Miles to go 2.0 …

Arun Gupta is a technology enthusiast, avid runner, author of a best-selling book, globe trotter, a community guy, Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, JUG Leader, Minecraft Modder, Devoxx4Kids-er, and a Red Hatter.

IBM WebSphere Liberty Core 8.5.5 vs Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2

Here is an excellent video comparing IBM WebSphere Liberty Core 8.5.5 with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.2:

Even though its a short video but the summary is shown in snapshot captured from the video:


A complete TCO analysis on JBoss EAP vs IBM WebSphere is available here. A quick summary from the paper is:

We compared these products as objectively as possible, utilizing people that were expert in each, and concluded that JBoss EAP is the clear winner over WebSphere AS ND with a 50.91% lower TCO, easier application development characteristics, noteworthy operational ease-of-use advantages, and a smaller footprint.

And another detailed comparison is here.


Download Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2 today and take the red pill!

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8 Responses to “IBM WebSphere Liberty Core 8.5.5 vs Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2”

  1. Beikov Christian says:

    Thank you for this content. I am writing my diploma thesis about migrating enterprise applications in the Java EE area and I also want to show the differences of the major server providers. In addition to that, I will also try to actually migrate a real enterprise application from WebSphere AS to JBoss EAP(I already consider it the winner in my comparison).

    Do you think you can provide me with more resources that I use for that paper?

  2. arungupta says:


    You can also look at that shows how to migrate applications from GlassFish to WildFly.

    Also look at WindRide that assists in migrating JBoss EAP 5, AS 5, or AS 6 server configuration to JBoss EAP 6, AS7, or WildFly 8. The tool analyzes the server configuration files, produces a Windup style HTML report highlighting areas that require changes, and performs the migration.

    Windup is a tool to simplify Java ® application migrations

    Read more information at:

  3. […] earlier blog compared WebSphere Liberty Core 8.5.5 with Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.2. Here is another excellent video […]

  4. Beikov Christian says:

    Thank you, I already knew about Windup and I will definitely include that in my thesis. Unfortunately the hard part of my actual application migration won’t be related to configuration but with the migration of EJB 1.x parts :(
    I guess there is no tool you know about that helps me with that? I am already considering writing such a tool myself because I couldn’t find something satisfying yet.

  5. Arun Gupta says:

    EJB 1.x is QUITE old :-) I doubt you’ll find any tools to help you migrate from that version so writing one would be useful. Think about how many people would need such a tool though.

  6. Roman Kharkovski says:

    Free J2EE/JEE migration plugin for Eclipse and migration methodology are described in this blog post:

  7. Beikov Christian says:

    Where does it mention that plugin? This is only about migrating from WLS to WAS…

  8. Roman Kharkovski says:

    Christian, the migration plugin download and instructions are posted here:

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