WildFly 8 Launch Presentations in 40+ JUGs in 6 continents

40+ Java User Groups from 6 continents have participated in WildFly 8 Launch so far, and a few more are still lined up. This has truly been a global participation so far, and truly reflects the spirit of Java community.

Several of these were delivered virtually primarily using G+ hangout, and then some in person during the travel by WildFly team. Lots of interesting conversations and feedback from developers all around the world, many thanks for that!

Enjoy a collage of the pictures captured so far …


And a complete album available on facebook.com/wildfly

Post by WildFly.

Is your JUG interested in learning all the cool features of WildFly ? Just drop a comment on this blog or ping at @WildFlyAs.


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3 Responses to WildFly 8 Launch Presentations in 40+ JUGs in 6 continents

  1. John says:

    Just one question :
    what is the point of making all these presentations all over the world ?
    No offense but does that even make sense ?

    It’s expensive for the company (ticket planes, hotels, meals, etc) and it’s not really necessary …

    You should stop this crazy traveling before it’s too late.

  2. arungupta says:

    The main goal of this presentation is to introduce the new features of WildFly to different JUG members. For a company like Red Hat, community’s involvement is of utmost importance and these JUG visits allow us to engage with community members all around the world.

    As mentioned in the blog, most of these presentations were made using G+ hangout, so *no* travel required for them. You can see at https://community.jboss.org/wiki/WildFly8LaunchCommunityPresentations which ones were presented virtually. The ones delivered in person were in conjunction with other conferences/customer visits.

  3. Jonathan Vila ( BarcelonaJUG ) says:


    Here in Barcelona JUG ( Spain ) we would be so excited to host an event from Arun Gupta and specially about WildFly.
    We host a lot of interesting events ( 2 per month ) and we have rooms to do an event such that.
    You can see our history in our blog : http://www.barcelonajug.org .

    Kind regards.

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