Tag Archives: javaee

Service Discovery with Java and Database application in Kubernetes

This blog will show how a simple Java application can talk to a database using service discovery in Kubernetes.

 Kubernetes Logo WildFly Logo

Service Discovery with Java and Database application in DC/OS explains why service discovery is an important aspect for a multi-container application. That blog also explained how this can be done for DC/OS.

Let’s see how this can be accomplished in Kubernetes with a single instance of application server and database server. This blog will use WildFly for application server and Couchbase for database.

This blog will use the following main steps:

  • Start Kubernetes one-node cluster
  • Kubernetes application definition
  • Deploy the application
  • Access the application

Start Kubernetes Cluster

Minikube is the easiest way to start a one-node Kubernetes cluster in a VM on your laptop. The binary needs to be downloaded first and then installed.

Complete installation instructions are available at github.com/kubernetes/minikube.

The latest release can be installed on OSX as as:

It also requires kubectl to be installed. Installing and Setting up kubectl provide detailed instructions on how to setup kubectl. On OSX, it can be installed as:

Now, start the cluster as:

The kubectl version command shows more details about the kubectl client and minikube server version:

More details about the cluster can be obtained using the kubectl cluster-info command:

Kubernetes Application Definition

Application definition is defined at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample/blob/master/service-discovery.yml. It consists of:

  • A Couchbase service
  • Couchbase replica set with a single pod
  • A WildFly replica set with a single pod
The key part is where the value of the COUCHBASE_URI environment variable is name of the Couchbase service. This allows the application deployed in WildFly to dynamically discovery the service and communicate with the database.

arungupta/couchbase:travel Docker image is created using github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee/blob/master/couchbase/Dockerfile.

arungupta/wildfly-couchbase-javaee:travel Docker image is created using github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee/blob/master/Dockerfile.

Java EE application waits for database initialization to be complete before it starts querying the database. This can be seen at github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee/blob/master/src/main/java/org/couchbase/sample/javaee/Database.java#L25.

Deploy Application

This application can be deployed as:

The list of service and replica set can be shown using the command kubectl get svc,rs:

Logs for the single replica of Couchbase can be obtained using the command kubectl logs rs/couchbase-rs:

Logs for the WildFly replica set can be seen using the command kubectl logs rs/wildfly-rs:

Access Application

The kubectl proxy command starts a proxy to the Kubernetes API server. Let’s start a Kubernetes proxy to access our application:

Expose the WildFly replica set as a service using:

The list of services can be seen again using kubectl get svc command:

Now, the application is accessible at:

A formatted output looks like:

Now, new pods may be added as part of Couchbase service by scaling the replica set. Existing pods may be terminated or get rescheduled. But the Java EE application will continue to access the database service using the logical name.

This blog showed how a simple Java application can talk to a database using service discovery in Kubernetes.

For further information check out:

  • Kubernetes Docs
  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Couchbase Developer Portal
  • Ask questions on Couchbase Forums or Stack Overflow
  • Download Couchbase

Microservice using Docker stack deploy – WildFly, Java EE and Couchbase

There is plenty of material on microservices, just google it! I gave a presentation on refactoring monolith to microservices at Devoxx Belgium a couple of years back and it has good reviews:

This blog will show how Docker simplifies creation and shutting down of a microservice.

All code used in this blog is at github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee.

Microservice Definition using Compose

Docker 1.13 introduced a v3 of Docker Compose. The changes in the syntax are minimal but the key difference is addition of deploy attribute. This attribute allows to specify replicas, rolling update and restart policy for the container.

Our microservice will start a WldFly application server with a Java EE application pre-deployed. This application will talk to a Couchbase database to CRUD application data.

Here is the Compose definition:

In this Compose file:

  1. Two services in this Compose are defined by the name db and web attributes
  2. Image name for each service defined using image attribute
  3. The arungupta/couchbase:travel image starts Couchbase server, configures it using Couchbase REST API, and loads travel-sample bucket with ~32k JSON documents.
  4. The arungupta/couchbase-javaee:travel image starts WildFly and deploys application WAR file built from https://github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee. Clone that project if you want to build your own image.
  5. envrionment attribute defines environment variables accessible by the application deployed in WildFly. COUCHBASE_URI refers to the database service. This is used in the application code as shown at https://github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee/blob/master/src/main/java/org/couchbase/sample/javaee/Database.java.
  6. Port forwarding is achieved using ports attribute
  7. depends_on attribute in Compose definition file ensures the container start up order. But application-level start up needs to be ensured by the applications running inside container. In our case, WildFly starts up rather quickly but takes a few seconds for the database to start up. This means the Java EE application deployed in WildFly is not able to communicate with the database. This outlines a best practice when building micro services applications: you must code defensively and ensure in your application initialization that the micro services you depend on have started, without assuming startup order. This is shown in the database initialization code at https://github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee/blob/master/src/main/java/org/couchbase/sample/javaee/Database.java. It performs the following checks:

    1. Bucket exists
    2. Query service of Couchbase is up and running
    3. Sample bucket is fully loaded

This application can be started using docker-compose up -d command on a single host. Or a cluster of Docker engines in swarm-mode using docker stack deploy command.

Setup Docker Swarm-mode

Initialize Swarm mode using the following command:

This starts a Swarm Manager. By default, manager node are also worker but can be configured to be manager-only.

Find some information about this one-node cluster using the command docker info command:

This cluster has 1 node, and that is manager.

Alternatively, a multi-host cluster can be easily setup using Docker for AWS.

Deploy Microservice

The microservice can be started as:

This shows the output:

WildFly and Couchbase services are started on this node. Each service has a single container. If the Swarm mode is enabled on multiple nodes then the containers will be distributed across multiple nodes.

A new overlay network is created. This allows multiple containers on different hosts to communicate with each other.

Verify that the WildFly and Couchbase services are running using docker service ls:

Logs for the service can be seen using docker service logs -f webapp_web:

Make sure to wait for the last log statement to show.

Access Microservice

Get 10 airlines from the microservice:

This shows the results as:

Docker for Java Developers workshop is a self-paced hands-on lab and allows you to get started with Docker easily.

Get a single resource:

Create a new resource:

Update a resource:

Delete a resource:

Detailed output from each of these commands is at github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee.

Delete Microservice

The microservice can be removed using  the command docker stack rm webapp:

Want to get started with Couchbase? Look at Couchbase Starter Kits.

Want to learn more about running Couchbase in containers?

  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Couchbase Forums
  • Couchbase Developer Portal
  • @couchhasedev and @couchbase

Source: https://blog.couchbase.com/2017/february/microservice-using-docker-stack-deploy-wildfly-javaee-couchbase

Docker Services, Stack and Distributed Application Bundle


First Release Candidate of Docker 1.12 was announced over two weeks ago. Several new features are planned for this release.

This blog will show how to create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose and deploy it as Docker Stack in Docker Swarm Mode. Many thanks to @friism to help me understand these concepts.

Let’s look at the features first:

  • Built-in orchestration: A typical application is defined using a Docker Compose file. This definition consists of multiple containers and deployed on multiple hosts. This avoids Single Point of Failure (SPOF) and keeps your application resilient. Multiple orchestration frameworks such as Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and Mesos allow you to orchestrate these applications. However it is such an important characteristic of the application, Docker Engine now has built-in orchestration. More details on this topic in a later blog.
  • Service: A replicated, distributed and load balanced service can be easily created using docker service create command. A “desired state” of the application, such as run 3 containers of Couchbase, is provided and the self-healing Docker engine ensures that that many containers are running in the cluster. If a container goes down, another container is started. If a node goes down, containers on that node are started on a different node. More on this in a later blog.
  • Zero-configuration Security: Docker 1.12 comes with mutually authenticated TLS, providing authentication, authorization and encryption to the communications of every node participating in the swarm, out of the box. More on this in a later blog.
  • Docker Stack and Distributed Application Bundle: Distributed Application Bundle, or DAB, is a multi-services distributable image format. Read further for more details.

