Java EE 7 Sessions from JavaOne 2013

Oracle has released first batch of sessions from JavaOne 2013 on

I gave a few Java EE 7 sessions and couple of them are now available:

Several other Java EE sessions are released in this batch:

  • Architecting Enterprise JavaFX 8 Applications (by Adam Bien)
  • Demsytifying Java EE (by Adam Bien)
  • Java Persistence API 2.1 (by Linda DeMichiel)
  • JSR 356: Inside the Java WebSocket API (by Danny Coward)
  • JMS, WebSocket, and the Internet of Things (by David Witherspoon and Prashant Khanai)
  • REST Security by JAX-WS (by Frank Kim)

And some of my favorite ones:

  • Building Modular Cloud Applications in Java (by Bert Ertman and Paul Bakker)
  • Home Automation for Geeks (by Kai Kruzer)
  • Is it a Car ? Is it a Computer ? No, Its a Raspberry Pi JavaFX Informatics System (by Simon Ritter, Tom Angelucci, Aleksander Belokrylov)

Thank you Oracle for releasing these sessions rather quickly! Looking forward to the next batch now.

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2 Responses to Java EE 7 Sessions from JavaOne 2013

  1. Gabor Gossmann says:

    Dear Mr. Arun Gupta,
    I have a lot of idea and one question interest me.
    Do I have chance to get job in Oracle in Middle Europe?
    Gabor Gossmann

  2. Pingback: Introduce Java Programming to Kids – JavaOne 2013 Session | Miles to go 2.0 …

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