Welcome to “Miles to go” 2.0

After having authored ~1400 blogs at blogs.oracle.com/arungupta (titled “Miles to go” and hence 2.0 in the title here), this blog cannot really start with “Hello Blogsphere” unlike my first blog on Aug 2, 2005. This blog would rather be a continuation of all the entries posted there until now. All the great content that you’ve seen on blogs.oracle.com/arungupta will stay there, but any new content will now be exclusively published on this blog.

I heartily welcome you to this blog!

I’ll mostly be blogging about Java, Java EE, application servers, cloud, PaaS, tooling options, my travels/conferences around the world, community building, running, and some more.

I’m starting a new job at Red Hat on Oct 21, 2013 as Director, Developer Advocacy and you’ll definitely hear about their technologies and products as well. I’d love to hear what else would you like me to blog about.

As always, feel free to leave a comment on the blog or ping me on twitter at @arungupta if you want to reach out.

This blog title is inspired by this lovely poem by Robert Frost …

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep…

And my version …

There are a tons of cities/countries to visit…
Plenty of User Groups to spread the fever …
Lots of conferences to speak at …
And miles to go before I sleep …

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26 Responses to Welcome to “Miles to go” 2.0

  1. Reza Rahman says:

    Best of luck in the new gig and hope to see you around. Java EE forever!

  2. Mike Piech says:

    Arun, we are super stoked to have you join the team at Red Hat! Can’t wait to get you on board and get started–there’s so much still to do :). Welcome!

  3. Edgar Silva says:

    You will love this journey… I am sure !!!

  4. Glenn Holmer says:

    Congratulations and best of luck!

  5. Andriy Redko says:

    Bunch of luck! Eagerly waiting for your new posts!

  6. Hinkmond Wong says:

    Good luck to you, Arun! We will definitely miss you here in the Java org!

  7. Anil Gaur says:

    Thanks for all your contributions towards GlassFish and Java EE Platform! It’s the passion in people like you which makes all the difference in building and nurturing the developer communities!!

    Good Luck for your future endeavor! Looks like your favorite color remains red ;-)

  8. Jeff Zhang says:

    Welcome to redhat!

  9. Rick Lawson says:

    Arun – you are a class act, met you at a LinuxFest in the backwoods of Spartanburg, SC. Great job evangelizing Java/JEE over the years and sure you will do great at RedHat as well.

  10. Claudio Miranda says:

    Welcome to Red Hat. Good to see you here.

  11. Tresch Anatole says:

    Hi Arun. Good luck and keep swimming! Anatole

  12. Binh Thanh Nguyen says:

    Godspeed, Arun. You’re my mentor! Thanks and waiting your good news.

  13. Peter Butkovic says:

    any chance to provide rss feed for your new blog? didn’t find it.

  14. Pietro Aragona says:

    Congratulations and best of luck!

  15. Arun Gupta says:

    Thanks a lot for your wishes and kind words!

    Blog’s feed is available at:


  16. Ewald Ertl says:

    Thank you for all your talks in the conferences. I didn’t have the luck to see you live,
    but I enjoyed the video playbacks a lot.

    Wish you all the best for the future.

  17. Bruno Condemi says:

    Thanks for all your effort and passion.
    Have fun with your new job.

  18. Raminder says:

    Congratulations and keep inspiring us with your awesome contents !!!

  19. Heiko W. Rupp says:

    Wow, that is awesome – I guess you want to do more running with Bela :-)

  20. arungupta says:


    Yes, I ran with Bela about 3 years back:


    and would love to run with him again.

  21. Jaén Swart says:

    Welcome to Red Hat Arun, we are privilege to have you and I’m for sure looking forward to liason closely with you. Hallo from sunny South Africa

  22. Stefan says:

    Hey Arun! I’m super excited that you are with Red Hat! I was at your talk @ Oracle in Johannesburg, South Africa about a month ago (or two?). Was an awesome talk and really excited that you are working for a real open source company now. Open ftw!

  23. Mathias says:

    have followed you for years… What a change for you. All the best. Mathias
    Will visit you here in the future.

  24. Pingback: Luxembourg JUG and JAX London Report | Miles to go 2.0 …

  25. Prince says:

    Hello sir,
    I m from India.
    I want to ask about my decision to choose Java as a programming language for making my career in it. I m 28 n now I m turning to Java after having some programming experience in another languages like using Perl CGI scripting for my college project n 1 php MySQL project also.
    Please don’t mind if this sort of question shouldn’t be asked to Director of RedHat. Sorry if this is not a good question to ask but I want to feel very reasonable at this point in my life for my decision. I went for joining 6 month industrial training in PHP but then there was lot of discussion on .NET n Java among other 5 students. They didn’t preach about PHP not even by HR who discussed about these Technologies. I felt insecure to say I m coming for PHP training there, n then I liked Java at that time n still now I think about it n going to attend training classes since I registered for Java.
    I want to just know from u that will learning Java be worth my time for future and job availability for JAVA freshers in India or Abroad because later it will be difficult for me to change my career n learning is hard for me. What would u advice me? Please provide helpful tips on studying Java n related study material books etc for Java ? I have all your Books. Please don’t publish my comment, its actually a question I want to ask n I didn’t find a way to contact u anywhere so sorry.
    I m motivated for Java but I m scared of learning curve involved, as I don’t know how much time will it take for me to be industry ready Java professional n productively developing in it that I love to. May be I m bored in my life of learning anything new now or in future but I have installed everything on my system like Java Runtime then standard JDK 7u45 n also java_ee_sdk-7-web-jdk7-windows-x64-ml from oracle all in one go. Now I have run first java program from example give in book Java a beginner’s guide – Herbert Schildt while looking for how to run Java programs. Now I know somewhat. But I find myself like unwilling to put in effort everyday to read n implement whats written in books. I read because I thought every student already be knowing a lot about Java. I find myself very lazy. Anyway I may be able to learn with them while training.
    Any helpful Java Bug need to be inserted in my mind by You is welcomed. I hope u got my position. Thanks for starting this Blog!

  26. http://www.adobe.com says:

    Superb, what a blog it is! This blog presents valuable information to
    us, keep it up.

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