So far, you can take a Dockerfile and create an image from it using the docker build command. A container can be started using the docker run command. Multiple containers can be easily started by giving that command multiple times. Or you can also use Docker Compose file and scale up your containers using the docker-compose scale command.


Image is a portable format for a single container. Distributed Application Bundle, or DAB, is a new concept introduced in Docker 1.12, is a portable format for multiple containers. Each bundle can be then deployed as a Stack at runtime.


Learn more about DAB at docker.com/dab.

For simplicity, here is an analogy that can be drawn:

Dockerfile -> Image -> Container

Docker Compose -> Distributed Application Bundle -> Docker Stack

Let’s use a Docker Compose file, create a DAB from it, and deploy it as a Docker Stack.

Its important to note that this is an experimental feature in 1.12-RC2.

Create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose

Docker Compose CLI adds a new bundle command. More details can be found:

Now, let’s take a Docker Compose definition and create a DAB from it. Here is our Docker Compose definition:

This Compose file starts a WildFly and a Couchbase server. A Java EE application is pre-deployed in the WildFly server that connects to the Couchbase server and allows to perform CRUD operations using the REST API.

The source for this file is at: github.com/arun-gupta/oreilly-docker-book/blob/master/hello-javaee/docker-compose.yml.

Generate an application bundle with it:

depends_on only creates dependency between two services and makes them start in a specific order. This only ensures that the Docker container is started but the application within the container may take longer to start. So this attribute only partially solves the problem. container_name gives a specific name to the container. Relying upon a specific container name is tight coupling and does not allow to scale the container.  So both the warnings can be ignored, for now.

This command generates a file using the Compose project name, which is the directory name. So in our case, hellojavaee.dsb file is generated. This file extension has been renamed to .dab in RC3.

The generated application bundle looks like:

This file provides complete description of the services included in the application. I’m not entirely sure if Distributed Application Bundle is the most appropriate name, discuss this in #24250. It would be great if other container formats, such as Rkt, or even VMs can be supported here. But for now, Docker is the only supported format.

Initialize Swarm Mode in Docker

As mentioned above, “desired state” is now maintained by Docker Swarm. And this is now baked into Docker Engine already.

Docker Swarm concepts have evolved as well and can be read at Swarm mode key concepts. A more detailed blog on this will be coming later.

But for this blog, a new command docker swarm is now added:

Initialize a Swarm node (as a manager) in the Docker Engine:

More details about this node can be found using docker node inspect self command.

The detailed output is verbose but the relevant section is:

The output shows that the node is a manager. For a single-node cluster, this node will also act as a worker.


More details about the cluster can be obtained using the docker swarm inspect command.

AcceptancePolicy shows that other worker nodes can join this cluster, but a manager requires explicit approval.

Deploy a Docker Stack

Create a stack using docker deploy command:

The command usage can certainly be simplified as discussed in #24249.

See the list of services:

The output shows that two services, WildFly and Couchbase, are running. Services is also a new concept introduced in Docker 1.12. There is what gives you the “desired state” and Docker Engine works to give you that.

docker ps shows the list of containers running:

WildFly container starts up before the Couchbase container is up and running. This means the Java EE application tries to connect to the Couchbase server and fails. So the application never boots successfully.

Self-healing Docker Service

Docker Service maintains the “desired state” of an application. In our case, the desired state is to ensure that one, and only one, container for the service is running. If we remove the container, not the service, then the service will automatically start the container again.

Remove the container as:

Note, you’ve to give -f because the container is already running. Docker 1.12 self-healing mechanisms kick in and automatically restart the container. Now if you list the containers again:

This shows that a new container has been started.

Inspect the WildFly service:

Swarm assigns a random port to the service, or this can be manually updated using docker service update command. In our case, port 8080 of the container is mapped to 30004 port on the host.

Verify the Application

Check that the application is successfully deployed:

Add a new book to the application:

Verify the books again:

Learn more about this Java EE application at github.com/arun-gupta/oreilly-docker-book/tree/master/hello-javaee.

This blog showed how to create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose and deploy it as Docker Stack in Docker Swarm Mode.

Docker Service and Stack References

  • Docker Service Create
  • FREE book from O’Reilly: Docker for Java Developers
  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Couchbase Developer Portal
  • Ask questions on @couchbasedev or Stackoverflow
Create a Distributed Application Bundle from Docker Compose and deploy it as Docker Stack in Docker Swarm Mode.… Click To Tweet

Source: blog.couchbase.com/2016/july/docker-services-stack-distributed-application-bundle

Docker Networking with Couchbase and WildFly

Docker Multi-Host networking allows you to create virtual networks and attach containers to them so you can create the network topology that is right for your application. This blog will show how to use it with Docker Compose.

CRUD Java Application with Couchbase, Java EE, and WildFly explained how to use a Java EE application to provide a CRUD/REST interface on a data bucket in Couchbase. It required to manually download and run WildFly. The blog also used Couchbase server using Docker and required manual configuration to load travel-sample bucket.

Configure Couchbase Docker Container using REST API explained how to use Couchbase REST API to configure Couchbase Server.

Docker Multi-Host Networking

This blog will remove the explicit download of WildFly and manual configuration of Couchbase server:

  • Use Docker Compose to start WildFly and Couchbase (no download required)
  • Use a Maven profile to configure Couchbase server (no manual configuration required)
  • Uses Docker multi-host networking so that WildFly and Couchbase server can talk to each other

Lets get started!

Start Couchbase and WildFly using Docker Multi-Host Networking and Compose

  1. Start WildFly and Couchbase server using docker-compose.yml file from github.com/arun-gupta/docker-images/blob/master/wildfly-couchbase-javaee7/docker-compose.yml:
    arungupta/wildfly-admin image is used as it binds WildFly’s management to all network interfaces, and in addition also exposes port 9990. This enables WildFly Maven Plugin to be used to deploy the application.

    container_name is specified for Couchbase service and referred in WildFly service using COUCHBASE_URI. This is then used to connect to Couchbase from the Java EE application.

    The application environment is started as:

    --x-networking is an experimental switch added to Docker Compose 1.9 that allows to create a bridge or an overlay network. By default, it creates a bridge network that works on a single host. The network created can be seen as:

    Issue 2221 provide more explanation about the default networks created. wildflycouchbasejavaee7 is the new bridge network created for our application.  Issue #2345 provide some details about incorrect driver name in the output message.

Configure Couchbase Server

  1. Clone couchbase-javaee repo:

  2. Configure Couchbase server:

    exec-maven-plugin is used to invoke REST API and configure Couchbase server and is configured in a Maven profile. Make sure to setup docker.host property in pom.xml.

  3. Deploy the application to WildFly:

    Make sure to specify the correct host on CLI. In this case, this is the IP address obtained using docker-machine ip default.

Invoke the Application

  1. Invoke the REST endpoint using cURL:

    Complete set of REST endpoints are documented at CRUD Java Application with Couchbase, Java EE and WildFly. They are listed here for convenience:

    1. GET a single airline:
    2. Create a new airline using POST:

    3. Update an existing airline using PUT:
    4. Delete an existing airline using DELETE:


CRUD Java Application with Couchbase, Java EE and WildFly

Couchbase is an open-source, NoSQL, document database. It allows to access, index, and query JSON documents while taking advantage of integrated distributed caching for high performance data access.

Developers can write applications to Couchbase using different languages (Java, Go, .NET, Node, PHP, Python, C) multiple SDKs. This blog will show how you can easily create a CRUD application using Java SDK for Couchbase.

REST with Couchbase

The application will use curl to issue REST commands to a JAX-RS endpoint deployed on WildFly. These commands will then perform CRUD operations on travel-sample bucket in Couchbase. N1QL (SQL query language for JSON) will be used to communicate with Couchbase to retrieve results. Both the “builder pattern” and raw N1QL commands will be used.

Couchbase CRUD using WildFly and Curl


Complete source code and instructions for the sample are available at github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee.

Lets get started!

