Introduce Java Programming to Kids – JavaOne 2013 Session

Oracle has released a new batch of JavaOne 2013 sessions. I gave several sessions and couple of them were released in the first batch. And this batch released the session I gave with Jim Weaver on Introduce Java Programming to Kids.

The recording is now available on parleys:

Learn from our experience of using Scratch, Greenfoot, Alice, JavaFX, Minecraft, and a bunch of other tools. You should also check out Devoxx4Kids effort which provide a wide range of materials and allow you to be a “cool mom” or a “cool dad” :-)

Don’t forget to rate the talk!

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One Response to Introduce Java Programming to Kids – JavaOne 2013 Session

  1. Rohit says:

    Great resource. JavaFX and Minecraft seems quite effective on teaching programming to kids.

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