Tag Archives: arquillian

Java EE Workflows on OpenShift (Tech Tip #64)

This webinar shows how create a Java EE workflow on OpenShift using WildFly, JBoss Tools, Forge, Arquillian, and OpenShift. Specifically it talks about:

  • How a Java EE application can be easily developed using JBoss Developer Studio and deployed directly to OpenShift
  • Set up Test and Production instances on OpenShift
  • Enable Jenkins to provide Continuous Integration
  • Run the tests on Test and push the WAR to Production

More detailed blog entries are at:

And a lot more at blog.arungupta.me/tag/openshift/.


Run Java EE Tests on Docker using Arquillian Cube (Tech Tip #62)

Tech Tip #61 showed how to run Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab using Docker. The Dockerfile used there can be used to create a new image that can deploy any Java EE 7 WAR file to the WildFly instance running in the container.

For example github.com/arun-gupta/docker-images/blob/master/javaee7-test/Dockerfile can be copied to the root directory of javaee7-samples and be used to deploy jaxrs-client.war file to the container. Of course, you first need to build the sample as:

The exact Dockerfile is shown here:

If you want to deploy another Java EE 7 application, then you need to do the following steps:

  • Create the WAR file of the sample
  • Change the Dockerfile
  • Build the image
  • Stop the previous container
  • Start the new container

Now, if you want to run tests against this instance then mvn test alone will not do it because either you need to bind the IP address of the Docker container statically, or dynamically find out the address and then patch it at runtime. Anyway, the repeated cycle is little too cumbersome. How do you solve it?

Meet Arquillian Cube!

Arquillian Cube allows you to control the lifecycle of Docker images as part of the test lifecyle, either automatically or manually.

The blog entry provide more details about getting started with Arquillian Cube, and this functionality has now been enabled in “docker” branch of javaee7-samples. Arquillian Cube Extension Alpha2 was recently released and is used to provide integration. Here are the key concepts:

  • A new “wildfly-docker-arquillian” profile is being introduced
  • The profile adds a dependency on:
  • Uses Docker REST API to talk to the container. Complete API docs shows the sample payloads and explains the query parameters and status codes.
  • Uses WildFly remote adapter to talk to the application server running within the container
  • Configuration for Docker image is specified as part of maven-surefire-plugin.:
    Username and password are specified are for the WildFly in arungupta/javaee7-samples-wildfly image. All the configuration values can be overridden by arquillian.xml for each test case, as explained here.

How do you try out this functionality?

Here is a complete log of running simple-servlet test:

REST payload from the client to Docker server are shown here. This was verified on a Fedora 20 Virtual Box image. Here are some quick notes on setting it up there:

  1. Install the required packages
  2. Configure Docker
  3. Verify Docker TCP configuration

Boot2docker on Mac still has issue #49, this is Alpha2 after all :-)

Try some other Java EE 7 tests and file bugs here.


Deployment Pipeline for Java EE 7 with WildFly, Arquillian, Jenkins, and OpenShift (Tech Tip #56)

Tech Tip #54 showed how to Arquillianate (Arquillianize ?) an existing Java EE project and run those tests in remote mode where WildFly is running on a known host and port. Tech Tip #55 showed how to run those tests when WildFly is running in OpenShift. Both of these tips used Maven profiles to separate the appropriate Arquillian dependencies in “pom.xml” and <container> configuration in “arquillian.xml” to define where WildFy is running and how to connect to it.

This tip will show how to configure Jenkins in OpenShift and invoke these tests from Jenkins. This will create deployment pipeline for Java EE.

Lets see it in action first!

Configuration required to connect from Jenkins on OpenShift to a WildFly instance on OpenShift is similar to that required for  connecting from local machine to WildFly on OpenShift. This configuration is specified in “arquillian.xml” and we can specify some parameters which can then be defined in Jenkins.

On a high level, here is what we’ll do:

  • Use the code created in Tech Tip #54 and #55 and add configuration for Arquillian/Jenkins/OpenShift
  • Enable Jenkins
  • Create a new WildFly Test instance
  • Configure Jenkins to run tests on the Test instance
  • Push the application to Production only if tests pass on Test instance

Lets get started!

  1. Remove the existing boilerplate source code, only the src directory, from the WildFly git repo created in Tech Tip #55.
  2. Set a new remote to javaee7-continuous-delivery repository:
  3. Pull the code from new remote:
    This will bring all the source code, include our REST endpoints, web pages, tests, updated “pom.xml” and “arquillian.xml”. The updated “pom.xml” has two new profiles.
    Few points to observe here:

    1. “openshift” profile is used when building an application on OpenShift. This is where the application’s WAR file is created and deployed to WildFly.
    2. A new profile “jenkins-openshift” is added that will be used by the Jenkins instance (to be enabled shortly) in OpenShift to run tests.
    3. “arquillian-openshift” dependency is the same as used in Tech Tip #55 and allows to run Arquillian tests on a WildFly instance on OpenShift.
    4. This profile refers to “jenkins-openshift” container configuration that will be defined in “arquillian.xml”.