Run Couchbase Server

Couchbase server can be easily downloaded from Couchbase Server Downloads page. In a containerized world, its a lot easier to fire up a Couchbase server using Docker.

If Docker is configured on your machine then the easiest way is to use Docker Compose for Couchbase:

Starting up the application server shows:

And then the logs can be seen as:

The database needs to be configured and is explained at Configure Couchbase Server. Make sure to install travel-sample bucket.

Deploy the Java EE Application on WildFly

  • Download WildFly 9.0.2 , unzip, and start WildFly application server as ./wildfly-9.0.0.Final/bin/standalone.sh.
  • Git clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee.git
  • Change directory cd couchbase-javaee
  • Deploy the application to WildFly: mvn install -Pwildfly.

The application uses Java SDK for Couchbase by importing the following Maven coordinates:

Invoke the REST Endpoints Using cURL

GET Airline resources (limit to 10)

Lets query the database to list 10 Airline resources.



The N1QL query for this is written as:
And can also be alternatively written as:
You may optionally update the code to include ORDER BY clause as shown in N1QL Tutorial.

GET one Airline resource

Use id attribute to query a single Airline resource



POST a new Airline resource

Learn how to run N1QL queries from the CLI using CBQ tool and verify the existing sample data:

This query retrieve documents where airline’s name is Airlinair. The count is shown in metrics.resultCount.

Create a new document using POST.



Query again using CBQ and now the results are shown as:
Note that two JSON documents are returned instead of one as before the POST command was issued.

PUT an existing Airline resource

Update an existing resource using HTTP POST.

The data model for travel-sample bucket requires to include “id” attribute in the payload and in the URI as well.


Name of the airline is updated from “Airlinair” to “Airlin Air”, all other attributes stay the same.


The updated record is shown in the response.

Querying for Airlinair gives:

So the previously added record is now updated and thus does not appear in query results. Querying for Airlin Airgives:

This shows the newly updated document.

DELETE an existing Airline resource

Query for a unique id:

Notice that one document is returned.

Lets delete this document.



The deleted document is shown in the response.

Query again for the deleted id:

And no results are returned!

As mentioned earlier, the complete code base is at github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-javaee.


Kubernetes Application – Package Multiple Resources Together

Deploying an application in Kubernetes require to create multiple resources such as Pods, Services, Replication Controllers, and others. Typically each resource is define in a configuration file and created using kubectl script. But if multiple resources need to be created then you need to invoke kubectl multiple times. So if you need to create the following resources:

  • MySQL Pod
  • MySQL Service
  • WildFly Replication Controller

Then the commands would look like:

Or for convenience, wrap these invocations in a shell script. But that is not very intuitive! There is a better, and more natural and intuitive way.

Kubernetes allow multiple resources to be specified in a single configuration file. This allows to create a “Kubernetes Application” that can consists of multiple resources easily.

Previous section showed how to deploy the Java EE application using multiple configuration files. This application can be delpoyed using a single configuration file as well.

An application, as discussed above, consisting of MySQL Pod, MySQL Service, and WildFly Replication Controller can be created using the following configuration file:

Notice that each section, one each for MySQL Pod, MySQL Service, and WildFly Replication Controller, is separated by ----.

Such an application can be created as:

Complete details about how to setup Kubernetes and run this application are available at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample/#kubernetes-application.

More details about creating a Kubernetes application with multiple resources can be found in #12104.

You can learn about how to create Kubernetes resources for a Java application, or otherwise, at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample/.

Kubernetes Design Patterns

14,000 commits and 400 contributors (including one tiny commit from me!) is what build Kubernetes 1.0. It is now available!

  • Download here
  • API Docs
  • Kubectl command tool
  • Getting Started Guide
  • Kubernetes Introduction Slides

This blog discusses some of the Kubernetes design patterns. All source code for the design patterns discussed below are available at kubernetes-java-sample.

Key Concepts of Kubernetes

At a very high level, there are three key concepts:

  • Pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed. Its a logical collection of containers that belong to an application.
  • Master is the central control point that provides a unified view of the cluster. There is a single master node that control multiple minions.
  • Node is a worker node that run tasks as delegated by the master. Minions can run one or more pods. It provides an application-specific “virtual host” in a containerized environment.

Kubernetes Key Concepts


Some other concepts to be aware of:

  • Replication Controller is a resource at Master that ensures that requested number of pods are running on nodes at all times.
  • Service is an object on master that provides load balancing across a replicated group of pods.
  • Label is an arbitrary key/value pair in a distributed watchable storage that the Replication Controller uses for service discovery.

Start Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Easiest way to start a Kubernetes cluster on a Mac OS is using Vagrant:
  2. Alternatively, Kubernetes can be downloaded from github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/releases/download/v1.0.0/kubernetes.tar.gz, and cluster can be started as:

Kubernetes Cluster Vagrant

A Pod with One Container

This section will explain how to start a Pod with one Container. WildFly base Docker image will be used as the Container.

Kubernetes One Pod

Pod, Replication Controller, Service, etc are all resources in Kubernetes. They can be created using the kubectl by using a configuration file.

The configuration file in this case:

Complete details on how to create a Pod are explained at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample#a-pod-with-one-container

Java EE Application Deployed in a Pod with One Container

This section will show how to deploy a Java EE application in a Pod with one Container. WildFly, with an in-memory H2 database, will be used as the container.

Kubernetes Java EE 7 Application

Configuration file is:

Complete details at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample#java-ee-application-deployed-in-a-pod-with-one-container-wildfly–h2-in-memory-database.

A Replication Controller with Two Replicas of a Pod

This section will explain how to start a Replication Controller with two replicas of a Pod. Each Pod will have one WildFly container.

Kubernetes Replication Controller

Configuration file is:

Complete details at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample#a-replication-controller-with-two-replicas-of-a-pod-wildfly

Rescheduling Pods

Replication Controller ensures that specified number of pod “replicas” are running at any one time. If there are too many, the replication controller kills some pods. If there are too few, it starts more.

Kubernetes Pod Rescheduling

Complete details at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample#rescheduling-pods.

Scaling Pods

Replication Controller allows dynamic scaling up and down of Pods.

Kubernetes Scaling Pods

Complete details at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample#scaling-pods.

Kubernetes Service

Pods are ephemeral. IP address assigned to a Pod cannot be relied upon. Kubernetes, Replication Controller in particular, create and destroy Pods dynamically. A consumer Pod cannot rely upon the IP address of a producer Pod.

Kubernetes Service is an abstraction which defines a set of logical Pods. The set of Pods targeted by a Service are determined by labels associated with the Pods.

This section will show how to run a WildFly and MySQL containers in separate Pods. WildFly Pod will talk to the MySQL Pod using a Service.

Kubernetes Service

Complete details at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample#kubernetes-service.

Here are couple of blogs that will help you get started:

The complete set of Kubernetes blog entries provide more details.


ZooKeeper for Microservice Registration and Discovery

In a microservice world, multiple services are typically distributed in a PaaS environment. Immutable infrastructure is provided by containers or immutable VM images. Services may scale up and down based upon certain pre-defined metrics. Exact address of the service may not be known until the service is deployed and ready to be used.

This dynamic nature of service endpoint address is handled by service registration and discovery. In this, each service registers with a broker and provide more details about itself, such as the endpoint address. Other consumer services then queries the broker to find out the location of a service and invoke it. There are several ways to register and query services such as ZooKeeper, etcd, consul, Kubernetes, Netflix Eureka and others.

Monolithic to Microservice Refactoring showed how to refactor an existing monolith to a microservice-based application. User, Catalog, and Order service URIs were defined statically. This blog will show how to register and discover microservices using ZooKeeper.

Many thanks to Ioannis Canellos (@iocanel) for all the ZooKeeper hacking!

What is ZooKeeper?

Apache ZooKeeperZooKeeper is an Apache project and provides a distributed, eventually consistent hierarchical configuration store.


ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications.

