JUDCon India 2014 is a wrap!

JUDCon India 2014 is now in the records!


This was my first JUDCon after joining Red Hat about 3+ months ago. It provides a unique opportunity to meet with customers, partners, developers, contributors, and members from the JBoss core team. Bangalore is #1 city for all traffic to jboss.org and that’s the reason JUDCon comes back to the city third year in a row.

There were lots of good talks covering a wide range of JBoss-related topics such as WildFly, Java EE 7, Vert.x, OpenShift, Arquillian, AeroGear, … and plenty of others. Other than the usual keynote, sessions, hallway conversations, we tried a couple of new things this time …

  • Hands-on labs gives attendees a unique opportunity to build applications using JBoss technologies following detailed instructions and BYOL. There were labs on OpenShift, Java EE 7, and WildFly 8. Internet connectivity was an issue in the labs and so the instructors eventually showed the labs but attendees enjoyed the code-driven tutorial nature of the session. All the hands-on lab material is available though:
    • Java EE MongoDB Applications in the Cloud
    • Java EE 7
    • WildFly 8 Administrative Lab
  • We introduced a new talent show that allowed the attendees a chance to showcase their talent in front of everybody. This was an open invitation to all conference attendees on Day 1 and the show was right after lunch on Day 2. Two mimicry artists, a singer, and a team with a skit performed on the stage.Its one thing to show up on the stage and do a technical talk but it takes different chops to show your non-technical skill in front of ~500 attendees. Talent show video will be going live shortly. We hope to build this a tradition and continue this at other JUDCons as well. You have enough time to prepare yourself before the next one :)

It was good to see Chennai JUG leader Raj Mahendra with his team at the show. He introduced me with Mahesh who is planning to revive Bangalore JBUG. In addition, he is working with other JBoss community members to kick start JBUG Coimbatore and JBUG Hyderabad. The complete list of JBUGs is listed here.

Here is some reaction from #NammaJUDCon and #JUDCon:

  • exposed to new technologies at #nammaJudCon thanks @EchidnaInc for the opportunity. An awesome event and met some gr8 speakers #JEE #judcon
  • Mr Greg, your session on Best practices with JPA and your liveliness & energy during the session is simply awesome #NammaJUDCon
  • Best speakers at #NammaJUDCon @aslakknutsen, Vinod Kiran and @galderz. They had the best content and focus. Thank you folks!
  • NammaJUDCon takeaways: – JavaEE7 hands-on lab by @arungupta – Peek into Forge & Arquillian – HornetQ to-be deprecated for AMQ in WildFly
  • Super gyaan in Evolution of BPM. #NammaJUDCon
  • @galderz your talk was fantastic indeed! We loved the work your team is doing. #vertx #NammaJUDCon
  • Wow. The same app on both ios and and firefox os with no platform specific code. @AeroGears at #NammaJUDCon 2014 pic.twitter.com/ImHJw6Hhfo

Attendees were also given an opportunity to share their feedback on a post-it wall. Check out some of the post-its captured in the complete photo album.

Check out some pictures from the show …

A complete album is available on WildFly’s facebook page. We are always looking forward to feedback. Leave a comment on this blog and let us know what worked and what didn’t. Also let us know what additional topics would you like to see at a future conference.

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  1. Rajmahendra says:

    Thats a awesome event. Nice to meet many JBoss/Redhat developers and meeting you as well! And a good time to talk about JBUG. Nice to see so many technology and lot of spirit from RedHat team… Love to see more in next year conference mainly in JBUG community events. Forge,Arquillian, WildFly, Vert.x and OpenShift are my favorite sessions !

  2. Pingback: Why I love JUDCon India 2014! | Miles to go 2.0 …

  3. Pingback: JUDCon Boston 2014 and History/Future | Miles to go 2.0 …

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