Stan Lewis: hawtio at DevNation 2014

Stan Lewis (@gashcrumb), Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

I’m giving two sessions, on Monday in the Fuse track it’ll be “Inspecting JVMs with hawtio” even though it’s currently showing up in the schedule as “Extending hawtio”, that’s just some placeholder text. And then on Wednesday I’m doing “hawtio: the extensible console for managing your Java stuff”. I’ve basically been thinking the Monday session is kind of an intro to hawtio and the Wednesday session would be a deeper dive.

What are key takeaways from your session ?

  1. “Inspecting JVMs with hawtio” is meant to be an intro to the hawtio project and how it relates to the Fuse Management Console. We’ll go over how hawtio can be used to inspect a JVM and how to connect to different JVMs. We’ll also take a look at managing an instance of fabric8.
  2. “hawtio: the extensible console for managing your Java stuff” is a deeper dive into how hawtio works. We’ll do a brief overview of hawtio and what’s available out of the box. Then we’ll take a look at various ways that hawtio can be extended, either by overriding some extension javascript files we ship in our war file or developing a standalone hawtio plugin.
  3. For both sessions we’ll basically be taking a tour of the hawtio UI, I’m not planning to write any slides, most likely I’ll just use hawtio to host any slide-y stuff

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

It looks huge! Actually pretty overwhelming as compared to our previous Camel One events :)

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Getting Social with Apache Camel – Charles Moullard (Room 236) – to check out what I believe are some fairly new social components for Camel, hopefully I can make it, it’s right after my session
  • Integrating the Internet of Things – Sameer Parulkar & Jack Britton (Room 208)

Do you want to learn more about how to use hawtio to manage your server and stay cool ?

Register for DevNation today!

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