    Updated “src/test/resources/arquillian.xml” has the following container:

    This container configuration is similar to the one that was added in Tech Tip #55. The only difference here is that the domain name, application name, and the SSH user name are parametrized. The value of these properties is defined in the configuration of Jenkins instance and allows to run the test against a separate test node.

  4. Two more things need to be done before changes can be pushed to the remote repository. First is to create a WildFly Test instance which can be used to run the tests. This can be easily done as shown:

    Note the domain here is milestogo, application name is mywildflytest, and SSH user name is 546e3743ecb8d49ca9000014. These will be passed to Arquillian for running the tests.

  5. Second is to enable and configure Jenkins.In your OpenShift Console, pick the “mywildfly” application and click on “Enable Jenkins” link as shown below:techtip56-enable-jenkinsRemember this is not your Test instance because all the source code lives on the instance created earlier.Provide the appropriate name, e.g. jenkins-milestogo.rhcloud.com in my case, and click on “Add Jenkins” button. This will provision a Jenkins instance, if not already there and also configure the project with a script to build and deploy the application. Note down the name and password credentials.
  6. Use the credentials to login to your Jenkins instance.Select the appropriate build, “mywildfly-build” in this case. Scroll down to the “Build” section and add the following script right after “# Run tests here” in the Execute Shell:

    Click on “Save” to save the configuration. This will allow to run the Arquillian tests on the Test instance. If the tests pass then the app is deployed. If the tests fail, then none of the steps after that step are executed and so the app is not deployed.

  7. Lets push the changes to remote repo now:

    The number of dots indicate the wait for a particular task and will most likely vary for different runs.  And Jenkins console (jenkins-milestogo.rhcloud.com/job/mywildfly-build/1/console) shows the output as:

    Log files for Jenkins can be viewed as shown:

    This shows the application was successfully deployed at mywildfly-milestogo.rhcloud.com/index.jsp and looks like as shown:


Now change “src/main/webapp/index.jsp” to show a different heading. And change  “src/test/java/org/javaee7/sample/PersonTest.java” to make one of the tests fail. Doing “git commit” and “git push” shows the following results on command line:

The key statement to note is that deployment is halted after the tests are failing. And you can verify this by revisiting mywildfly-milestogo.rhcloud.com/index.jsp and check that the updated “index.jsp” is not visible.

In short, tests pass, website is updated. And tests fail, the website is not updated. So you’ve built a simple deployment pipeline for Java EE 7 using WildFly, OpenShift, Arquillian, and Jenkins!

Arquillian tests on a WildFly instance hosted on OpenShift (Tech Tip #55)

Tech Tip #54 explained how to enable Arquillian for an existing Java EE project. In that tip, the tests were run against a locally installed WildFly server. Would the same adapter work if this WildFly instance was running on OpenShift ? No!

Because the security constraints and requirement of a PaaS, as opposed to a localhost, are different. Lets take a look at what’s required to run our tests in javaee7-continuous-delivery on a WildFly instance hosted on OpenShift.

Lets get started!

  1. As explained in Tech Tip #52, create a WildFly application on OpenShift as shown:
    Note down the ssh user name from the log. This is the part before @ in the value corresponding to SSH to.
  2. Until FORGEPLUGINS-177 is resolved, we need to manually add maven profile and provide container configuration information in “arquillian.xml”. Add the following <profile> to “pom.xml”:
    This is using arquillian-openshift container and referring to arquillian-wildfly-openshift configuration that will be matched with the appropriate container in “arquillian.xml”.

    So this is how the updated “arquillian.xml” look:

    Note the new <container> with the qualifier arquillian-wildfly-openshift. It provides information about where the server is located and some other configuration properties. The sshUserName property value should be the same from the WildFly instance created earlier.

  3. That’s it, now you can run the test against the WildFly instance on OpenShift:

The complete source code is available at github.com/arun-gupta/javaee7-continuous-delivery.


Enable Arquillian on an existing Java EE project, using Forge Addon (Tech Tip #54)

Tech Tip #34 explained how to create a testable Java EE 7 application. This is useful if you are starting a new application. But what if you already have an application and Arquillian-enable it ?

That’s where Forge and Forge-Arquillian add-on comes in handy. That’s how I added support for Arquillian in javaee7-simple-sample. The updated source code is at github.com/arun-gupta/javaee7-continuous-delivery.

Lets see what was done!