Apache ZooKeeper

So a service can register with ZooKeeper using a logical name, and the configuration information can contain the URI endpoint. It can consists of other details as well, such as QoS.

Apache Curator ZooKeeper has a steep learning curve as explained in Apache ZooKeeper Made Simpler with Curator. So, instead of using ZooKeeper directly, this blog will use Apache Curator.

Curator n ˈkyoor͝ˌātər: a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection – A ZooKeeper Keeper.

Apache Curator

Apache Curator has several components, and this blog will use the Framework:

The Curator Framework is a high-level API that greatly simplifies using ZooKeeper. It adds many features that build on ZooKeeper and handles the complexity of managing connections to the ZooKeeper cluster and retrying operations.

Apache Curator Framework

ZooKeeper Concepts

ZooKeeper Overview provides a great overview of the main concepts. Here are some of the relevant ones:

  • Znodes: ZooKeeper stores data in a shared hierarchical namespace that is organized like a standard filesystem. The name space consists of data registers – called znodes, in ZooKeeper parlance – and these are similar to files and directories.
  • Node name: Every node in ZooKeeper’s name space is identified by a path. Exact name of a node is a sequence of path elements separated by a slash (/).
  • Client/Server: Clients connect to a single ZooKeeper server. The client maintains a TCP connection through which it sends requests, gets responses, gets watch events, and sends heart beats. If the TCP connection to the server breaks, the client will connect to a different server.
  • Configuration data: Each node in a ZooKeeper namespace can have data associated with it as well as children. ZooKeeper was originally designed to store coordination data, so the data stored at each node is usually small, in less than KB range).
  • Ensemble: ZooKeeper itself is intended to be replicated over a sets of hosts called an ensemble. The servers that make up the ZooKeeper service must all know about each other.
  • Watches: ZooKeeper supports the concept of watches. Clients can set a watch on a znode. A watch will be triggered and removed when the znode changes.

ZooKeeper is a CP system with regards to CAP theorem. This means if there is a partition failure, it will be consistent but not available. This can lead to problems that are explained in Eureka! Why You Shouldn’t Use ZooKeeper for Service Discovery.

Nevertheless, ZooKeeper is one of the most popular service discovery mechanisms used in microservices world.

Lets get started!

Start ZooKeeper

  1. Start a ZooKeeper instance in a Docker container:
  2. Verify ZooKeeper instance by using telnet as:
    Type the command “ruok” to verify that the server is running in a non-error state.The server will respond with “imok” if it is running:
    Otherwise it will not respond at all. ZooKeeper has other similar four-letter commands.

Service Registration and Discovery

Each service, User, Catalog, and Order in our case, has an eagerly initialized bean that registers and unregisters the service as part of lifecycle initialization methods as. Here is the code from CatalogService:

The code is pretty simple, it injects ServiceRegistry class, with @ZooKeeperRegistry qualifier. This is then used to register and unregister the service. Multiple URIs, one each for a stateless service, can be registered under the same logical name.

At this time, the qualifier comes from another maven module. A cleaner Java EE way would be to move the @ZooKeeperRegistry qualifier to a CDI extension (#20). And when this qualifier when specified on any REST endpoint will register the service with ZooKeeper (#22). For now, service endpoint URI is hardcoded as well (#24).

What does ZooKeeper class look like?

  1. ZooKeeper class uses constructor injection and hardcoding IP address and port (#23):
    It does the following tasks:

    1. Loads ZooKeeper’s host/port from a properties file
    2. Initializes Curator framework and starts it
    3. Initializes a hashmap to store the URI name to zNode mapping. This node is deleted later to unregister the service.
  2. Service registration is done using registerService method as:
    Code is pretty straight forward:

    1. Create a parent zNode, if needed
    2. Create an ephemeral and sequential node
    3. Add metadata, including URI, to this node
  3. Service discovery is done using discover method as:
    Again, simple code:

    1. Find all children for the path registered for the service
    2. Get metadata associated with this node, URI in our case, and return.The first such node is returned in this case. Different QoS parameters can be attached to the configuration data. This will allow to return the appropriate service endpoint.

Read ZooKeeper Javadocs for API.

ZooKeeper watches can be setup to inform the client about the lifecycle of the service (#27). ZooKeeper path caches can provide an optimized implementation of the children nodes (#28).

Multiple Service Discovery Implementations

Our shopping cart application has two two service discovery implementations – ServiceDisccoveryStatic and ServiceDiscoveryZooKeeper. The first one has all the service URIs defined statically, and the other one retrieves them from ZooKeeper.

Other means to register and discover can be easily added by creating a new package in services module and implementing ServiceRegistry interface. For example, Snoop, etcd, Consul, and Kubernetes. Feel free to send a PR for any of those.

Run Application

  1. Make sure the ZooKeeper image is running as explained earlier.
  2. Download and run WildFly:
  3. Deploy the application:
  4. Access the application at localhost:8080/everest-web/. Learn more about the application and different components in Monolithic to Microservices Refactoring for Java EE Applications blog.


Monolithic to Microservices Refactoring for Java EE Applications

Have you ever wondered what does it take to refactor an existing Java EE monolithic application to a microservices-based one?

This blog explains how a trivial shopping cart example was converted to microservices-based application, and what are some of the concerns around it. The complete code base for monolithic and microservices-based application is at: github.com/arun-gupta/microservices.

Read on for full glory!

Java EE Monolith

A Java EE monolithic application is typically defined as a WAR or an EAR archive. The entire functionality for the application is packaged in a single unit. For example, an online shopping cart may consist of User, Catalog, and Order functionalities. All web pages are in root of the application, all corresponding Java classes are in the WEB-INF/classes directory, resources in WEB-INF/classes/META-INF directory.

Lets assume that your monolith is not designed as a distributed big ball of mud and the application is built following good software architecture. Some of the common rules are:

  • Separation of concerns, possibly using Model-View-Controller
  • High cohesion and low coupling using well-defined APIs
  • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
  • Interfaces/APIs and implementations are separate, and following Law of Demeter. Classes don’t call other classes directly because they happen to be in the same archive
  • Using Domain Driven Design to keep objects related to a domain/component together
  • YAGNI or You Aren’t Going to Need It: Don’t build something that you don’t need now

Here is how a trivial shopping cart monolithic WAR archive might look like:

Java EE Monolithic

This monolithic application has:

  • Web pages, such as .xhtml files, for User, Catalog, and Order component, packaged in the root of the archive. Any CSS and JavaScript resources that are shared across different webpages are also packaged with these pages.
  • Classes for the three components are in separate packages in WEB-INF/classes directory. Any utility/common classes used by multiple classes are packed here as well.
  • Configuration files for each component are packaged inWEB-INF/classes/META-INF directory. Any config files for the application, such as persistence.xml and load.sql to connect and populate the data store respectively, are also packaged here.

It has the usual advantages of well-known architecture, IDE-friendly, easy sharing, simplified testing, easy deployment, and others. But also comes with disadvantages such as limited agility, obstacle for continuous delivery, “stuck” with a technology stack, growing technical debt, and others.

Even though microservices are all the raze these days, but monoliths are not bad. Even those that are not working for you may not benefit much, or immediately, from moving to microservices. Other approaches, such as just better software engineering and architecture, may help. Microservices is neither a free lunch or a silver bullet and requires significant investment to be successful such as service discovery, service replication, service monitoring, containers, PaaS, resiliency, and a lot more.

don’t even consider microservices unless you have a system that’s too complex to manage as a monolith.

Microservice Premium

Microservice Architecture for Java EE

Alright, I’ve heard about all of that but would like to see a before/after, i.e. how a monolith code base and how a refactored microservice codebase looks like.

