Tag Archives: javaone

JavaOne4Kids 2015 Wrapup – Devoxx4Kids and Oracle Academy Together!

JavaOne4Kids is focused on promoting technology to next generation of developers; kids who want to learn more about programming, robotics and engineering.

Oracle Academy collaborated with Devoxx4Kids to bring kids content that includes several topics like Minecraft Modding, Java, Python, Scratch, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, NAO robot, LEGO Mindstorms, Greenfoot, Alice, and others at JavaOne 2015.

The attendance grew 3x from last year and it was certainly very heartening to see that!

If you live in/around San Francisco Bay Area, and want a more continued experience through out the year, then its highly recommend to join meetup.com/Devoxx4Kids-BayArea/!

Here are some statistics from the event:


A survey was sent to the attendees and some of them responded back. 95% of responses rated were happy with the event:


90%+ would recommend JavaOne4Kids to a friend:


Instructors seem to have done a good job with 97% presenting in good, very good, and excellent way:


Minecraft Modding continues to be the top rated workshop:


Here are some pictures from the event:

 Oracle Oracle
 Oracle Oracle
 Oracle Oracle

Check out the complete album:

JavaOne4Kids 2015 Album

Picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a million words. Check out kids in action from the event, and then subsequently in JavaOne Community Keynote:

It takes a village to run an event like this. This was certainly not possible without the impeccable support from Oracle team, instructors, and volunteers who helped us through out the event!

Do we expect these kids to come back to again next year? Yes, absolutely!

At least, 88% of them want to come back :)


Don’t forget to join the local meetup.com/devoxx4kids-bayarea for local events in Bay Area.

Couchbase at JavaOne 2015

JavaOne Logo

JavaOne 2015 is just a couple of weeks away. Why you should attend?

  • 450+ sessions over a wide variety of topics around Java
  • 5 days of geekgasm with toys, technology, and discussions
  • Best of the best developers gather here
  • Special 20th edition of the event is going to be cherished for ever
  • Venue is the most lovely city in the world – San Francisco!

Couchbase, one of the leading open-source, NoSQL, document datastore company is going to be there with a few talks. Here is where you’ll find us:

Saturday, Oct 24

JavaOne4Kids Day – Arun Gupta (@arungupta)
5pm – 8pm: Chinascaria (invite only)
7pm – 11:30pm: NetBeans Party (invite only)

Sunday, Oct 25

8am – 9:30am: Java Champions/JUG Leaders Brunch – Arun Gupta (@arungupta)
6:30pm – 7:30pm: WildFly, Hadoop, JavaFX and HTML5 in the Enterprise (UGF10306) – Arun Gupta (@arungupta)
8pm – 10pm: NetBeans, GlassFish, and Payara Party (Thirsty Bear)

Monday, Oct 26

8:30am – 10:30am: Docker and Kubernetes Recipes for Java Developers (TUT1708) – Arun Gupta (@arungupta)
12:30pm – 1:30pm: Refactor your Java EE Applications with Microservices and Containers (CON1700) – Arun Gupta (@arungupta)

Tuesday, Oct 27

12:30pm – 1:30pm: Build Scalable And Secure Mobiles with Java That Work Offline (CON11281) – Wayne Carter (@waynecarter), Ali LeClerc (@ali_leclerc)
5:15pm – 7:15pm: JavaOne Ignite – Arun Gupta (@arungupta)

Wednesday, Oct 28

4:30pm – 5:30pm: SQL for JSON: Rich, Declarative Querying for NoSQL Databases and Applications (CON11282) – Keshav Murthy (@rkeshavmurthy), Gerald Sangudi (@sangudi)

Of course, we’ll also be running the “hallway track” and so feel free to meet us there.

8 Things About Couchbase is a good place to start learning about Couchbase!

Couchbase Logo

If you’ve any doubts about San Francisco being the most beautiful city, go visit Golden Gate, Fisherman’s Wharf, Crooked Street, Alcatraz Island, Cable cars, Chinatown, MOMA, and much more :)

Cloud, Devops, Microservices Track Program Committee at JavaOne 2015


JavaOne 2015 Program Committee wheels are churning to make sure we provide the best content for you this year. There are a total of 9 tracks covering the entire Java landscape and all the track leads and program committee members are reviewing and voting upon the submissions. This is not an easy task especially when there are a lot of submission and the quality of submissions is top notch.

