Java EE 6 Pocket Guide

Java EE 6 Pocket Guide provides a comprehensive summary of the Java EE 6 platform. Main features of different technologies from the platform are explained and accompanied by tons of samples. A chapter is dedicated to Managed Beans, Servlets, Java Persistence API, Enterprise JavaBeans, Contexts and Dependency Injection, JavaServer Faces, SOAP-Based Web Services, RESTful Web Services, Java Message Service, and Bean Validation in that format.


Release Date: Sep 21, 2012
Language: English
Pages: 208
Print ISBN: 978-1-4493-3668-4 | ISBN 10:1-4493-3668-X
Ebook ISBN:978-1-4493-3667-7 | ISBN 10:1-4493-3667-1

The book is available in Paperback and Kindle Edition from the following websites:

  • O’Reilly Media (Ebook, Print & Ebook, Print)
  • (Kindle Edition and Paperback)
  • Barnes and Noble
  • Overstock
  • Flipkart
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