First, lets look at the overall architecture:

Java EE Microservices

The key pieces in this architecture are:

  • Application should be functionally decomposed where User, Order, and Catalog components are packaged as separate WAR files. Each WAR file should have the relevant web pages (#15), classes, and configuration files required for that component.
    • Java EE is used to implement each component but there is no long term commitment to the stack as different components talk to each other using a well-defined API (#14).
    • Different classes in this component belong to the same domain and so the code is easier to write and maintain. The underlying stack can also change, possibly keeping technical debt to a minimum.
  • Each archive has its own database, i.e. no sharing of data stores. This allows each microservice to evolve and choose whatever type of datastore – relational, NoSQL, flat file, in-memory or some thing else – is most appropriate.
  • Each component will register with a Service Registry. This is required because multiple stateless instances of each service might be running at a given time and their exact endpoint location will be known only at the runtime (#17).Netflix Eureka, Etcd, Zookeeper are some options in this space (more details).
  • If components need to talk to each other, which is quite common, then they would do so using a pre-defined API. REST for synchronous or Pub/Sub for asynchronous communication are the common means to achieve this.In our case, Order component discovers User and Catalog service and talks to them using REST API.
  • Client interaction for the application is defined in another application, Shopping Cart UI in our case. This application mostly discover the services from Service Registry and compose them together. It should mostly be a dumb proxy where the UI pages of different components are invoked to show the interface (#18).A common look-and-feel can be achieved by providing a standard CSS/JavaScript resources.

This application is fairly trivial but at least highlights some basic architectural differences.

Monolith vs Microservice

Some of the statistics for the monolith and microservices-based applications are compared below:

Characteristic Monolith Microservice
Number of archives  1  5

  • Contracts (JAR, ~4 KB)
  • Order (WAR, ~7 KB)
  • User (WAR, ~6 KB)
  • Catalog (WAR, ~8 KB)
  • Web UI (WAR, 27 KB)
Web pages  8  8 (see below)
Configuration Files  4

  • web.xml
  • template.xhtml
  • persistence.xml
  • load.sql
 3 per archive

  • persistence.xml
  • load.sql
  • web.xml
Class files  12 26

  • Service registration for each archive
  • Service discovery classes
  • Application class for each archive
Total archive size  24 KB  ~52 KB (total)

Code base for the monolithic application is at: github.com/arun-gupta/microservices/tree/master/monolith/everest

Code base for the microservices-enabled application is at: github.com/arun-gupta/microservices/tree/master/microservice

Issues and TODOs

Here are the issues encountered, and TODOs, during refactoring of the monolith to a microservices-based application:

  • Java EE already enables functional decomposition of an application using EAR packaging. Each component of an application can be packaged as a WAR file and be bundled within an EAR file. They can even share resources that way. Now that is not a true microservices way, but this could be an interim step to get you started. However, be aware that@FlowScoped bean is not activated in an EAR correctly (WFLY-4565).
  • Extract all template files using JSF Resource Library Templates.
    • All web pages are currently in everest module but they should live in each component instead (#15).
    • Resource Library Template should be deployed at a central location as opposed to packaged with each WAR file (#16).
  • Breakup monolithic database into multiple databases require separate persistence.xml and DDL/DML scripts for each application. Similarly, migration scripts, such as using Flyway, would need to be created accordingly.
  • A REST interface for all components, that need to be accessed by another one, had to be created.
  • UI is still in a single web application. This should instead be included in the decomposed WAR (#15) and then composed again in the dumb proxy. Does that smell like portlets?
  • Deploy the multiple WAR files in a PaaS (#12)
  • Each microservice should be easily deployable in a container (#6)

Here is the complete list of classes for the monolithic application:

Here is the complete list of classes for the microservices-based application:

Once again, the complete code base is at github.com/arun-gupta/microservices.

Future Topics

Some of the future topics in this series would be:

  • Are containers required for microservices?
  • How do I deploy multiple microservices using containers?
  • How can all these services be easily monitored?
  • A/B Testing
  • Continuous Deployment using microservices and containers

What else would you like to see?



Deploying Java EE Application to Docker Swarm Cluster (Tech Tip #88)

What is Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm provides native clustering to Docker. Clustering using Docker Swarm 0.2.0 provide a basic introduction to Docker Swarm, and how to create a simple three node cluster. As a refresher, the key components of Docker Swarm are shown below:

In short, Swarm Manager is a pre-defined Docker Host, and is a single point for all administration. Additional Docker hosts are identified as Nodes and communicate with the Manager using TCP. By default, Swarm uses hosted Discovery Service, based on Docker Hub, using tokens to discover nodes that are part of a cluster. Each node runs a Node Agent that registers the referenced Docker daemon, monitors it, and updates the Discovery Service with the node’s status. The containers run on a node.

That blog provide complete details, but a quick summary to create the cluster is shown below:

Listing the cluster shows:

It has one master and two nodes.

Deploy a Java EE application to Docker Swarm

All hosts in the cluster are accessible using a single, virtual host. Swarm serves the standard Docker API, so any tool that communicates with a single Docker host communicate can scale to multiple Docker hosts by communicating to this virtual host.

Docker Container Linking Across Multiple Hosts explains how to link containers across multiple Docker hosts. It deploys a Java EE 7 application to WildFly on one Docker host, and connects it with a MySQL container running on a different Docker host. We can deploy both of these containers using the virtual host, and they will then be deployed to the Docker Swarm cluster.

Lets get started!

MySQL on Docker Swarm

  1. Start the MySQL container
  2. Status of the container can be seen as:
    It shows the container is running on swarm-node-01.

    Make sure you are connected to the Docker Swarm cluster using eval $(docker-machine env --swarm swarm-master).

  3. Find IP address of the host where this container is started:

    Note IP address of the node where MySQL server is running. This will be used when starting WildFly application server later.

    ps: Filtering by name seem to not return accurate results (#10897).

WildFly on Docker Swarm

  1. Start WildFly application server by passing the IP address of the host and the port on which MySQL server is running:

  2. Status of the container can be seen as:

    It shows the container is running on swarm-node-02. IP address of the host is also shown in the PORTS column.

    As explained in Tech Tip #69, JDBC URL of the data source uses the specified IP address and port for connecting with the MySQL server. However passing IP address is very brittle as the MySQL server may restart on a different Docker host. This is filed as #773.

  3. Access the application at:

    This is using the IP address of the host where the container is started.



Microservices, Monoliths, and NoOps

Monolithic Applications

A monolith application, in layman terms, is where entire functionality of the application is packaged together as a single unit or application. This unit could be JAR, WAR, EAR, or some other archive format, but its all integrated in a single unit. For example an online shopping website will typically consists of customer, product, catalog, checkout, and other features. Another example is of a movieplex. Such an application would typically consist of show booking, add/delete movie, ticket sales, accrue movie points, and other features. In case of a monolithic application, all these features are implemented and packaged together as one application.

Movieplex7 is one such canonical Java EE 7 sample application and the main features are shown below:

Movieplex7 Features

This application when packaged as a WAR would looks like:

Moviexplex WAR Package

The archive consists of some web pages that forms the UI. Classes implement the business logic, persistence, backing beans, etc. And finally there are some configuration files that define database connection, CDI configuration, etc.

More specifically, structure of the WAR looks like:

Movieplex7 WAR Structure

In this WAR structure, web pages are within the green box, all classes are within the orange box, and configuration files are within the blue box.

This application is somewhat modular as all the classes are neatly organized in package by different functionality. Web pages and configuration files follow a similar pattern as well.

Advantages of Monolithic Applications

There are a few advantages of this style of application:

  1. Well Known: This is how typically applications have been built so far. Its easy to conceptualize and all the code is in one place. Majority of existing tools, application servers, frameworks, scripts are able to deal with such kind of applications.
  2. IDE-friendly: Development environments, such as NetBeans, Eclipse, or IntelliJ, can be easily setup for such applications. IDEs are typically designed to develop, deploy, debug, profile a single application easily. Stepping through the code base is easy because the codebase is all together.
  3. Easy Sharing: A single archive, with all the functionality, can be shared between teams and across different stages of deployment pipeline.
  4. Simplified Testing: Once the application is deployed successfully, all the services, or features, are up and available. This simplifies testing as there are no additional dependencies to wait for in order for the testing to begin. Either the application is available, in which case all features are available, or the application is not available at all. Accessing or testing the application is simplified in either case.
  5. Easy Deployment: Easy to deploy since, typically, a single archive needs to be copied to one directory. The deployment times could vary but the process is pretty straight forward.