Here is the list of program committee members for Cloud and DevOps track:




 James Turnbull

And I am (@arungupta) leading the track along with @brunoborges!


Complete list of all the program committee members across all the tracks is published here.

Many thanks for all the wonderful submissions, and to all the program committee members for reviewing the proposals!

Just to give you an idea, here is the tag cloud generated from the titles of all submissions for Cloud and DevOps track:


JavaOne 2015 Title Tag Cloud for Cloud/DevOps Track


And a tag cloud from all the abstracts of the same track:

JavaOne 2015 Abstract Tag Cloud for Cloud/DevOps Track


And in case you are wondering, here is the tag cloud of titles from submissions across all the tracks:

JavaOne 2015 Tag Cloud Title


And the same for submissions across all the tracks:

JavaOne 2015 Tag Cloud Abstract


Stay tuned, we are working hard to make sure to provide an excellent content at JavaOne!

Here are a couple of additional links:

  • Register for JavaOne
  • Justify to your boss

And, you can always find all the details at oracle.com/javaone.

JavaOne4Kids 2015 – Submit Your Talks

JavaOne4Kids Devoxx4Kids 

Recap of JavaOne Kids Day 2014

Do you remember JavaOne Kids Day 2014?

It was quite a blast with ~135 kids learning Python, Minecraft modding, Arduino, NAO, Greenfoot and lots of other technologies using hands-on workshops. Satisfying and rewarding are the two words that will summarize helping with the event last year!

Just to recap, here are some pictures from the last year’s event:


One of the most vocal feedback from the event was:

Based upon this very popular attendee request, and extremely positive feedback from everywhere else, JavaOne 2015 is taking that event to a much bigger scale. However this event will only be successful if you are share your passion and time to educate kids.

How can I help JavaOne4Kids 2015?

  • Are you a technology educator?
  • Are you a school teacher who would like to deliver a workshop at a professional conference?
  • Are you involved with CoderDojo or Devoxx4Kids instructor who would like to give a workshop in San Francisco?
  • Do you like to tinker with Tynker, Scratch, Blockly, Greenfoot or any other such technology?
  • Have you been giving workshops on LEGO, Arduino, RaspberryPi, Intel Galileo, or any other fancy boards?
  • Would you like to show a real practical use case of Internet of Things to kids using simple software and hardware?
  • How about some Java, JavaScript, Scala, HTML5, CSS, Python, Ruby?
  • Building simple mobile applications using Android or iOS?

JavaOne Call For Papers is open. There is a special track for developers and educators who are interested in delivering a two-hour hands-on workshop targeted at children 10 to 18 years old. Presenters will be responsible for preparing all the content and required hardware and software for 50 children—exclusive of laptops, which will be provided.

If you’ve submitted talks for the main conference, then this would be a great opportunity to bring your kids. They can either attend the workshop, or even deliver a workshop.

We love young presenters!

To submit a JavaOne4Kids Day talk, select “JavaOne4Kids Day” as the session type. Even though you are required to populate a primary track, this field will be ignored.

Read complete details at oracle.com/javaone/javaone4kids.html.

Don’t wait, submit your workshop today!

JavaOne Cloud, DevOps, Containers, Microservices etc. Track


Every year, for the past 19 years, JavaOne is the biggest and most awesome gathering of Java enthusiasts from around the world. JavaOne 2015 is the 20th edition of this wonderful conference. How many conferences can claim this? :)

Would you like to be part of JavaOne 2015? Sure, you can get notified when the registration opens and attend the conference. Why not take it a notch higher on this milestone anniversary?

Submit a session and become a speaker? Tips for Effective Sessions Submissions at Technology Conferences provide detailed tips on how to make the session title/abstract compelling for the program committee.

Have you been speaking at JavaOne for past several years? Don’t wait, and just submit your session today. The sooner you submit, higher the chances of program committee members voting on it. You know the drill!

