Devoxx 2013 Parleys Channel : Java EE Talks and Red Hat Projects Session Replays

Devoxx 2-13 Parleys Channel is now released, a week before Christmas. All the talks, quickies, interviews are available for you to enjoy!


Antonio and I gave a university session on Java EE 7 and the replay is now available in two parts:

Replay of my Java EE 7′s WebSocket API talk is also available:

Here is my brief interview on about 2 months old position at Red Hat:

In general, there were lots of talks on Java EE …

And some talks on Red Hat projects …

And some of my favorites …

I like doing running streaks but with these many fresh talks from Devoxx, I guess a parleys streak is looking very likely. A presentation a day and get reborn every day :-)

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2 Responses to Devoxx 2013 Parleys Channel : Java EE Talks and Red Hat Projects Session Replays

  1. akaliza says:


    there are big blank gaps in this article, did you notice ? I am using chrome

  2. arungupta says:

    I saw something like that yesterday but then refreshing the page fixed that issue. May be a slow Internet connection ?

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