Disadvantages of Monolithic Applications

Monolith applications have served us well so far, and most likely will continue to work for some in the years to come. There are websites like Etsy that have 60 million monthly visitors and 1.5 billion monthly page views and are built/deployed as one large monolith. They have taken monoliths to an extreme where they are doing 50 deploys/day using a single large application. Unfortunately, most of the companies are not like that.

A monolithic application, no matter how modular, will eventually start to break down as the team grows, experienced developers leave and new ones join, application scope increases, new ways to access the applications are added, and so on. Take any monolith application that has spanned multiple years and teams and the entire code base will look like a bug ball of mud. That’s how software evolves especially when there is a pressure to deliver.

Lets look at some of the disadvantages of monolithic applications

  • Limited Agility: Every tiny change to the application means full redeployment of the archive. Consider the use case where only one piece of functionality in the application needs to be updated, such as booking or add/delete movie. This would require the entire application to be built again, and deployed again, even though other parts of the application has not changed. This means that developers will have to wait for the entire application to be deployed if they want to see the impact of quick change made in their workspace. Even if not intentional, but this may require tight coupling between different features of the application. This may not be possible all the time, especially if multiple developers are working on the application. This reduces agility of the team and the frequency by which new features can be delivered.
  • Obstacle for continuous delivery: The sample application used here is rather small so the time it takes to rebuild and deploy the archive would not be noticeable much. But a real-life application would be much bigger, and deployment times can be frustratingly long and slow. If a single change to the application would require entire application to be redeployed then this could become an obstacle to frequent deployments, and thus an impediment of continuous deployment. This could be a serious issue if you are serving a mobile application where users expect latest cool new feature all the time.
  • “Stuck” with Technology Stack: Choice of technology for such applications are evaluated and decided before the application development starts. Everybody in the team is required to use the same language, persistence stores, messaging system, and use similar tools to keep the team aligned. But this is like fitting a square peg in a round hole. Is MySQL an appropriate data store for storing graph databases? Is Java the most appropriate language for building front-end reactive applications? Its typically not possible to change technology stack mid stream without throwing away or rewriting significant part of existing application.
  • Technical Debt: “Not broken, don’t fix it” methodology is very common in software developed, more so for monolithic applications. This is convenient and enables to keep the application running.  A poor system design or badly written code is that much difficult to modify because other pieces of the application might be using it in unexpected ways. Software entropy of the system increases over a period of time unless it is refactored. Typically such an application is built over several years with the team that is maintaining the code base completely different from the one that created the application. This increases technical debt of the application and makes it that much harder to refactor the application later on.

What are Microservices?

The growing demand for agility, flexibility, and scalability to meet rapidly evolving business needs creates a strong need for a faster and more efficient delivery of software.

Meet Microservices!

Microservices is a software architectural style that require functional decomposition of an application. A monolithic application is broken down into multiple smaller services, each deployed in its own archive, and then composed as a single application using standard lightweight communication, such as REST over HTTP. The term “micro” in microservices is no indication of the LOCs in the service, it only indicates the scope is limited to a single functionality.

We’ve all been using microservices for a few years already. Think about a trivial mobile application can tell you the ratings of a hotel, find out the weather at your destination, book the hotel, locate directions to your hotel, find a nearby restaurant, and so on. This application is likely using different services such as Yelp, Google Maps, Yahoo Weather API, etc to accomplish these tasks. Each of this functionality is effectively running as an independent service and composed together in this single mobile application. Explosion of mobile apps, and their support for the growing business demand is also highlighted by Forrester’s four-tier engagement platform, and services are a key part of that.

Lets look at what are the characteristics of a microservice based application.

Characteristics of Microservices

Lets look at the characteristics of an application built using microservices.

  • Domain Driven Design: Functional decomposition of an application can be achieved using well-defined principles of Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans. This is not the only way to break down the applications but certainly a very common way. Each team is responsible for building the entire functionality around that domain or function of the business. Teams building a service include full range of developers, thus following the full-stack development methodology, and include skills for user interface, business logic, and persistence.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: Each service should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality, and it should do that well. This is one of the SOLID principles and has been very well demonstrated by Unix utilities.
  • Explicitly Published Interface: Each service publishes an explicitly defined interface and honors that all times. The consuming service only cares about that interface, and does not, rather should not, have any runtime dependency on the consumed service. The services agree upon the domain models, API, payload, or some other contract and they communicate using only that. A newer version of the interface may be introduced, but either the previous versions will continue to exist or the newer services are backwards compatible. You cannot break compatibility by changing contracts.
  • Independently Deploy, Upgrade, Scale, Replace: Each service can be independently deployed, and redeployed again, without impacting the overall system. This allows a service to be easily upgraded, for example to add more features. Each service can also scale independently on X-axis (horizontal duplication) or Z-axis (lookup oriented splits) as defined in Art of Scalability. Implementation of the service, or even the underlying technology stack, can change as long as the exact same contract is published. This is possible because other services rely only upon the published interface.
  • Potentially Heterogeneous/Polyglot: Implementation detail of the one service should not matter to another service. This enables the services to be decoupled from each other, and allows the team building the service to pick the language, persistence store, tools, methodology that is most appropriate for them. A service that requires to store data in a RDBMS can choose MySQL, and another service that needs to store documents can choose Mongo. Different teams can choose Java EE, NodeJS, Python, Vert.x, or whatever is most efficient for them.
  • Light-weight Communication: Services communicate with each other using a light-weight communication, such as REST over HTTP. This is inherently synchronous and so could have some potential bottle necks. An alternative mechanism is to use publish-subscribe mechanism that supports asynchronous messaging. Any of the messaging protocols such as AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, or WebSocket that meet the needs can be used there. Simple messaging implementations, such as ActiveMQ, that provide a reliable asynchronous fabric are quite appropriate for such usages. The choice of synchronous and asynchronous messaging is very specific to each service. They can even use a combination of the two approaches. Similarly the choice of protocol is very specific to each service but there is enough choice and independence for each team building the service.

Netflix is a poster child for microservices and several articles have been published on their adoption of microservices. A wide range of utilities that power their architecture are available at netflix.github.io.

Advantages of Microservices

  • Easier to develop, understand, and maintain: Code in a microservice is restricted to one function of the business and is thus easier to understand. IDEs can load the small code base very easily and keep the developers productive.
  • Starts faster than a monolith: Scope of each microservice is much smaller than a monolith and this leads to a smaller archive. As a result the deployment and the startup is much faster keeping developers productive.
  • Local change can be easily deployed: Each service can be deployed independent of other services. Any change local to the service can be easily made by the developer without requiring coordination with other teams. For example, performance of a service can be improved by changing the underlying implementation. As a result this keeps the agility of the microservice. This is also a great enabler of CI/CD.
  • Scale independently: Each service can scale independently using X-axis cloning and Z-axis partitioning based upon their need. This is very different from monolithic applications that may have very different requirements and yet must be deployed together.
  • Improves fault isolation: A misbehaving service, such as with a memory leak or unclosed database connections, will only affect that service as opposed to the entire monolithic application. This improves fault isolation and does not brings the entire application down, just a piece of it.
  • No long term commitment to any stack: Developers are free to pick language and stack that is best suited for their service. Even though the organizations may restrict the choice of technology but you are not penalized because of past decisions. It also enables to rewrite the service using better languages and technologies. This gives freedom of choice to pick a technology, tools, and frameworks.

Microservices may seem like a silver bullet that can solve significant amount of software problems. They serve a pretty good purpose but are certainly not easy. A significant operations overhead is required for these, and this article from Infoworld clearly points out.

with microservices, some technical debt is bound to shift from dev to ops, so you’d better have a crack devops team in place

This is very critical as now your one monolith is split across multiple microservices and they must talk to each other. Each microservice may be using a different platform, stack, persistent store and thus will have different monitoring and management requirements. Each service can then independently scale on X-axis and Z-axis. Each service can be redeployed multiple times during the day.

