play Minecraft. The experience on PC/Desktop is pretty good IMHO. Although you can easily host a server and then join from any device, which is the cool part about the game.

I seriously hope, I’m wrong on all these initial, may be somewhat emotional, reactions. I really hope so!

Phil Spencer (head of Xbox, @XboxP3) has made it clear that “we plan to continue to make Minecraft available across platforms – including iOS, Android and PlayStation, in addition to Xbox and PC. ” I hope they stick to their promise on PC at the least 😉

Notch (@notch) has left Mojang already, and so have other co-founders. Minecraft was not intended to grow this big but it turned out to be, and he does not want to be responsible for it now. I respect that he likes to enjoy building games, and would continue to do so. The BIG payoff is accidental, and will allow him to focus his energy on what he is good at.

As father of an avid modder, an educator, Java evangelist, Java Champion, JUG leader, software engineer, here is my wish list for Microsoft to help with Minecraft:

  1. Maintain Minecraft on PC/desktop as a first class game. Make sure the latest snapshots are always available on PC first than any other platforms.
  2. Mojang has talked about delivering an official modding API for the past 2+ years but the status is unclear. It has been very disappointing to see Bukkit dying but fortunately there is Forge and other modding platforms. Deliver a formal modding API within next one year would really allow Microsoft to gain huge favors.
  3. Provide simpler tools/IDE that allow to create mods easily. Eclipse, IntelliJ, and NetBeans are too complex to be used by young developers. Please do not require Visual Studio or any other similar heavy weight tools to be downloaded in order to facilitate it though.
  4. Start bundling JDK with Windows machine so that Minecraft can run out-of-the-box instead of requiring to download it separately. Work on your relationship with Oracle, and help developers instead of getting stuck in your own rut.
  5. Keep Minecon as a separate conference. Do NOT mix it with other Microsoft shows. And organize it more frequently around the worlds.
  6. Start a formal Minecraft User Group (MUG) community where players can open local user groups and exchange ideas.
  7. MVP could now also embrace Minecraft Valueable Player.
  8. Open source Minecraft ?
  9. Do not introduce any Microsoft technologies in the game, keep it true Java on PC.
  10. Mojang launched Realms a few months. Make it more widely accessible.

If there is one thing Microsoft need to do about Minecraft, that is to at least maintain the same experience of the game on PC, or only make it better. DON’T screw up there, otherwise you’ll completely loose the community.

I’m happy that a big company is behind the game now. Hopefully, you’ll take the game to new heights, empower the community more, and truly help address the issues with your experience.

Good luck Microsoft!

Blog Statistics: April 2014

This blog was started a little over 6 months ago and so time to report some stats:

Top 5 pages

Top 5 countries/territories

  • United States (18.86%)
  • Germany (8.72%)
  • India (6.95%)
  • Brazil (5.19%)
  • France (4.62%)

Top 5 Cities

  • Bangalore: 2.57%
  • London: 1.60%
  • Krasnoperekops’k: 1.19% (been getting lot of spam recently 😉
  • Sao Paulo: 0.99%
  • Paris: 0.93%

Top 5 browsers

  • Chrome: 51.79%
  • Firefox: 24.80%
  • Safari: 8.64%
  • Safari (in-app): 5.26%
  • Internet Explorer: 4.87%

Top 5 Operating Systems

  • Windows: 50.55%
  • Macintosh: 16.94%
  • Linux: 15.23%
  • iOS: 8.86%
  • Android: 7.82%

Mobile Screen Resolution

  • 768 x 1024: 23.68%
  • 320 x 568: 18.07%
  • 320 x 480: 10.01%
  • 360 x 640: 8.65%
  • 360 x 492: 5.37%

Device Category

  • Desktop: 82.90%
  • Mobile: 11.55%
  • Tablet: 5.55%

Type of visitors

  • New: 65.49%
  • Returning: 35.41%

This blog is also aggregated at multiple places, including Hope you’ll find these statistics useful for targeting your audience.

Thanks for all the continued readership and see ya in 6 months with these stats again!


Farewell from Oracle, Starting at Red Hat

14 years at Sun/Oracle gave me some excellent friendships and I plan and hope to stay connected with them. This made the farewell from Oracle last week very emotional.

To begin with, here is a limerick created by a wonderful friend:

A long time ago while at Sun,
I met a young man, full of fun.
I watched in delight
As he took off in flight
And circled the globe on a run.

