Rapid Java EE Application Development using Forge 2 (Tech Tip #17)

How do you rapidly build Java EE applications in an IDE-agnostic way ?

JBoss Forge is your answer!

This short video shows how to:

  • Rapidly build a Java EE application from scratch using Forge 2 CLI
  • Create JPA entities and add properties to them
  • Add Bean Validation constraints
  • Create JSF scaffolds and REST endpoints
  • Deploy the application on JBoss EAP running in OpenShift

Complete detailed instructions followed in this screencast are available here.



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One Response to Rapid Java EE Application Development using Forge 2 (Tech Tip #17)

  1. Pingback: Adding Java EE 7 Batch Addon to JBoss Forge – Part 1 (Tech Tip #21) | Miles to go 2.0 …

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