Miles to go 2.0 …

Arun Gupta is a technology enthusiast, avid runner, author of a best-selling book, globe trotter, a community guy, Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, JUG Leader, Minecraft Modder, Devoxx4Kids-er, and a Red Hatter.

DevNation: Announcing New Conference for Open Source and Polyglot Developers

2013 is almost done and lets finish it with a big celebration!

Announcing the birth of a new conference – DevNation, an open source polyglot conference for application developers. There will be sessions, labs, hackfests, panels, and much more.


Dates: April 13-17, 2014
Venue: Moscone Center, San Francisco
Twitter: @DevNationConf
Hashtag: #DevNation14

As Andrew mentioned in his blog, this conference is:

A unification and expansion of individual events we’ve had in the past (e.g. JUDCon, CamelOne, Developer Exchange).  Our modus operandi:

  • Grow open source
  • Cater to a highly-technical audience of software and maintenance engineers
  • Extend our reach to communities outside Red Hat’s sphere of influence

There are no set “themes” or “tracks” but here is general guideline on what we are looking for:

  • Enterprise application development
    (e.g. concurrent, multi-user applications with data stores, security, transactions)
  • Front-end development
    (e.g. display technologies, client-side scripting and layout, templating engines)
  • Mobile development
    (e.g. Android, iOS, Cordova, HTML5 for mobile)
  • Big data
    (e.g. RDBMS and NoSQL, persistent storage and associated computational problems with large data stores)
  • Application integration
    (e.g. Service-oriented architecture)
  • DevOps and continuous delivery
    (e.g. build and deployment environments, administration and management)
  • Performance and tuning
    (e.g. analysis and techniques to get the best out of your applications)
  • Platform development
    (e.g. C++ and *nix applications)
  • Cool stuff
    (Any helpful bits you’d love to share with your peers)

What are the critical dates to remember ?

  • December 23, 2013: CFP Opens
  • January 15, 2014: CFP closes
  • February 2014: Speaker notifications sent
  • February 12, 2014: Agenda posted
  • April 13 – 17, 2014: DevNation

All speakers not only get a full conference pass but also one night of hotel stay!

Some of the invited speakers include:

  • Mike Milinkovich from Eclipse Foudation
  • Chris Aniszczyck from Twitter
  • Markus Eisele prominent Java EE architect and blogger
  • Gavin King, creator of Ceylon programming language, CDI spec lead, Seam, Hibernate

I will be there and would love to see you there!

Submit your paper now!

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One Response to “DevNation: Announcing New Conference for Open Source and Polyglot Developers”

  1. xPaaS: Making PaaS Enterprise Ready #EMM #MEaaS - Mobile Enterprise-as-a-Service #MEaaS says:

    […] DevNation: Announcing New Conference for Open Source and Polyglot DevelopersWildFly 8 CR1 on OpenShift (Tech Tip #7)Red Hat Technologies and Products […]

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