The talks that he gave were fantastic.
And his passion, enthusiastic.
He loved Java EE
And shared it with glee
With geeks from RedHat and Jelastic.

Arun, we are just a bit blue,
And for certain, we’re gonna miss you.
But the future’s wide open,
And you’ve said, and I’m hopin’ …
You have “miles to go” ‘fore you’re through!

Thank you Alexandra for this! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our friendship all these years and it truly means a lot to me.

Completely blessed with all the wishes received on twitter …

Just want to call out some of them …

@noah_white: Congrats on the new position, good luck and keep on advocating EE!
@jjviana: Wow, this news is sure to rock the Java world. All the best in your new adventures Arun!
@majabali: tremendous loss for us at Oracle but all the best with your new “Hat”
@pbakker: That’s great news for my friends at RedHat. Best of luck with your new position!
@svenpet: You did a great job at Oracle! #RedHat is lucky
@BertErtman: congrats on the new job Arun! Thanks for all you’ve done at Oracle. What a gain for Red Hat!
@Sander_Mak: wow, that’s exciting news. Good luck at Red Hat!
@vsenger: sad *= 100000000000.
@IanSkerrett: Wow congratulations. Red Hat is a great company and definitely lucky to have you.
@yoshioterada: Arun-san Thank You so much!! I’m very glad to work with You.
@stevengharris: Wow, great catch by Red Hat. Enjoy the change!
@jenseckels: You will definitely be missed, friend. Take good care
@johanvos: Good luck, thanks for all your work on Glassfish, and enjoy your miles!
@MKHeck: RH got one of the best on the planet. Congrats to all involved!
@hazems: We had really enjoyed your great contributions in the Java EE space. Have the best of luck in your new journey.
@sjmaple: congratulations man! RedHat are very lucky to have you :) enjoy your new role and challenges!
@vsenger: I never met someone else more committed with a company than @arungupta. He is a working machine. Big lost for Oracle and us!
@sivalabs: congratulations to RedHat for having such a gr8 man :-)
@sharat_chander: Congrats to @arungupta for joining #RedHat. Wishing you continued success in making the future #Java.
@lucasjellema: I’m a litle sad to see @arungupta leave Oracle. Wishing him all the best at RedHat. I am sure Java EE will continue to benefit from him
@pvdevoor: Have fun @redhat You did a fantastic and inspiring job all these years!
@peppertech: #JavaEE couldn’t have a better ambassador and now #RedHat is better for having you in their employ. Big Congrats!
@rajashridash: While Oracle will miss you, RedHat will be cherished. We still will get your updates :)

and many more!

I’m just changing companies but the commitment to Java or Java EE is not going to be less in any sense. You’ll hear the latest and greatest about different Red Hat technologies and products.

Please come and meet where ever you see me. I’ve always been very accessible and will continue to keep it that way. Luxmbourg JUG, JAX London, JFall, Transylvania JUG, and Devoxx are coming up soon. Hope to see you there!

And finally a wrap up:

Many thanks to @mwessendorf, @nmcl, @lightguardjp, @aslakknutsen, @maxandersen, @AlRubinger, @anilsaldhana, @lazarotti, @mpiech, @nmcl, @gegastaldi, @msfm, @neugens, @antoine_sd, @lincolnthree, @heiko_braun, and several others for a warm welcome to Red Hat.

Now looking forward to start with the new hire orientation tomorrow!


Welcome to “Miles to go” 2.0

After having authored ~1400 blogs at (titled “Miles to go” and hence 2.0 in the title here), this blog cannot really start with “Hello Blogsphere” unlike my first blog on Aug 2, 2005. This blog would rather be a continuation of all the entries posted there until now. All the great content that you’ve seen on will stay there, but any new content will now be exclusively published on this blog.

I heartily welcome you to this blog!

I’ll mostly be blogging about Java, Java EE, application servers, cloud, PaaS, tooling options, my travels/conferences around the world, community building, running, and some more.

I’m starting a new job at Red Hat on Oct 21, 2013 as Director, Developer Advocacy and you’ll definitely hear about their technologies and products as well. I’d love to hear what else would you like me to blog about.

As always, feel free to leave a comment on the blog or ping me on twitter at @arungupta if you want to reach out.

This blog title is inspired by this lovely poem by Robert Frost …

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep…

And my version …

There are a tons of cities/countries to visit…
Plenty of User Groups to spread the fever …
Lots of conferences to speak at …
And miles to go before I sleep …