Important Dates

  • Call for Papers closes April 29, 2015
  • Notifications for accepted and declined sessions: mid-June
  • Conference date: Oct 25 – 29

JavaOne Tracks

JavaOne conference is organized by tracks, and the tracks for this year are:

  • Core Java Platform
  • Java and Security
  • JVM and Emerging Languages
  • Java, DevOps, and the Cloud
  • Java and the Internet of Things
  • Java and Server-Side Development
  • Java, Clients, and User Interfaces
  • Java Development Tools and Agile Techniques

I’m excited and honored to co-lead the Java, DevOps, and the Cloud track with Bruno Borges (@brunoborges). The track abstract is:

The evolution of service-related enterprise Java standards has been underway for more than a decade, and in many ways the emergence of cloud computing was almost inevitable. Whether you call your current service-oriented development “cloud” or not, Java offers developers unique value in cloud-related environments such as software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). The Java Virtual Machine is an ideal deployment environment for new microservice and container application architectures that deploy to cloud infrastructures. And as Java development in the cloud becomes more pervasive, enabling application portability can lead to greater cloud productivity. This track covers the important role Java plays in cloud development, as well as orchestration techniques used to effectively address the service lifecycle of cloud-based applications. Track sessions will cover topics such as SaaS, PaaS, DevOps, continuous delivery, containers, microservices, and other related concepts.

So what exactly are we looking for in this track?

  • How have you been using PaaS effectively for solving customer issues?
  • Why is SaaS critical to your business? Are you using IaaS, PaaS, SaaS all together for different parts of your business?
  • Have you used microservices in a JVM-based application? Lessons from the trenches?
  • Have you transformed your monolith to a microservice-based architecture?
  • How are containers helping you reduce impedance mismatch between dev, test, and prod environments?
  • Building a deployment pipeline using containers, or otherwise
  • Are PaaS and DevOps complimentary? Success stories?
  • Docker machine, compose, swarm recipes
  • Mesosphere, Kubernetes, Rocket, Juju, and other clustering frameworks
  • Have you evaluated different containers and adopted one? Pros and Cons?
  • Any successful practices around containers, microservices, and DevOps together?
  • Tools, methodologies, case studies, lessons learned in any of these, and other related areas
  • How are you moving legacy applications to the Cloud?
  • Are you using private clouds? Hybrid clouds? What are the pros/cons? Successful case studies, lessons learned.

These are only some of the suggested topics and are looking forward to your creative imagination. Remember, there are a variety of formats for submission:

  • 60 mins session or panel
  • Two-hour tutorial or hands-on lab
  • 45 mins BoFs
  • 5 mins Ignite talk

We think this is going to be the coolest track of the conference, with speakers eager to share everything about all the bleeding edge technologies and attendees equally eager to listen and learn from them. We’d like to challenge all of you to submit your best session, and make our job extremely hard!

Once again, make sure to read Tips for Effective Sessions Submissions at Technology Conferences for a powerful session submission. One key point to remember: NO vendor or product pitches. This is a technology conference!

Dilbert Technology Show

Links to Remember

  • Call for Papers: oracle.com/javaone/call-for-proposals.html
  • Tracks: oracle.com/javaone/tracks.html
  • Submit your Proposal: oracleus.activeevents.com/2015/portal/cfp/cfpLogin.ww

JavaOne is where you have geekgasm multiple times during the day. This is going to be my 17th attendance in a row, and so looking forward to see you there!

Devoxx4Kids at JavaOne 2014 Wrapup

Oracle and Devoxx4Kids worked together to provide a fun and technology-rich experience for kids at JavaOne 2014. Inspirational, rewarding, and fun are three words that summarize the event for me. If you live in/around San Francisco Bay Area, then highly recommend joining meetup.com/Devoxx4Kids-BayArea/ for a continued experience!

136 kids attended the event and their age/gender are shown below:


Overall, the instructors seem to have done a good job:


The event itself was well rated:


Minecraft Modding continues to be the top rated workshop:



Here are some pictures from the event:


Check out the complete album:


Picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million words. Check out kids in action (thanks to @Oraclejavamag for the video):

Here is another wonderful video created (@BertBreeman):

It takes a village to run an event like this. This was certainly not possible without the impeccable support from Oracle team, JUG leaders, Java Champions, and several other volunteers who helped us through out the team!