  1. Download and install Forge. You can download ZIP and unzip in your favorite location, or just use the following command that does it for you:
  2. Clone the simple-javaee7-sample repo
  3. Change the directory to javaee7-simple-sample and start Forge:
  4. Install the Forge-Arquillian add-on:
  5. Configure Arquillian add-on and install WildFly adapter:
    The list of adapters is diverse as shown:
    This allows you to configure the container of your choice. This will add the following profile to your “pom.xml”:
    The profile includes the “wildfly-arquillian-container-remote” dependency which allows Arquillian to connect with a WildFly running in remote “mode”. The default host is “localhost” and port is “8080”. The “maven-surefire-plugin” is passed a “arquillian.launch” configuration property with the value “arquillian-wildfly-remote”. This is matched with a “container” qualifier in the generated “arquillian.xml”.

    “arquillian.xml” is used to define configuration settings to locate or communicate with the container. In our case, WildFly is running on default host and port and so there is no need to update this file. The important part to note is that the “container” qualifier matches with the “arquillian.launch” qualifier value.

    This file. More details about this configuration file are available here.

  6. Until FORGE-2148 is fixed, you also need to add a JAX-RS implementation as well, and the corresponding JAXB provider. This test is using RESTEasy and so the following needs to be added:

    This can be added either in the profile or project-wide dependencies.

And now you are ready to test!

Download WildFly 8.1 and unzip. Start the server as:

Run the tests:

And now you’ve Arquillian-enabled your existing project!

Once again, the complete source code is available at github.com/arun-gupta/javaee7-continuous-delivery.

File any issues here.


Testable Java EE 7 Maven Archetype, using Arquillian (Tech Tip #34)

There is a Maven archetype to create Java EE 7 application:

It generates a simple “pom.xml” with Java EE 7 API <dependency>. It does the job to get started with building the application. But how do you test this app ?

Of course, you write unit and integration tests. But how do you run these tests, especially in a container-independent manner ?

That’s where Arquillian comes in!

Arquillian guides explain how to write real tests, but you still need to figure out Maven dependencies, create profiles, figure out container dependencies, and more. That’s still too much work :)

Meet a new Maven archetype that generates a Java EE 7 app, with profiles pre-configured for WildFly and GlassFish.

The four profiles are:

  1. wildfly-remote-arquillian
  2. wildfly-managed-arquillian
  3. glassfish-remote-arquillian
  4. glassfish-embedded-arquillian

The first profile is the most natural to start with. It requires to download WildFly 8.1, unzip and start using ./bin/standalone.sh. Then you can run the test as:

to see the result as:

This is useful if tests need to be executed multiple times on the same WildFly instance.

The second profile is the easiest to start with, and does not require any manual downloading. Using the profile downloads WildFly (8.0.0 at this time) to Maven repository, installs it in the “target” directory, starts the server, deploys the WAR file, runs the test, and stops the server.

“glassfish-remote-arquillian” profile is like “wildfly-remote-arquillian” where an instance of GlassFish is started externally and tests are run in the usual manner. This profile does not work at this moment because of ARQ-1596.

“glassfish-embedded-arquillian” is like “wildfly-managed-arquillian” where GlassFish container is downloaded transparently using the Maven dependencies, starts the container, deploys the app, runs the test, and stops the container.

Archetype source code is at: github.com/javaee-samples/javaee7-archetypes/tree/master/javaee7-archetype and the archetype is published at search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cjavaee7-arquillian-archetype.

Many thanks to @aslakknutsen for publishing this archetype!

A complete working sample can be checked out from github.com/arun-gupta/wildfly-samples/tree/master/arquillian.

Let us know if you find this useful and how would you use it.

Red Hat at JavaLand : Java EE 7, Enterprise Testing using Arquillian, JBoss Way

Java conference in a theme park ? How will I explain that to family and friends ? But I’ve spoken at many such venues which are difficult to explain. This one is definitely first of its kind :-)


JavaLand (Mar 25/26, 2014) is the event created by the Java community for the Java community. This is definitely going stir the interest of German Java developers. I was fortunate to be selected amongst 100 submissions from 18 countries. After speaking in 37 countries, this will be my first speaking engagement in Germany.

The conference venue is Phantasialand, a theme park in Brühl, Germany, and is exclusively reserved for the attendees for two days of the conference.

Here are the announced sessions to be presented by Red Hat speakers:

  • 50 new features of Java EE 7 in 50 minutes: Arun Gupta
  • Testing the Enterprise Layers: The ABCs of Integration Testing: Andrew L Rubinger
  • Building Modern Applications using JBoss and OpenShift: Pete Muir

There is lots of good content at the conference. But attendees will have to strike a balance between them and Black Mamba, Colorado Adventure, Talocan, JUMP!, River Quest, Mystery Castle, and Fantissima – this is going to be a tough call 😉

I’ll be staying at Hotel Matamba in Africa. Where will you be – Fantasy, Berlin, Mexico, China town or Mystery ?

Hotels within the theme park are selling out fast, make sure to register rather promptly. You can also consider coming with your family and there are deals available.