Microservices and NoOps

This imposes additional requirements on your infrastructure. These are commonly put together and called as NoOps. Essentially these are a set of services that provide a better process for deploying applications, and keep them running.

  • Service replication: Each service need to replicate, typically using X-axis cloning or Y-axis partitioning. Does each service need to build their logic to scale? For example, Kubernetes provide a great way to replicate services easily using Replication Controller.
  • Service discovery: Multiple services might be collaborating to provide an application’s functionality. This will require a service to discover other services. It could be tricky in a cloud environment where the services are ephemeral and possibly scale up and down. Resolving the services that are required for a service is thus a common functionality for all other services. Services need to register with a central registry and other services need to query this registry for resolving any dependencies. Netflix Eureka, Etcd, Zookeeper are some options in this space (more details).
  • Resiliency: Failure in software occurs, no matter how much and how hard you test it. The key question is not “how to avoid failure” but “how to deal with it”. This is all the more prominent in microservices where services are distributed all over the Internet. Its important for services to automatically take corrective action and ensure the user experience is not impacted. Michael Nygard’s book Release It! introducs Circuit Breaker pattern to deal with software resiliency. Netflix’s Hystrix provide an implementation of this design pattern (more details).
  • Service monitoring: One of the most important aspects of a distributed system is service monitoring and logging. This allows to take a proactive action, for example, if a service is consuming unexpected resources.

Refactoring into Microservices

Microservices also does not mean you need to throw away your existing application. Rather in majority (99.9%?) cases, you cannot throw away the application. So you’ve to build a methodology on how to refactor an existing application using microservices. However you need to bring your monolith to a stage where it is ready for refactoring. As Distributed big balls of mud highlight:

If you can’t built a monolith, what makes you think microservices are the answer?

Refactoring may not be trivial but in the long terms this has benefits which is also highlighted in the previously quoted article from Infoworld:

Refactoring a big monolithic application [using microservices] can be the equivalent of a balloon payment [for reducing technical debt] … you can pay down technical debt one service at a time

Functional decomposition of a monolith is very important otherwise it becomes a distributed monolith as opposed to a microservice based application.

Future Blogs

A subsequent blog on blog.arungupta.me will show how to refactor an existing Java EE application using microservices.

Some more questions that would be answered in subsequent blogs ….

  • How is it different from SOA?
  • Is REST the only way to exchange data? What messaging prorotocols?
  • Does microservices simplify/require CI/CD?
  • How is it related to Containers and DevOps? Are containers required to run microservices?
  • Are there any standards around microservices?
  • Are we pushing the problems around to orchestration?
  • What roles does PaaS play to enable microservices?
  • How can existing investment be leveraged?
  • Microservices Maturity Model


9 Docker recipes for Java EE Applications – Tech Tip #80

Cross-posted from www.voxxed.com/blog/2015/03/9-docker-recipes-for-java-ee-applications/

So, you’d like to start using Docker for Java EE applications?

A typical Java EE application consists of an application server, such as WildFly, and a database, such as MySQL. In addition, you might have a separate front-end tier, say Apache, for load balancing a number of application server. A caching layer, such as Infinispan, may be used to improve overall application performance. Messaging system, such as ActiveMQ, may be used for processing queues. Both the caching and messaging components could be setup as a cluster for further scalability.

This Tech Tip will show some simple Docker recipes to configure your containers that use application server and database. Subsequent blog will cover more advanced recipes that will include front-end, caching, messaging, and clustering.

Lets get started!

Docker Recipe #1: Setup Docker using Docker Machine

If Docker is not already setup on your machine, then as a first step, you need to set it up. If you are on a recent version of Linux then you already have Docker. Or optionally can be installed as:

On Mac and Windows, this means installing boot2docker which is a Tinycore Linux VM and comes with Docker host. Then you need to configure ssh keys and certificates.

Fortunately, this is extremely simplified using Docker Machine. It takes you from zero-to-Docker on a host with a single command. This host could be your laptop, in the cloud, or in your data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, then configures the Docker client to talk to them.

This recipe is explained in detail in Docker Machine to Setup Docker Host.

Docker Recipe #2: Application Server + In-memory Database

One of the cool features of Java EE 7 is the default database resource. This allows you to not worry about creating a JDBC resource in an application server-specific before your application is accessible. Any Java EE 7 compliant application server will map the default JDBC resource name (java:comp/DefaultDataSource) to the application server-specific resource in the bundled database server.

For example, WildFly comes bundled with H2 in-memory database. This database is ready to be used as soon as WildFly is ready to accept your requests. This simplifies your development efforts and allows you to do a rapid prototyping. The default JDBC resource is mapped to
java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS which is then mapped to the JDBC URL of jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE.

In such a case, the Database server is another application running inside the Application server.

Docker Recipe for Java EE Application #1

Here is the command that runs Java EE 7 application in WildFly:

If you want to run a typical Java EE 7 application using WildFly and H2 in-memory database, then this Docker recipe is explained in detail in Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab on WildFly and Docker.

Docker Recipe #3: Two Containers on Same Host Using Linking

The previous recipe gets you started rather quickly but becomes a bottleneck soon as the database is only in-memory. This means that any changes made to your schema and data are lost after the application server shuts down. In this case, you need to use a database server that resides outside the application server. For example, MySQL as the database server and WildFly as the application server.

To keep things simple, both the database server and application server can run on the same host.

Docker Recipe for Java EE Application #2

Docker Container Links are used to link the two containers. Creating a link between two containers creates a conduit between a source container and a target container and securely transfer information about source container to target container. In our case, target container (WildFly) can see information about source container (MySQL). The important part to understand here is that none of this information needs to be publicly exposed by the source container, and is only made available to the target container.

Here are the commands that start the MySQL and WildFly containers and link them:

WildFly and MySQL linked on two Docker containers explains how to set up this recipe.

Docker Recipe #4: Two Containers on Same Host Using Fig

The previous recipe require you to run the containers in a specific order. Running multi-container applications can quickly become challenging if each tier of your application is sitting in a container. Fig (deprecated in favor of Docker Compose) is a Docker Orchestration Tool that:

  • Define multiple containers in a single configuration file
  • Create dependencies between two containers by creating links between them
  • Start containers in the right sequence

Docker Recipe for Java EE Application #3

The entry point for Fig is a configuration file as shown:

and all the containers can be started as:

Docker orchestration using Fig explains this recipe in detail.

Fig is only receiving updates. Its code base is used as basis for Docker Compose. This is explained in the next recipe.

Docker Recipe #5: Two Containers on Same Host Using Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running complex applications with Docker. With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a single command which does everything that needs to be done to get it running.

The application configuration file is the same format as from Fig. The containers can be started as:

This recipe is explained in detail in Docker Compose to Orchestrate Containers.

Docker Recipe #6: Two Containers on Different Hosts using IP Address

In the previous recipe, the two containers are running on the same host. These two could easily communicate using Docker linking. But simple container linking does not allow cross-host communication.

Running containers on the same host means you cannot scale each tier, database or application server, independently. This is where you need to run each container on a separate host.

Docker Recipe for Java EE Application #4

MySQL container can start as:

JDBC resource can be created as:

And WildFly container can start as:

Complete details for this recipe is explained in Docker container linking across multiple hosts.

Docker Recipe #7: Two Containers on Different Hosts using Docker Swarm

Docker Machine

Docker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. It turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual host. It picks-up where Docker Machine leaves off by optimizing host resource utilization and providing failover services.  Specifically, Docker Swarm allows users to create resource pools of hosts running Docker daemons and then schedule Docker containers to run on top, automatically managing workload placement and maintaining cluster state.

More details about this recipe are coming in a subsequent blog.

Docker Recipe #8: Deploy Java EE Application from Eclipse

Last recipe will deal with how to deploy your existing applications to a Docker container.