This summarizes the event for me:



I’d like to know if that one NO was an accidental one 😉

Java EE 7, JBoss, WildFly, Devoxx4Kids, and Parties at JavaOne 2014

JavaOne 2014 is about a week away, although some of festivities will start next Friday! This is going to be my 16th JavaOne in as many years and I’ve really enjoyed participating in each one of them. As always, there is great content lined up with rockstar speakers. This conference is a confluence of movers and shakers in the Java world and provides plenty of opportunities to engage with them. This is going to be my first year as Red Hatter and looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues.

And in case you are wondering, and care about it, here are my engagements for that week:

Saturday, Sep 27

Devoxx4Kids Day
7pm – 11:30pm: NetBeans Party

Sunday, Sep 28

8am – 9:30am, Java Champions Brunch
7pm – 8:30pm: Duke Choice Awards
8pm – 11pm: Java EE Appreciation Event

Monday, Sep 29

8:30am – 10:30am Java EE 7 Soup to Nuts Tutorial [TUT1952]
11:30pm – 12:30pm Meet the Experts on Java EE and HTML5 Enterprise Application Development
1:30pm – 2:00pm Java EE 7 Essentials book signing at O’Reilly Booth

Tuesday, Sep 30

8:30am – 10:30am: Devoxx4Kids for Parents Tutorial [TUT1878]
12:30pm – 1:30pm: Lessons learned from real-life Java EE 7 Deployments [CON2450]
2:30pm – 4pm: Java EE Hackergarten
6pm – 9pm: Oracle Authors Appreciation Party
7pm – 9pm: JavaOne IGNITE
7pm – 10pm: PartyOne
7pm – 9:30: Java Champions Social
8pm – 8:45pm: Technology Evangelists Gathering [BOF12166]

Wednesday, Oct 1

1pm – 1:30pm: Book signing on Java EE and HTML5 Enterprise Application Development book (OOW bookstore in Moscone South, Upper Hall Lobby)
4pm – 6:30pm: #JavaOneStreak meetup, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Sutter

Thursday, Oct 2

11:50: Broadening JCP Program Participation [CON9775]

I’ll also be running my own “hallway track” and so feel free to meet there. Of course, you can catch me at Red Hat booth as well!

There are lots of Red Hat speakers and sessions at the conference as well. And if you are not able to attend a Red Hat session then you can check out the mini-sessions in the exhibit hall.

See ya there!

Introduce Java Programming to Kids – JavaOne 2013 Session

Oracle has released a new batch of JavaOne 2013 sessions. I gave several sessions and couple of them were released in the first batch. And this batch released the session I gave with Jim Weaver on Introduce Java Programming to Kids.

The recording is now available on parleys:

Learn from our experience of using Scratch, Greenfoot, Alice, JavaFX, Minecraft, and a bunch of other tools. You should also check out Devoxx4Kids effort which provide a wide range of materials and allow you to be a “cool mom” or a “cool dad” :-)

Don’t forget to rate the talk!

Java EE 7 Sessions from JavaOne 2013

Oracle has released first batch of sessions from JavaOne 2013 on parleys.com.

I gave a few Java EE 7 sessions and couple of them are now available:

Several other Java EE sessions are released in this batch:

  • Architecting Enterprise JavaFX 8 Applications (by Adam Bien)
  • Demsytifying Java EE (by Adam Bien)
  • Java Persistence API 2.1 (by Linda DeMichiel)
  • JSR 356: Inside the Java WebSocket API (by Danny Coward)
  • JMS, WebSocket, and the Internet of Things (by David Witherspoon and Prashant Khanai)
  • REST Security by JAX-WS (by Frank Kim)

And some of my favorite ones:

  • Building Modular Cloud Applications in Java (by Bert Ertman and Paul Bakker)
  • Home Automation for Geeks (by Kai Kruzer)
  • Is it a Car ? Is it a Computer ? No, Its a Raspberry Pi JavaFX Informatics System (by Simon Ritter, Tom Angelucci, Aleksander Belokrylov)

Thank you Oracle for releasing these sessions rather quickly! Looking forward to the next batch now.