Lets say you are using JBoss Tools as your development environment and WildFly as your application server.

eclipse-logo JBoss Tools Logo

There are a couple of ways by which these applications can be deployed:

  • Use Docker volumes + Local deployment:  Here a directory on your local machine is mounted as a Docker Volume. WildFly Docker container is started by mapping that directory to the deployment directory as:
    Configure JBoss Tools to deploy WAR files to this directory.
  • Use WildFly management API + Remote deployment: Start WildFly Docker container, and additionally expose the management port 9990 as:
    Configure JBoss Tools to use a remote WildFly server and deploy using management APIs.

This recipe is explained in detail at Deploy to WildFly and Docker from Eclipse.

Docker Recipe #9: Test Java EE Applications using Arquillian Cube

Arquillian Cube allows you to control the lifecycle of Docker images as part of the test lifecyle, either automatically or manually. Cube uses Docker REST API to talk to the container. It uses the remote adapter API, for example WildFly in this case, to talk to the application server. Docker configuration is specified as part of the maven-surefire-plugin as:

Complete details about this recipe are available on Run Java EE Tests on Docker using Arquillian Cube.

What other recipes are you using to deploy your Java EE applications using Docker?


Setup Local Nexus Repository and Deploying WAR File from Maven (Tech Tip #74)

Maven Central serves as the central repository manager where binary artifacts are uploaded by different teams/companies/individuals and shared with rest of the world. Much like github, and other source code repositories, which are very effective for source code control, these repository managers also act as a deployment destination for your own generated binary artifacts.

Setting up a local repository manager has several advantages. The primary ones are that they act as a highly configurable proxy between Maven central so that everybody does not have to download all the dependencies from the central repo. Another primary reason is to control your interim generated artifacts within your team. Reasons to Use a Repository Manager provide detailed explanation of a complete set of benefits.

This Tech Tip will show how to setup a local Nexus repository manager, and push artifacts to it – both snapshots and releases.

Lets get started!

Install and Configure Local Nexus Repository

  1. Download and unzip latest Nexus OSS. Default administrator’s login/password is admin/admin123. Default deployment login/password is deployment/deployment123.
  2. Start up Nexus as:
    The logs can then be seen as:
    Or you can start where the logs are displayed in the console itself:
  3. Configure Maven Settings file (~.m2/settings.xml) to include the default deployment username and password as:

Deploy Snapshot to Local Nexus Repository

  1. Check out a simple Java EE sample from github.com/javaee-samples/javaee7-simple-sample.
  2. Create and deploy the WAR file to the local Nexus repository as:
    The snapshot repository, after pushing couple of builds, can be seen at localhost:8081/nexus/#view-repositories;snapshots~browsestorage and looks like as shown:

    Nexus Snapshot Repository

    The actual repository storage is in ../sonatype-work/nexus directory. This is created in parallel to where ever Nexus OSS bundle was unzipped.

Deploy Release to Local Nexus Repository

  1. Clean any previously performed release:

  2. Prepare for the next release:

  3. Perform the release:

    Notice, how this command is ending with an error. This is similar to as reported here but the strange thing is that the files are still uploaded on Nexus. Here is the snapshot from localhost:8081/nexus/#view-repositories;releases~browsestorage while trying to test multiple releases and wondering about these “spurious” error messages:

    Nexus Release Repository

    This error will require more debugging but at least snapshot and release builds can now be stored on local Nexus repository.

    UPDATE: Manfred Moser helped debug this error by sending pull requests. This error is now gone and instead should show something like:


You learned how to setup a local Nexus Repository and push snapshot and release builds to it. Subsequent blogs will show how this repository can be used for CI/CD.


Database Migrations in Java EE using Flyway (Hanginar #6)

flyway-logoDatabase schema of any Java EE application evolves along with business logic. This makes database migrations an important of any Java EE application.

Do you still perform them manually, along with your application deployment? Is it still a lock step process or run as two separate scripts – one for application deployment and one for database migrations?

Learn how Flyway simplifies database migrations, and seamlessly integrates with your Java EE application in this webinar with Axel Fontaine (@axelfontaine).

You’ll learn about:

  • Need for database migration tool in a Java EE application
  • Seamless integration with Java EE application lifecycle
  • SQL scripts and Java-based migrations
  • Getting Started guides
  • Comparison with Liquibase
  • And much more!

A fun fact about this, and jOOQ hanginar, is that both were conceived on the wonderful cruise as part of JourneyZone. Happy to report that these are now complete!


MySQL as Kubernetes Service, Access from WildFly Pod (Tech Tip #72)

Java EE 7 and WildFly on Kubernetes using Vagrant (Tech Tip #71) explained how to run a trivial Java EE 7 application on WildFly hosted using Kubernetes and Docker. The Java EE 7 application was the hands-on lab that have been delivered around the world. It uses an in-memory database that is bundled with WildFly and allows to understand the key building blocks of Kubernetes. This is good to get you started with initial development efforts but quickly becomes a bottleneck as the database is lost when the application server goes down. This tech tip will show how to run another trivial Java EE 7 application and use MySQL as the database server. It will use Kubernetes Services to explain how MySQL and WildFly can be easily decoupled.

Lets get started!

Make sure to have a working Kubernetes setup as explained in Kubernetes using Vagrant.

The complete source code used in this blog is available at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample.

Start MySQL Kubernetes pod

First step is to start the MySQL pod. This can be started by using the MySQL Kubernetes configuration file:

The configuration file used is at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample/blob/master/mysql.json.

Check the status of MySQL pod:

Wait till the status changes to “Running”. It will look like:

It takes a few minutes for MySQL server to be in that state, so grab a coffee or a quick fast one miler!

Start MySQL Kubernetes service

Pods, and the IP addresses assigned to them, are ephemeral. If a pod dies then Kubernetes will recreate that pod because of its self-healing features, but it might recreate it on a different host. Even if it is on the same host, a different IP address could be assigned to it. And so any application cannot rely upon the IP address of the pod.

Kubernetes services is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods. A service is typically back-ended by one or more physical pods (associated using labels), and it has a permanent IP address that can be used by other pods/applications. For example, WildFly pod can not directly connect to a MySQL pod but can connect to MySQL service. In essence, Kubernetes service offers clients an IP and port pair which, when accessed, redirects to the appropriate backends.

Kubernetes Services

Lets start MySQL service.

The configuration file used is at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample/blob/master/mysql-service.json. In this case, only a single MySQL instance is started. But multiple MySQL instances can be easily started and WildFly Pod will continue to refer to all of them using MySQL Service.

Check the status/IP of the MySQL service:

Start WildFly Kubernetes Pod

WildFly Pod must be started after MySQL service has started. This is because the environment variables used for creating JDBC resource in WildFly are only available after the service is up and running. Specifically, the JDBC resource is created as:

$MYSQL_SERVICE_HOST and $MYSQL_SERVICE_PORT environment variables are populated by Kubernetes as explained here.

This is shown at github.com/arun-gupta/docker-images/blob/master/wildfly-mysql-javaee7/customization/execute.sh#L44.

Start WildFly pod:

The configuration file used is at github.com/arun-gupta/kubernetes-java-sample/blob/master/wildfly.json.

Check the status of pods:

Wait until WildFly pod’s status is changed to Running. This could be a few minutes, so may be time to grab another quick miler!

Once the container is up and running, you can check /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml in the WildFly container and verify that the connection URL indeed contains the correct IP address. Here is how it looks on my machine:

The updated status (after the container is running) would look like as shown:

Access the Java EE 7 Application

Note down the HOST IP address of the WildFly container and access the application as:

to see the output as:

Or viewed in the browser as:

Java EE 7 Application using WildFly, MySQL, and Kubernetes

Debugging Kubernetes and Docker

Login to the Minion-1 VM:

Log in as root:

Default root password for VM images created by Vagrant is “vagrant”.

List of Docker containers running on this VM can be seen as:

Last 10 lines of the WildFly log (after application has been accessed a few times) can be seen as:

Similarly, MySQL log is seen as:
